over 5 years ago - Dead by Daylight - Direct link

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1098s that's why I was like I miss looking at
1100s myself less distracting is it hey what's
1104s up how you doing hi Darin I thought he
1110s was kidding
1110s yeah so we're not ready um okay welcome
1114s in everyone I'm not queen the community
1118s manager
1119s this is slate McLean what's your title
1123s again officially gameplay programmer and
1126s officially I fix everything that's true
1128s and also please everything what what
1130s well that's me
1131s okay more about and game design game
1133s designer awesome so today we're gonna do
1136s a quick Q&A basically on what we just
1140s released so the mid chapter patch as
1142s well as some more general questions that
1145s we have not been addressing for a little
1147s bit Oh awesome only thing so I'm gonna
1150s start by shouting out our mods and our
1155s team here that helped us on the set up
1158s and I don't have all my information so
1164s yeah all their gods by her Suzy Mandy
1168s Matt says what your hot welcome Pat is
1173s here peanuts is here
1176s sure Roku and suggestive thank you for
1178s helping us on the chat
1181s we don't think move on no more thank you
1184s move but what does a lot of work it's
1186s true
1187s all right so this morning we released
1190s the latest dev update there was a lot of
1193s information on this um specifically on
1197s disconnection handling hit boxes and
1201s sounds in the game that was the three
1203s new issues that we're concentrating on
1206s so if you want to go check it out
1208s it's in forums I'm pretty sure that we
1212s can have a mod put the link in chapters
1215s like I'd be great yeah there's even uh
1217s there's even an interesting update on
1218s stuff that might be happening online
1220s design with pert balance yes Oh check it
1222s out you talking about mom fuck my mom
1224s lots lots of reaction already on deed
1228s not even confirmed change to mom but
1233s we're gonna talk a little further about
1235s it maybe later during this street we're
1238s gonna start by saying that we're
1240s planning a hotfix patch sometime next
1243s week so we're gonna have a lot of the
1245s fixes that I know that a lot of you are
1247s waiting for we have a few known issues
1251s if you want to go over them yeah let's
1254s go through them so we have some known
1257s issues with exhaustion not disappearing
1259s when it should we have some known issues
1262s with the clowns pinky finger add-on
1265s misbehaving after you've been nailed
1268s with the with the bottle anytime you're
1270s in the gas not just right after being
1273s nailed by the bottle but anytime you're
1274s in the gas after that it applies exposed
1276s please don't abuse this before it gets
1279s fixed but we know and the fix is coming
1280s yeah points for completing generators in
1283s one go there is a known issue where when
1285s you finish repairing a generator you
1288s don't get the points that you're
1289s supposed to get this is terrible i I'm
1292s sorry is there a workaround there is a
1294s workaround in the meantime just let go
1296s of the repair button before you complete
1298s it at 99% it's like I let go again my
1301s points and then I can just tap that
1303s window entity blockers are still
1306s misbehaving there was a tentative fix
1307s that caught certain cases it doesn't fix
1310s everything there is more work happening
1312s on that issue I actually saw some neat
1314s stuff earlier today regarding that so
1316s the work continues they're neat and then
1319s the last known issue is a repeat of the
1321s third known issue because the generator
1323s thing was just that annoying it was that
1324s important it was really tripping me up
1326s this weekend I lost somebody points me I
1328s think I did three genders in one shot
1329s today and I was just like oh no I forgot
1331s Louise dip yeah I don't think those are
1336s the only but those are
1337s the most important ones that we want to
1339s acknowledge that we've seen and are on
1341s top of I'm glad that we went to them yes
1343s and I'll just ask here peanuts if you
1347s can check out on this cord and give us I
1350s know that in these known issues some of
1352s them are fixed already in the auto fix
1354s patch that's coming so if we can have a
1356s little list of the most important ones
1359s that are getting fixed next week a
1360s generator on the tentative fix yes I
1363s checked that one and that's the only one
1365s I know about for now cool all right let
1369s me just arrange my chat here there we go
1371s perfect um so before we go on oh by the
1377s way just a quick note about the dev
1379s update if we don't if we do not talk
1382s about this specific issue that is
1384s plaguing your experience it's not
1386s because we are not working on it or we
1388s don't know about it it's because we're
1389s going on the more general problems yeah
1393s so things that most people experience
1395s yes instead of just a so for example the
1399s generator thing is something we
1400s absolutely are looking at most people
1404s touch generators most not everybody okay
1408s I've had some teammates like that yes I
1411s was talking about the runners the
1413s runners yeah I see you right you
1414s actually don't you so you're not into
1416s generators today I did I just said I did
1418s three so I've got myself I'm losing you
1423s so about the last of the yeah so we
1428s brought in some new features yep if you
1430s want to talk a little bit about the
1432s future would watch yeah so uh we
1434s released this mid chapter patch and
1436s there's lots of really exciting stuff in
1438s it like new Legion and endgame and all
1441s that stuff but there were some smaller
1443s features I'm not gonna say that
1444s necessarily went under the radar but
1445s things that I thought were super neat
1447s that I just wanted to talk about cuz I
1448s thought they were great and I wanted you
1450s guys to repeat how great they were great
1453s so one of my favorite things about the
1455s new mid chapter patch is that game
1458s that would start with less than five
1459s players are now canceled beautiful you
1462s go back to lobby you got your stuff back
1464s you don't have to you don't have to
1466s worry about should I should I bother
1468s killing these survivors or do I you know
1470s none of that stuff anymore it's gone
1472s obvious we're still working on the
1474s things that cause these kinds of games
1476s to happen and we're gonna be improving
1478s that but in the meantime you don't to
1480s deal with those games ya know just like
1482s as a little side note you will keep your
1484s stuff yeah well with the match canceled
1486s death the intended design there is a few
1488s case that get like a miss there's a
1491s there's a bug and I know that it's
1494s already been looked at so I don't know
1496s if it's fixed up there are the if you
1500s are having an infinite load during this
1502s time I was just waiting it till the end
1504s of the independent load if you really
1505s want to keep your offerings because you
1508s might you will lose them if you alt
1509s therefore yep or quit out I think the
1511s maximum time for a timeout is five
1513s minutes yes so you're waiting five
1515s minutes it's a fair amount of time we're
1516s looking into that as well
1518s but just letting you know if you played
1519s some party streamers or some pudding or
1522s I don't know escape cakes you know you
1524s might want to hang in there there seems
1527s to be a common thread between all three
1528s of those add-ons there offerings that
1530s you mentioned you mean they're all
1531s points all the point offer and it's true
1533s yeah new offerings one that's not that's
1537s not get into that's a good question riad
1538s idli theme music for DLC characters yet
