about 1 month ago - Dead by Daylight - Direct link

Transcript (by Youtube)

0s but I also hear that you're bringing
1s something new in terms of offerings this
4s year so what do you up yes we are um
6s this will be the first time that we'll
7s be introducing uh winter team offering
10s when equipped uh in your Loadout it with
12s it will grant you additional blood
13s points for all unique uh bonent gameplay
16s interaction and also it will let you
18s start the trial with six no skull uh
20s already in your pocket so you can
21s already start the trial trading them
23s around or tra trade them in for the
25s instance stman MH um and also um uh with
30s the off it will generate a National
31s Chess in a trial and for the duration of
34s the event uh some of these chess will be
37s uh turned into winter team chest and uh
39s yeah those chest they guarantee you uh
41s either a rare a super rare or an ultra
45s rare item