over 4 years
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🏆 The winners of the 4th Anniversary contests have been announced!
For more info click here: 🔗 https://bit.ly/3fPxm0m
#Deadbydaylight #DBD http://pbs.twimg.com/media/Eddo-q6XoAEiGHB.png
Unlock the Cadet Corps Charm by logging on to Dead by Daylight during the Mid-Chapter release. https://t.co/K6cORG2tnT
Forge your path by journeying through the Cadets Corps or wreaking havoc as a Titan - the choice is yours. Until July 26, get double rift fragments from matches, first match of the day bonus XP, and 50,000 bloodpoints when you log in every day https://t.co/FZyyiFtBkp