1542s so that's when you click on them and you
1543s get to hear their jingles jingles I
1545s think that's awesome I think it's I
1547s actually didn't know that one was coming
1548s that was a surprise to me personally
1550s because it's not the area that I work in
1551s and I thought that was super cool so I
1554s put it down here I also like yeah yeah
1558s that's great um adjusted controller
1561s inputs to improve movement control I got
1563s a lot of questions about this one yes I
1565s think you were the genius behind it no
1567s actually well somebody else found it on
1569s the floor right and they brought it up
1570s to me and I was like oh my gosh
1572s this would be something great to fix so
1573s basically when you were going in the
1575s angles yeah of the joystick you were
1577s actually moving in a lower speed right
1579s so now we've capped it so now you're
1581s gonna move in 100% no matter what
1582s direction you're
1583s so this is specifically for four
1586s controllers four controllers is already
1588s working such on keyboard and mouse so
1591s now the controllers support should be
1593s better in this regard I know that there
1594s are still things to work on with the
1596s controllers we're looking at controller
1598s sensitivity this is coming back often
1599s we're not sure exactly when they will
1601s come through but this is something we
1602s were looking to improve as well so
1604s players were essentially losing speed
1606s while trying to do type turns or spins
1608s because of the joystick sensitivity goes
1611s and we got that we got that smooth that
1614s we got that smooth is awesome I've got
1617s here something adjusted the time that
1620s the notification bubbles are displayed
1622s down to five seconds yeah they used to
1624s be ten needs to be ten seconds so we
1625s would get a lot of complaints about oh I
1627s hooked somebody and then we I haven't
1630s got a big black circle in the middle my
1631s screen and now I can't see anything or
1633s somebody got hooked and now I can't see
1634s anything I can't see the killer coming
1636s straight at me for ten seconds so we
1637s heard you and we reduced those to five
1640s seconds oh so this is for notification
1643s bubbles like exit switches generators
1645s hooks pair travels yeah this is
1647s something that kind of went under diff
1649s reader yeah yeah I thought so too you
1651s know what that's just that's a cool
1652s quality of life change that I wanted to
1654s mention another amazing quality of life
1657s change for me anyway what want me to
1659s maze walls in cold wind farms I think a
1664s long long time ago in the olden days and
1667s he tried a little experiment of what
1669s would it be like if you could see
1670s through the walls on certain maps you
1672s know how would that change up the chases
1674s as it turns out we didn't really like
1676s how it changed up the chases yeah and
1678s we've got have been waiting for this
1680s change for a long time but the corn map
1682s work still like that though right so
1686s here it is it's finally arrived the maze
1688s walls on cold wind have been boarded up
1690s so you can't see through them so easily
1691s and I thought that was very cool yeah so
1695s before you'd be able to see exactly what
1696s the movements were well in most
1698s what the survivor was doing where the
1700s killer was doing which allowed you much
1701s more time than waiting to see the red
1703s stain comer in the corner yeah it turns
1705s out that it kind of removed a lot of the
1707s mind games that we like so much yes it
1709s sure wasn't any real mystery about
1711s whether someone that double-deck or
1712s anything you just I see exactly where
1714s you are I see you yeah it was just kind
1717s of way it kind of just acted like a
1718s fence I think I have into this there you
1721s go I've got a neat note here about rng
1725s on windows in the treatment theater oh
1728s yes hospital let's talk about me so we
1731s were getting a lot of complaints about
1733s the windows lining up or otherwise
1736s misbehaving in the hospital being too
1739s many of them are just being plain old
1741s too many so our level guru went in and
1745s reduced the randomness said this is how
1748s it should be let's remove the
1750s possibility for these of the use of
1752s cases to even spawn so I would be I
1755s really want you actually hear back from
1756s you guys the whether you've noticed the
1758s difference this is one of those subtle
1759s ones you might not even realize until
1760s like you're looking for it
1762s yeah because typically when the maps are
1764s working right you don't think about wow
1766s look this map generated perfectly
1768s without any really abusable stuff like
1770s it only really bothers you when
1771s something happens in like three window
1773s is spawn right next to each other and
1774s that's what you'll remember so I want
1776s you guys to take a note when you play on
1778s the hospital and say wow this level
1780s looks right it seems to be correctly
1783s generated and then let me know because I
1785s want to I want to hear Thank You Walker
1787s thank you
1788s we got our rework on character collision
1790s and basement stairs to prevent hostage
1792s situations I think this already yeah
1795s this one had a lot of noise when we
1797s released it and that's because also we
1800s didn't give much more information than
1802s just that that one line of hey by the
1804s way we roof cue loot collision have fun
1806s so can you give us a little bit more
1809s details on the numbers on this there
1813s aren't too many numbers but the
1814s mechanism is essentially that the B
1816s character collisions we have putted
1819s something in to let them shrink when two
1821s characters are colliding into each other
1824s and we only enable this in certain
1825s places at the moment we decided it would
1827s be too risky to just put this change
1829s across the whole game and say if you're
1831s touching anybody at any time we'll just
1833s drink your character collision and then
1834s let you get stuck in all kinds of crazy
1836s places at the moment we thought let's
1838s just apply this where we need it it is
1840s too bad that it's a little bit
1842s inconsistent but we sort of we added
1844s this because we thought this was
1845s necessary in certain edge cases so to
1849s play the devil's advocate here because
1851s we've we've heard a lot of feedback on
1854s both sides the the loss of collision
1858s seems to happen really really quickly
1860s which prevents some kind of gameplay
1862s there what's your thought on that I
1865s think we put this in specifically to
1867s stop killers from trapping like multiple
1870s survivors in the basement during the
1872s endgame because it was kind of too much
1874s reward and it felt almost legitimate
1878s because the end game will sacrifice
1879s these survivors and then the game ends
1881s which was a big contrast to the previous
1883s types of grief that you could do where
1885s you would just trap people and then hold
1886s them hostage which was very obvious
1888s griefing but a player who is not
1891s necessarily up on what we're doing might
1893s not know about all this and might say oh
1894s here's the timer I can block them this
1896s seems legit so we really wanted to make
1899s it clear that that's really not the
1900s intended behavior it's not so much
1903s because we want so survivors to always
1905s be able to get past the killer or
1907s because we don't like you know standing
1909s menacingly in the staircase which i
1911s think is a great horror movie moment
1912s usually like you should be able to get a
1914s hint you know so is there a way to kind
1917s of going around or for the killer side
1921s I'm saying I think oh I mean if you know
1924s what's going on you can probably you
