June is Anniversary month!
There will be a ton of activities going on... for today, we are launching the contests! We will be updating this post with more information and details on the other activities during the first week of June.
Stay tuned!
Artwork contest
- 1st Prize: 24 000 AC / 2nd and 3rd prize: 18 000 AC
- Rules: https://forum.deadbydaylight.com/en/discussion/65223/artwork-contest-rules#latest
- Sub-forum: https://forum.deadbydaylight.com/en/categories/3-year-anniversary-artwork-contest
- 1st Prize: 24 000 AC / 2nd and 3rd prize: 18 000 AC
- Rules: https://forum.deadbydaylight.com/en/discussion/65216/cosplay-contest-rules#latest
- Sub-forum: https://forum.deadbydaylight.com/en/categories/cosplay-contest
- 1st Prize: 24 000 AC / 2nd and 3rd prize: 18 000 AC
- Rules: https://forum.deadbydaylight.com/en/discussion/65232/video-contest-rules#latest
- Sub-forum: https://forum.deadbydaylight.com/en/categories/3-year-anniversary-video-contest
in-game cosmetic CONTEST
- 2 winners will have their in-game cosmetic concepts integrated in the game! They will also win
- Rules: https://forum.deadbydaylight.com/en/discussion/65821/rules-design-your-in-game-cosmetic-contest#latest
- Sub-forum: https://forum.deadbydaylight.com/en/categories/design-your-in-game-cosmetic-
weekly Raffles DISCORD
- 2 winners per week
- Prize: 6 000 Auric Cells
- First raffle will open Saturday June 8th and the winners will be drawn on Friday June 14th
- Second raffle will open Saturday June 15th and the winners will be drawn on Friday June 21st
- Third raffle will open Saturday June 22nd and the winners will be drawn on Friday June 28th
- The winners will be contacted by a member of the Community Management team and will have to provide their in-game information before July 15th, 2019
- The prize will be added to the winners inventory before July 31st, 2019
Join our Discord server here:
- Wallpapers from artworks
- Cosplay Guide : Huntress
These items will release during the last week of June.
Test your DBD knowledge!
The exam starts on June 20th - 10AM EST and will be available for 24 hours.
There will be 50 questions on the exam.
Each question is worth 2 points.
- 0~58 points = F
- 60~68 = D
- 70~78 = C
- 80~88 = B
- 90~98 = A
- 100 = A+
Examinees who obtain an A or A+ during the first hour will enter a raffle.
20 prize of 2 225 Auric Cells raffled between the examinees who obtain A and A+ during the first hour of the exam.
Update: The first hour of the exam has passed and the winners have been selected! Check your emails (and your spam folders) to see if you've won.
Double Bloodpoint weekend!
From June 14th, 2019 to June 18th, 2019
In-game Anniversary
From June 18th, 2019 to July 2nd, 2019
More information next week!
Other activities
Q&A on YT and Twitch about new content / questions from the Y3 Anniversary stream
https://www.twitch.tv/videos/435318985Check it out!
Discord playsession
https://discord.gg/deadbydaylightPlanned for June 19th, 2019
https://www.reddit.com/r/deadbydaylight/Planned for June 27th, 2019 / 2PM EST
Due to unforeseen circumstances, we've had to push the AMA back to a later date.
Developer update - June
Planned for July 5th
All dates are subject to change.