about 1 month
ago -
Dead by Daylight
Direct link
Transcript (by Youtube)
0s | within a trial both rols can experience |
3s | status effects that either help or |
4s | hinder them in response to certain |
6s | killer Powers perks items or add-ons for |
9s | instance obliv a Survivor debuff that |
12s | removes the survivor's ability to hear |
14s | the Killer's Terror anas broken a |
17s | Survivor debuff that prevents them from |
19s | healing past the injured state for a |
20s | certain amount of time cursed a Survivor |
24s | debuff that can be triggered during a |
25s | trial when affected by a hex |
27s | totem deep wound a survivor debuff that |
31s | places the Survivor in a heavily damaged |
33s | state where they gradually get closer to |
34s | death shown by a meter that depletes |
36s | whenever the Survivor is not running to |
39s | remove this survivors will need to |
40s | complete the mend |
42s | action however if the Survivor takes |
44s | damage while in this state or if the bar |
46s | fully depletes before they begin |
49s | mending the Survivor will be immediately |
52s | placed into the dying State we'll be |
54s | back for a part two soon so stay tuned |
56s | and we'll see you in the fog |