1925s know back and forth a little bit and
1926s block them for some time but it's not
1928s about they can't block them indefinitely
1929s there if the guy from Zelda like the guy
1931s from Zelda that guy made me so mad can't
1935s get her atom so we have the technology
1939s now I think we're perfectly willing to
1941s tweak numbers and possibly look into
1943s other case other cases where we might
1945s want
1945s use this and we're also aware of the map
1949s locations where the system is no longer
1952s sufficient like for example there are
1953s some narrow doors door frames or frames
1956s we don't have doors indent by daylight
1958s there are some narrow door frames on
1961s certain maps at the basement entrances
1964s where killers can still stand
1966s we're aware and we will do something
1968s about it but I don't have a date for you
1970s no dates no dates sorry about that
1974s here's something that I am personally
1976s extremely excited about we restored the
1980s bone rattle noise at the beginning of
1982s the Wraiths cloaking animation you might
1984s say why does that matter
1986s well I'll tell you why that matters
1987s because it sounds basically exactly the
1990s same as a wraith doing an attack and if
1993s you're let's say being chased by a
1995s wraith and you hear the ray of doing as
1996s a tackle you might say oh it's time to
1998s dead hard oh it's time to drop this
1999s pallet it's time to act like I'm getting
2001s attacked but wait you just got tricked
2004s by the Bell Tech and it was so glad that
2006s it's back wonderful there you go
2010s also we improved the suit by the way
2013s when I say Delta it's because some
2015s players used to use this technique a
2016s long time ago before this sound was
2019s removed mm-hmm but it's going to be
2022s better than it ever was because of
2024s another small change that was added at
2026s the same time when cancelling the
2028s wraiths cloaking interaction ie letting
2029s go of the button players will now be
2031s able to attack or interact immediately
2033s rather than having to wait for the Bell
2035s snowing animation to finish because when
2038s we added the Bell and for those who are
2039s new to the game for quite a long time
2041s the wraiths invisibility Bell was
2043s invisible you couldn't see it it's true
2047s okay so when we added the Bell we also
2050s added an animation where he takes it out
2052s and he puts away now while he was
2054s playing that animation you weren't able
2055s to attack so if you let go the button
2057s there was a small delay while you were
2058s doing your Bell stealing animation that
2060s you could not attack we have just made
2063s it such that you can cancel that
2065s animation by attacking so have fun with
2068s that rates go out belltech enjoy kill
2072s some survivors
2074s we got another nice one here this is
2076s something I heard about a lot fixed an
2078s issue that could cause the spirits idle
2080s sound effects to play multiple times at
2081s the same time notably when you start
2085s your haunting which is really the last
2087s time that you'd wanted to announce what
2090s you were doing we took I think two
2093s different cracks at this cracks because
2095s it's a crackling noise anyway there was
2102s a note about this in a previous patch I
2104s would say in half fixed it we got the
2107s rest of it I think this one blew spirits
2110s go hunt very good that's a good fix
2114s there was an adjustment to the deranged
2116s pursuit achievement by the way this is
2118s not the whole batch list I'm oh I'm
2119s almost done I swear yeah this is the
2120s patch notes for the mid chapter these
2122s are my personal favorite yeah this is uh
2125s this is not even half of what we change
2128s no the the list is so long it's so long
2132s I want to copy and paste it every time I
2133s see a we don't bug fix okay anyway so
2138s that's a different that's a different
2140s issue deranged pursuit if you're if you
2142s are Allegiant and you like achievements
2145s this is for you this is for you
2147s the DeRay the deranged pursuit
2149s achievement used to be extraordinarily
2151s difficult to get yes it's been it's been
2154s simplified and now does what it's
2156s originally said on the tin you just got
2158s it down somebody who has deep wounds on
2159s them lovely you don't have to down them
2161s by reapplying deep wounds it's good okay
2166s ashes hand he puppet in his puppet hand
2169s as she /e my personal favorite cosmetic
2172s in the game if you don't have it you
2174s better get it is now you in and holds
2179s the items in its mouth it's wonderful no
2181s I love this change I was so happy to see
2183s it having it it's basically the best
2185s thing that's ever happened in the game
2186s you put a puppet in the mouth clown
2189s Maury that's all I have to spend clown
2191s Mori I just I just thought that was
2195s really important
2197s then we've got that's it yes that's that
2201s those those are my personal favorite
2203s changes
2204s this is McLain this top-20 there you go
2207s so good lessons when you talked about a
2209s little bit about the feature that
2210s cancels the game of the player don't
2212s load in it
2213s yes you explained what the line adjust
2216s controller input to improve movement
2219s control means because it was a bit
2221s confusing optimization yeah because we
2226s do have some news in the dev update but
2228s we can still talk about it a little bit
2230s here yeah we're finally really starting
2233s to see the effect to the optimization
2234s work that's being done I've seen some
2236s very very smart people doing some very
2238s hard work all across the game to
2241s optimize all kinds of features in it
2243s there's like an animation and like perks
2247s gameplay stuff graphic stuff they're
2249s pouring all over it finding ways to make
2251s it do more with less and I think we're
2255s finally starting to see the results out
2257s there live I'm hearing ps4 and Xbox
2259s players are saying oh hey it's running
2261s better since the update yes and the June
2264s update what we're testing right now is
2267s really is gonna be a huge step yeah as
2270s well a big big big step I know a
2273s wonderful yes it's great thank you to
2276s the optimization team there's if you're
2278s listening as far as I know five people
2280s working on this full-time that's awesome
2286s then emblems ranks and pips this is the
2290s only subject we didn't make like an
2293s update on in the dev update because we
2295s talked about it last month and right now
2298s it was a bit concerned confusing on the
2301s results so that's why I'm asking you
2303s guys today the change we did back back
2306s then was to allow survivors to rank up a
2309s little bit easier right right to
2312s rebalance a little bit our matchmaking
2315s and also allow people to get in a higher
2318s ranks now what are the next steps will
2323s be readjusting the emblems themselves I
2325s know that even for example is looking at
2327s these things at the moment and we are we
2329s are looking at this stuff when we're
2331s looking at gatekeeper or like
2333s or whatever the case may be try to make
2334s sure that people are gettting scored
2336s based off of different types of play
2338s styles earlier you talked about a runner
2339s and the fact that they might not be
2342s getting points you know while everyone
2343s else is doing generators but they're
2344s clearly occupying the killer
2346s we might be adding some incentives or
2349s extra ways to score these people while
2351s they're doing these types of things I'm
2352s not gonna go into any details I'm gonna
2354s be vague I'm sorry but there will be
2356s more than I can I can only confirm that
2359s we've been having lots of really
2361s interesting discussions about the
2362s emblems how they work how we'd like them
2364s to work with the short medium and long
2367s term plans for emblems and ranking art
2370s that sounds wonderful there's lots of
2372s cool stuff coming it's true all right so
2374s a killers done specifically entering yes
2380s yes what's happening with that oh so you
2383s want to talk about the changes that are
2384s coming okay do you guys really want to
2386s hear about enduring changes that would
2392s be so mean well you're not next question
2398s next question now I was going to and
2400s Rebecca we've we've had some like
2402s philosophical discussions about like
2405s what is even a stunning well what's
2410s what's a stun in our game all day what
2415s is what is a stunner like we started
2417s with just there's we know that hit
2419s getting hit by a pallet is a stun
2422s clearly that was like the stun mmm but
2424s then what about when you get hit by a
2425s pallet and somebody where goes off your
2427s shoulder because of it is that a stun is
2429s it what if item is done what about when
2430s somebody decisive strikes you is that a
2433s stun but what about when someone
2434s flashlights you and you're not holding
2436s somebody is that a stun but what about
2438s with somebody flashlights and you are
2441s holding somebody is that as done so you
2444s guys have been doing a lot of review on
2447s what is what on a lot of things in
2450s design so what is this done so you know
2454s that's a really interesting question and
2455s that we're not even gonna answer today
2457s what we are gonna answer is something
2459s lots of fickle answer to the question
2461s that hurt something more practical
2464s which is what do what effects stuns in
2467s the game there's one really big one the
2470s elephant in the room the hillbilly in
2472s the room in during the scene we did that
2475s yes
2477s enduring reduces the length of stunts
2481s and well there's sorry it increases your
2485s recovery rate from stun thank you by 75%
2489s yeah now if we were going to use a
2491s terminology that was slightly unclear I
2493s wish we'd also used a number that was
2494s easier to understand if we had set a
2496s hundred percent then people would have
2497s said uh okay well it can't be a zero
2500s second stun so I guess that means you
2502s recover twice as fast so I know that the
2504s opposite of twice is half so that way I
2507s get a half lengths time you're losing me
2509s right now but we went to be made it even
2512s worse because I picked the 75% and that
2516s nobody knows what the opposite of 75% is
2518s well I mean maybe some mathematicians
2520s out there have some Mickey math I had
2523s two hundred shout out here we go he's
2525s good he's gonna be so mad or happy I
2526s don't know anyway
2528s yes um so 75% was possibly a confusing
2533s number so there are two things that are
2534s gonna happen to enduring
2535s one of them is they're gonna be
2536s extremely clear about what it effects
2538s which is do you want to say it's only
2540s going to affect palette only palette
2542s stuff okay
2543s flipping table why because that's what
2546s it's for
2547s yes okay and this way we can actually go
2551s back and look at all these other things
2552s who are like physicists done is this not
2554s a stunt and then how long should it be
2556s and it turns out that changing the
2560s length of a two-second stun off a
2561s palette by half is a completely
2564s different beast than changing the length
2566s of a five-second stun off an old
2568s decisive strike yeah so it wasn't
2570s scaling well it was constraining us for
2572s all the other types of effects you
2574s wanted to do now we can say all right
2576s palettes tons are affected by enduring
2578s nothing else is we can go back to those
2580s things and say what is actually the
2582s value that we want on this because we've
2583s been having trouble saying well okay it
2586s can it has to be this or this so will
2588s you pick two numbers and maybe one over
2589s shoots one under
2590s shoots and that's not a good place to be
2592s sometimes there are values that really
2594s only have a very narrow range of valid
2597s gameplay and stuns quite often art in
2600s there like there's a good length for a
2603s stunt like like wiggle feels like
2605s Pacific like wiggle fries they really
2606s don't want to be any longer or shorter
2607s than they are because I want to give the
2609s player enough time to get away but not
2611s so much it's impossible yes exactly so
2613s so like so why now changing this I wish
2618s we'd done it earlier yeah even before
2620s did the s change I guess
2622s the D s change is what sparked a lot of
2624s the conversations they kind of really
2626s brought it in focus that this is
2628s something that we can't just keep
2629s ticking down the road like it really is
2631s important to get this through so what
2633s about head-ons done for example for the
2635s four people that can pull them up well
2638s that was actually really good because I
2640s first in this discussion we're thinking
2643s okay well ahead on stun is a physical
2645s stun a lot like a pallet stun let's just
2647s throw it in there it makes sense pallets
2649s tons and head-ons tons but there's two
2651s problems one is what if we keep adding
2652s new stuff that's kind of like head-on
2654s and we have to keep going back and
2655s changing enduring and changing enduring
2656s that kind of design isn't sustainable
2658s the other problem is it's actually not
2661s the same case at all I think you had to
2663s explain this to me was that when you've
2665s Hallett's done somebody there's a pallet
2666s between you and the killer yeah when you
2669s head on somebody there's not so where
2670s this isn't really supposed to be the
2672s same length stun it doesn't need to be
2673s affected the same way
2674s Kaylah okay so let's say we agree and
2676s during the only is usable on pallets do
2681s we change any numbers on that because
2682s right now it feels like okay yes yes yo
2686s so now if we were using the current
2687s terms it would increase the stun by
2688s under percent but we're not gonna do
2690s that because do that it's gonna it's
2692s gonna say reduced pallets tons by 50%
2695s thank you so if you guys knew I'd if you
2698s guys knew the math before that 75% would
2700s bring it down to one point fourteen
2702s seconds yeah Palestine now half of two
2705s seconds is one second one second so this
2707s is a slight buff to injury I was gonna
2709s say translation now you're gonna get
2712s more of it on pallets tons and none of
2715s it on other type of so nicely stronger
2717s so for the record we're
2719s sickly taking it from the if the
2722s effective rate was 43% previously we're
2727s getting some stares
2727s that's like well we're talking about
2729s engineering all right come on in
2732s so I'm sure people want to see you come
2735s on come on come on come on let's go come
2737s say hi the Internet's favorite man you
2743s got the Cote but you got a girl there
2747s you go anyway all of it just to say that
2751s was it hi Matt thanks for stopping by
2763s okay from 43% to 50% Palace stones only
2767s that's the news about drink that's it
2769s okay thank you for that ooh now we're
2772s gonna go to the Q&A because we have a
2774s ton of questions it's already halfway
2775s there for the screen I'm sure we have a
2778s lot more to go through so we open the
2782s Q&A post on the forums we gathered a few
2785s questions specific questions on Legion
2788s and game clock 6 / big and a lot of misc
2792s questions so we're gonna start with the
2796s Legion questions will you guys be
2801s looking into reworking Legion spin
2803s add-ons I'd hate to bring up more
2805s question about legions with what you
2807s guys have to deal with but I've been
2809s curious as to what the plan will be with
2811s these add-ons as of right now they don't
2814s seem to compete well with the cooldown
2816s add-ons with their current state that's
2819s an accurate assessment
2820s they don't seem perhaps quite as
2822s appealing as some of the more
2824s straightforward add-ons because of the
2825s you kind of coops that you have to jump
2827s through to get them oh absolutely
2828s so obviously I think it's no big
2831s surprise if there were to be changes to
2833s these add-ons it would be to remove the
2834s requirement that the survivor already
2836s had deep wounds yes so the idea would be
2839s if you hit them while in feral frenzy
2841s you afflict them with this debuff
2843s exactly yeah
2845s I mean you were not saying that this
2847s happening we don't even have a date for
2848s that no but we are keeping an eye on the
2850s Legion and as add-ons and we do think
2852s that's valid feedback and so if these
2854s have to be changed that is the most
2856s likely change any plans to increase
2859s Legion feral frenzy running and vaulting
2862s speed I'm not sure if we're gonna
2865s actually be increasing the speeds we
2868s will be looking at the animations though
2869s to make sure that they feel more smooth
2871s ultimately with whatever we do decide
2873s right now it's a bit slow yeah when you
2876s hit it we've heard some people said they
2877s specifically like going over a pallet
2880s feels a little sluggish yeah well I
2883s don't remember the old medium vault and
2884s they willed me in both was basically a
2886s slow vault sped up yeah you felt pretty
2888s sluggish and when you get the actual new
2891s medium vault that has the speed that
2892s would be in respect to the speed you're
2894s actually moving in it feels a lot better
2896s because lot smoother we're looking to do
2897s the same thing for the Legion at some
2899s point no dates cool so basically you're
2902s reviewing animations to match the speed
2904s that you're really going to yes so it
2907s doesn't feel that sluggish more relative
2909s yes more in school why did you decide to
2912s meet to make Legion lose the entire
2915s feral frenzy meter on a Miss I've never
2918s played PTV since I'm on console but if I
2920s recall correctly this wasn't the case in
2922s the PT it was in the PTB
2926s so we have an answer here straight from
2929s our designer who isn't with us he's not
2934s here with actually earlier he's still
2939s alive don't worry that's what I meant
2941s ladies one of the main abuses from old
2943s Legion was restarting fill frenzy soon
2945s after losing it we want any decision we
2947s make while we fail frenzied to have
2949s possible serious consequences losing
2951s thrill frenzy and any remaining charge
2953s makes missing a seriously dangerous
2955s proposition that makes it very
2957s worthwhile for a survivor who manages to
2959s draw the myths and contributes to the
2961s sense that legions power is not just an
2962s automatic it
2964s okay so again playing the devil's
2967s advocate here we have a lot of feedback
2970s specifically from players on console
2973s about missing hits because it's harder
2975s with controller it is
2976s lutely harder to be precise with your
2979s hit aiming on console it's something
2981s that we're aware as part of the
2983s sensitivity increase that we're looking
2984s at as well it's trying to make it easier
2986s to maneuver but the problems right now
2989s we're handling our across all SKUs yeah
2991s I don't know if you're gonna add
2992s anything to that you might want to
2994s explain what a skew is across all
2996s platforms sure so like basically Stephen
3001s consoles yeah that's ps4 and Xbox for
3004s you to help you alright
3007s in-game collapse flash pig yeah why
3011s didn't you guys just extend the timer
3013s for end game collapse when someone has a
3017s reverse bear trap like you did when
3020s someone is on the hook it's definitely
3024s something we looked at it wasn't like an
3027s easy decision no the the the issue with
3032s being trapped and only having a short
3033s amount of time left to take the trap off
3036s one of the things that seems a key from
3038s a game design perspective is having two
3040s different timers on you there you have
3043s to deal with their verse bear trap timer
3044s and the end game timer so that's not
3047s really a balance issue I'm not saying
3048s that you couldn't work out balance wise
3049s I'm just saying like from it from a
3050s design perspective you'd really want to
3052s give players one thing to focus on for
3054s this kind of thing if you've got like
3055s one sort of Damocles over your head
3056s that's cool if you've got multiple
3058s swords that's a bad reference I'm sorry
3059s if you've got multiple things to it
3061s you've got multiple things to Razer at
3063s the same time it kind of clutters the
3065s design space a little bit but it is
3068s something that we took seriously we got
3069s a lot of feedback about this change so
3072s there's nothing to announce about it
3074s just know that we know we know all right
3078s another question about big are you
3080s considering making pigs rivers bird trap
3082s less rng dependent what's an rng random
3087s number generator oh damn
3090s okay so there's there is there is some
3093s randomness in the pig but I don't think
3096s it's where people some people think it
3098s is so here's a little lesson about how
3102s the pig works
3103s despite what you may have read on the
3105s internet there is no dice roll
3108s there is no dice roll when you try to
3111s remove the reverse bear trap at a jigsaw
3114s box when they are created every reverse
3118s bear trap puts a key in one of the boxes
3121s so this is at the beginning of the
3122s method skinning of the match not like
3124s when we made the big correct okay
3126s correct just checking and we have a
3127s limited number we're gonna run out of
3129s jigsaw boxes in 2021
3132s so every time the match starts we put a
3136s key for every reverse bear trap in one
3138s of the jigsaw boxes that is on the map 1
3141s jigsaw box can have multiple keys in it
3144s ooh sneaky right that's so that you
3147s can't track which boxes have been used
3149s and like cross them off your bridge
3150s especially like in this where with
3152s friends they exactly I use the bucks by
3154s the shank yeah it can be abused by
3157s survivors overboard by the killer that's
3158s true yeah so the way it works is you
3161s fully charge up the jigsaw box and then
3164s it checks ah is this the box that has
3167s your key or not that's it
3169s there is no under-the-hood tomfoolery to
3174s try to make it so that you will get it
3176s in Ex attempts if you are a neat
3178s statistician then knowing what I just
3181s told you you will be able to give
3183s players actually a like statistical
3186s distribution of how many boxes you can
3189s expect to open before you find the key
3191s that you're looking for I'm not going to
3193s get into it here but that's how it works
3194s so if we were to reduce the RNG that
3197s would be by removing that system and
3199s actually saying okay well we'll give you
3202s an increasing chance as you open more
3205s boxes but that actually I don't think it
3207s would give people what they expect and I
3208s don't expect us to do it anytime soon we
3213s are aware that this feels more random
3216s than many other killers mechanics and
3218s that's kind of the way
3221s at the moment it is well like the
3224s trapper trap it's somewhat similar to
3225s the trapper trap yeah
3227s 30 tries or one although his is affected
3229s by the luck stat there's also true
3231s there's a luck stat and dead by daylight
3235s no okay no but there you go so there's
3241s no current plans to change the
3242s randomness in the pigs reverse bear trap
3245s but it is a great question and I'm glad
3247s we could talk about it all right so
3248s let's jump into some missed questions
3252s about the game we have the first
3255s questions on the sound actually here
3256s they are we almost missed them there you
3259s go you did it the same joke before the
3262s stream and now we're supposed to laugh
3264s at it is awesome so the sound of
3273s Survivor footsteps are nearly impossible
3275s to hear even with headphones at high
3278s volumes which is the opposite of what
3281s the hadn't film music was oh yeah is
3284s this intentional this is a massive tool
3286s taken away from the killer and I think
3288s it needs to be addressed so um we did
3291s address it in the dev update we know
3293s that sounds is something that is coming
3296s back every single updates we get new
3299s stuff or difficult stuff to pinpoint I
3303s don't know if you want to add something
3305s on this sometimes like we can even get
3307s some interesting bugs we're like the
3309s grass all of a sudden you can include
3310s the sound block of the sound sorry when
3313s survivors are running we've put an
3314s occlusion pass as well into the game so
3316s again blocking with walls or occlusion
3319s as a fancy word for blocking yes
3321s stopping sound from passing by based off
3324s of you being on the other side of the
3326s wall or whatever the case may be these
3327s are things that are constantly being
3328s tweaked we're looking for a nice place
3331s to be in with these things so rest
3334s assured we will be into this and trying
3336s to give the best experience yeah and
3338s we're also reviewing the whole process
3340s in order to react quick quicker to those
3345s kind of issues yeah it specifically
3346s sounds
3348s those those details you can find in our
3350s very wonderful dev update from earlier
3352s today yeah check it out it's on our
3353s forums I think moobot linked it earlier
3355s thanks thank you but there you are thank
3359s you for two puffs ah all right
3362s when do you plan to give solo so solo
3366s players some information to be equal to
3368s survive would friend like a being chaste
3370s icon totem counter or a base kit kindred
3374s they said when that's a dangerous
3376s question because we can't give dates yes
3378s it's more like what what will be doing
3381s I'm I still love the idea of me being
3383s chaste icon where you actually see the
3385s portrait light up depending on who's
3387s being chased this would be shared with
3388s the whole team because in suraíh with
3390s friends you can easily pass on this
3391s information yeah one to another we're
3393s not sure exactly when this would come
3394s we've seen plenty of suggestions as well
3396s for the totem counter whether it's put
3398s on small game or if it's put directly in
3400s the UI there are some debates online as
3402s to what people want to do as well as
3404s internally but we are listening these
3406s are great ideas as well we're still
3410s looking into it
3414s a question about the plague would you
3416s consider the plague to be okay where she
3418s is right now
3419s you think the nerf to her movement speed
3421s while holding vile a corrupt purge to be
3424s necessary remember playing her without
3427s those with full speed ahead
3430s holding purge yep yes so this comes up a
3436s lot and I want to say that it's it's a
3438s common misconception that we nerfed the
3441s plague before PGP because I will explain
3445s what the problem we had was it's that
3449s the correct way to plan it was very
3451s clearly the single correct way to play
3453s was to charge your purge whichever one
3457s it was and then hold it because there
3459s was essentially no downside yeah so
3462s basically the most efficient way to play
3463s yeah right you'd be running on the map
3465s you'd already have a charge just means
3466s you didn't have to waste time charging
3468s it up yeah while you when you found a
3469s survivor and then you're able to just
3471s puke on that alright so we saw this was
3474s very very clear players picked it up
3476s right away this was the way to play the
3478s character and it's actually really not
3481s what we wanted we thought there was way
3482s more potential for interesting play when
3485s players have to decide when is the time
3487s to start charging like my ape vomit
3490s meaningful decision meaningful decisions
3492s that's what we're looking for now
3493s players okay but it was just a nerf
3495s that's not the way that we see it at all
3497s you'd have to look at the numbers so
3500s here comes some math you know on the PTB
3503s when you would start charging your purge
3506s here's the number 2.3 m/s and you say
3510s what the heck is that that's 50% of a
3513s regular killer speed if you're not
3515s following that's four point six is a
3516s maximum speed four point six meters per
3518s second is your is your maximum killer
3520s speed so you would go down to half your
3522s speed while you were charging and then
3524s back up to four point six when you had a
3526s full charge so that was very punishing
3529s to start your perch and then you would
3535s have no downside while holding it so
3537s what we did was we bumped up your speed
3539s while charging the perch to three point
3541s six so that you could actually still
3542s keep playing while charging three point
3545s six is
3546s slow down it means you temporarily move
3547s a little bit slower than the survivor
3549s but that's only while you are charging
3551s it once you pull charge you go up to
3552s four point four which is a number you
3554s might recognize from the move speeds of
3556s the Huntress and then or the hag or the
3561s the old legion but we're never going to
3563s talk about that again so what this means
3567s is you now have a meaningful decision
3569s about when to start charging your your
3571s perch the fact that you can move at 3.6
3576s meters per second while charging it in
3577s the middle of a chase actually makes a
3579s big difference after you've puked once
3581s let's say like well I mean maybe I'm
3584s straining out the auto I'm sorry it's
3585s just like taking this out of context I'm
3587s sorry to continue yeah you don't you
3590s don't usually have like Olympic speed
3591s running speeds mentioned alongside of
3593s puking it's not what you usually see in
3595s races anyway so it actually makes it so
3599s it's very possible to puke and then you
3601s know a charger thing again and use it
3603s again in a chase whereas before if you
3606s had to go down to 2.4 meters per second
3609s that is significantly slower right so as
3611s I move at 4 meters a second anyway just
3613s so I really don't see this as a nerf I
3615s think it's a nerf if you had already
3616s settled on your playstyle as I always
3619s want to be holding the right mouse
3620s button I would say it's a balancing out
3625s also it's you weren't sure about the ax
3629s part it's a second who of the entire
3631s stream right now Dhar anyway so we
3636s really like this change now the other
3638s part the other half of that question is
3640s do we think she's okay where she is does
3642s she need buffs to be more powerful we're
3644s kind of looking at all of them right now
3645s we released some interesting stats to
3647s the community the other week and she was
3650s not the top not at the absolute bottom I
3653s actually don't remember exactly where
3654s she was but maybe on the bottom ish half
3657s side at least so that means that we're
3659s always kind of looking at them and
3661s saying do these characters need
3662s adjustments we really don't want to jump
3664s to any conclusions
3665s that kind of stuff but know that we are
3667s still looking at her as our as our
3668s newest character we want to make sure
3670s that she's fun to play and that you can
3673s actually get some results with her whoo
3676s that was awesome all right by the way if
3678s you ask McLain to be on the stream yeah
3681s you cannot not expect to not hear
3684s numbers oh yeah I'm sorry absolutely I'm
3687s sorry I did so Kate I didn't bring I
3689s didn't bring like pictures charts charts
3691s of the cars I heard I'm wonderful I was
3693s busy working on stuff I can't talk about
3695s yet all right wait although I did bring
3699s something I was gonna say I thought you
3701s had a video I do but we got this let's
3703s get through these miscellaneous
3704s questions and thinking what a tease even
3706s though you'll have some time I'll show
3708s you the videos that I brought hang in
3709s there friends they're pretty good when
3711s you rely release the exhaustion or if
3713s you said perks like dead hard that
3715s weren't as strong as sprinters would see
3718s slight changes to make them better like
3720s reduce exhaustion if I remember
3722s correctly you still got any plan of
3725s doing some changes or will those perk
3727s remain as they are it's a great question
3729s it's a great question so we looked at
3731s the dead heart and we looked at it
3732s desperate burst in life and balanced
3734s landing I do not hit on because I wasn't
3736s there yet
3736s the real answer is yes we said that yeah
3739s I'm good say I didn't say that I think
3744s that heart is in a very good place at
3745s the moment I think it's a I don't know
3747s if you guys agree I think the stats had
3750s indicated that such as well yeah I don't
3752s think it needs a reduced cooldown at the
3754s moment in compression to the other
3756s exhaustion perks as well will constantly
3759s be looking at these types of things but
3760s I think they will be staying as they are
3762s for the moment so no current plans to
3765s change the exhaustion duration on the
3767s different exhaustion perks yes exactly
3770s Oh are there any plans to make quality
3774s of life changes to a head on it seems
3776s that even if the conditions are right
3778s sometimes the perp doesn't proc and it's
3781s frustrating yes yes that's true isn't it
3786s that was the question so so head on
3791s quality life changes right now head on
3794s is not used just like there's one little
3796s thing head on does not work when you
3798s have crows above your head so when you
3800s are exposed to the killer in that regard
3803s not actually exposed but snot on pro-us
3804s yes it was on purpose there are certain
3807s conditions to a proc head on as well
3810s which are not very clear to the players
3812s that we see right so to go through a few
3815s of them there is a zone in front of the
3818s locker where the killer has to be within
3821s while you activate head on right and
3824s then when you jump out you will stun and
3826s the hitbox is only active for the moment
3829s that you activate the perk exactly so
3832s the killer has has to be within the stun
3835s zone when you activate the stun now what
3838s does that mean well we're gonna be
3841s looking into this and trying to change
3842s it we're testing some stuff out at the
3845s moment or at least rolling some ideas in
3846s our brain one of the ideas is every time
3849s you do a rush action instead of them
3852s having to be within the conditions
3853s whenever you jump out of a locker fast
3855s you will perform head-on so that means
3858s you're fast jump out of a locker will be
3860s replaced with head-on so still on a
3862s cool-down though
3863s yes cooldown and recess the difference
3866s you know you guys don't think that it's
3868s like a permanent head on and it's like
3870s yeah locker hell the difference here
3873s being that instead of a killer needing
3875s to be in the zone before you do the
3876s head-on rush you can just do it and then
3879s you would keep the hitbox active during
3881s the duration of the head-on action yeah
3883s animation during yeah their duration of
3886s the animation so while you're while
3887s you're doing the charge at the thing
3890s will stay active so that you'll be able
3891s to stun any killer during the duration
3893s of the thing so you'll probably get
3895s closer to what you would expect
3897s yeah because right now you can you can
3900s get weird situations where the the
3901s killer kind of
3902s get us out of the zone a right after
3904s you've activated the thing and you don't
3906s stun them and you know what's going on
3907s or you're getting hit by the killer when
3909s you think I should have canceled that
3911s attack with my stun
3912s so hopefully this should help to
3914s alleviate that however we don't have a
3918s date on that yet no date there's no
3919s commitments on this yet just know that
3921s we've been looking at this perk and
3922s think that it can be improved and this
3924s is what we're currently looking at AB so
3926s we do pay your remember when we
3928s presented head-on the first time apply
3931s directly to forehead yes it's still
3934s going on we still change the texting
3935s game anyways I've seen a lot of
3940s questions about Daly's and we didn't
3943s really touch metal of men but first I
3946s think you had something that you want it
3948s to show oh yeah sure I have no idea what
3951s it is because I need a surprise for me
3953s too I think my favorite I do know what
3955s scare I didn't want to come empty-handed
3956s I didn't want to be a bad guest so I was
3960s scrounging around to see what I would
3962s have had lying around and what I found
3964s was some in-development footage of the
3967s plague I found some some
3971s behind-the-scenes footage of the plague
3974s from when I was working on it as an
3976s early prototype and I thought I would
3978s share with you what it looked like when
3980s I was working on the power in the early
3982s I hope to see I'm sorry I think right
3984s now I think everyone in the chat was
3986s expecting darn different news so it's
3990s okay it's cool we're gonna look at it
3991s we're gonna also remember the plague
3994s we're gonna also address that other
3996s thing after wait what wait what I do
4001s have a page on this that's all it says
4003s alright alright so this this is what it
4006s looked like what it looked like in the
4009s early days when I was working on this
4011s this vomit oh I remember back when it
4014s was just a green laser band at that yeah
4016s this you were painting the wall yeah we
4019s had this the string cheese is a good is
4021s a good word for it yeah I think this was
4024s the the first person view where's my
4027s first person view come back some obvious
4029s people in chat are like well that's the
4031s doctor guys when we are working on the
4033s prototype
4034s that's what it looks like check out his
4035s wiffle bat that's my favorite place
4037s that's what it looks like yeah so this
4040s is what it looked like early early on
4042s the the first the first spirit prototype
4050s all right we definitely want to catch
4052s the ending of this one because he says
4053s this is this is what the sickness meter
4056s used to look like I'm gonna bleed away I
4059s want to see this one from the beginning
4060s I forgot I forgot that you're done this
4062s yeah and that's actually to the very
4064s very first version of the mesh alright
4066s so yeah there used to be like a three
4068s stage illness which would do different
4070s things to you so I was like stage this
4080s one my favorite part is that you make I
4082s made them because it's telling us that
4092s we're allowed to have fun way we work
4093s here yeah that was a lot of fun actually
4097s there you go so they would damage you
4098s I'm gonna bleed that was really cool
4102s oh yeah and that's just share it that's
4108s wonderful I don't remember why I took a
4110s screencap of this but I thought it was
4112s important so there you go you can really
4116s look into its soul its soul because we
4119s really don't know what it is there you
4120s go
4121s alright that's it that's what I brought
4123s I hope you enjoyed it alright umm about
4128s Freddy you really really quickly we gave
4130s an update in the dev update which is
4132s basically not a real update it's just
4134s telling you we're working on the
4136s gameplay reveal soon TM don't hurt me
4139s please
4140s woo and that's all we can say today
4142s about the Freddy so that's that's that's
4145s death there like Freddy time yeah I'm
4150s sorry I'm the bearer of bad news there
4152s good news if you think about like hey
4154s we're gonna have a gameplay reveal we
4155s you're gonna know soon yep
4157s soon TM anyways on this I've seen a lot
4162s of chatter about dailies in the chat
4163s today I don't know if you guys have
4165s anything to bring forth at which dailies
4167s which dailies the deal is inner game
4169s yeah oh that would be wonderful
4172s this is a surprise as well but we were
4175s not ready for this so if you're not
4177s ready it's okay there are some things
4179s that I've been
4180s holding on to some old dailies for a
4182s really long time
4183s the ones that used to give you like like
4185s 15 135 135 K really really early old
4191s ones because I never ever ever ever
4194s claimed dailies I don't know why I just
4196s didn't do it and then once I remember
4199s that should be claiming them I had these
4200s really really old ones and every time
4202s people would see them they'd be like wow
4203s mcclain oh where are those dailies from
4205s I'll be like these are vintage you can't
4207s get them anymore and then over the
4210s weekend I was quitting out of the game
4211s and I just accidentally hit the claim
4212s all button and they're gone and I can't
4215s ever get them back but you haven't won
4216s streak you've walked the bots right
4219s maybe maybe oh my god I gotta get home
4222s and walk my dog anyway so that's not
4224s that's not that important I'm sorry it
4225s just reminded me so dailies are an
4229s interesting system they're a great way
4230s to get people invested and playing more
4233s often and give them some more blood
4234s points I don't think we have anything
4236s new to announce but what's coming with
4237s them but we like let's say that they're
4239s not in their final ever reform like
4241s there's lots more that can be done with
4242s the system their final form I love that
4244s final look everything ever in their file
4247s in its final form as a live product no
4250s no anyways are really quick because we
4254s have like less than 10 minutes left
4256s medal of men we talked about it to the
4259s end the dev update there was a lot of
4261s chatter over it we're testing a new
4263s version of it there are maybe other
4267s version we're gonna test I don't know
4269s I've been told all right so so do you
4273s want to just discuss it a little bit why
4275s are we looking into those changes the
4277s the dev update mentioned a possible
4279s version where it was specifically
4281s checking for protection hits yes sir the
4283s same as what we did for we're gonna live
4284s forever although we're gonna live
4285s forever also triggers off a couple other
4287s things yes I'd like mine dogs yes safe
4289s onyx state flux so I know the last time
4292s we chatted you were telling me about
4294s perhaps we can in fact just reuse the
4297s conditions for
4297s we're gonna live forever yeah these are
4299s the kinds of protecting your teammate
4302s actions and why don't we use them for
4304s other perks Medal of Man seems like a
4306s good place to to put that yeah I think
4308s so
4308s there's been some chatter about you know
4310s like what happens now am I gonna have to
4311s target the unhooked instead of the
4313s unhooker naturally you're gonna learn
4315s this as you go along in the game not
4317s everyone's gonna have medal of Matt I
4319s don't think that the appeal is gonna be
4320s as high as it was before this is natural
4323s but I think it would probably be in a
4325s healthier place using protection hits no
4327s with that being said I've also seen
4329s their protection hits are a bit wonky at
4330s the moment yeah maybe this would be a
4331s great opportunity to go back and check
4333s out that protection score event so
4335s that's what we're looking into as well I
4336s don't know exactly if we'll mail it down
4338s but we do have some avenues to explore
4342s so the feedback that we really looked
4344s into it was the fact that survivors were
4348s getting the the positive effect without
4351s having to do anything for it basically
4353s essentially okay so now we're just
4355s making the same thing same final you
4359s know like positive side but you have to
4361s work differently to get it I think I
4363s think being a actually being able to
4365s tank a hit feels very powerful for a
4368s survivor it's something that has a
4369s survivor player I really want to have I
4372s think that it's fair to ask a player to
4374s jump through some hoops do some things
4377s perform some altruistic actions gain the
4380s power and then use it also I think that
4383s it's gonna make it a little bit more
4384s interesting perhaps a little bit more
4385s unpredictable for killers because
4387s they're not necessarily going to know
4388s exactly how many protection hits Plus
4391s let's say unhooks if we're using that
4393s kind of condition so I think it it's
4396s gonna be interesting
4397s I agree all right yeah we're gonna go
4401s over a little bit we talked about a
4403s hotfix earlier and peanuts sent us a
4407s couple of changes that are upcoming in
4409s the hotfix
4411s that we think would be interesting to
4413s mention today so first yes we have a
4416s tentative fix for the survivor
4420s completing a generator for the point
4423s generation so there's a there
4425s the probable fix is coming for that not
4428s out yet not out yet in the next out fix
4431s update tentatively fixed an issue that
4435s could cause match cancelled message to
4437s appear when the killer disconnects
4439s during a match so we had this happen to
4441s it in a few in a few games so people
4445s would see oh you know killer left but at
4448s the same time it seems like we didn't
4450s load in the game but that's obviously
4452s not what was happening fix an issue that
4455s could cause an infinite loading screen
4457s with a client lost network connection
4459s while loading into a match so infinite
4462s loading screens something we are
4463s constantly trying to fix there's
4466s multiple causes to that issue and we
4469s just got one down yeah fix an issue that
4473s caused auras to appear very dim in the
4476s map mount Gorman resort celebration yes
4480s that's something that a lot of people
4481s were asking for added explore logging to
4485s help identify the issue with the entity
4487s blocker sometimes not locking windows
4489s wit and without bamboozle and I think
4493s that we have a note as well for Nia
4495s players that are wearing the prestige
4498s outfit that was not good idea anymore
4501s basically so that's that we're gonna
4503s have it fixed for that great we had a
4505s lot of complaints about this hot sauce
4511s so for us I think that's pretty that's
4518s much it for today I went through all my
4520s papers I love it yeah wait I'm gonna put
4523s the right one in the back perfect so our
4527s I hope you guys had fun yes we did
4533s I had fun and I hope that we answered a
4536s lot of your questions don't forget
4538s there's the dev update there's a lot
4540s more answers over there as well on
4541s what's coming and what we're doing for
4543s fixes and we're constantly looking
4546s everywhere to try to find you know new
4550s bugs origin of bugs fixing stuff so
4553s thank you for joining us today guys
4555s thank you
4556s yes thank you no problem thank you thank
4559s you for joining us as well yeah maxi-pad