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Dead by Daylight’s Alien Chapter brings two iconic characters into The Fog: new Killer the Xenomorph and new Survivor Ellen Ripley. A new Map, Nostromo Wreckage, is available for all players. This Chapter Pack unlocks the Motion Tracker Charm, as well as the Very Rare Back in Action Outfit for Ellen Ripley.
The new Killer is the Xenomorph. A perfect organism designed to kill, the Xenomorph emerged from the chest cavity of a host and sought cover in the shadows of the Nostromo. Using the air ducts, it killed its prey one by one, until only the human Ripley remained. Desperate for survival, Ripley destroyed the Nostromo and sought refuge in an escape vessel. As the Xenomorph went in for the kill, the airlock opened and it was ejected into the cold vacuum of space. All seemed lost, until in an instant, it disappeared in a cloud of black fog.
The new Survivor is Ellen Ripley. Ellen Ripley served as a warrant officer on the Nostromo during the ship’s final voyage, when an unknown alien lifeform attached itself to one of her crew and escaped onto the ship. As the creature grew, its reign of terror continued, picking off crew members until only Ripley remained. After a harrowing escape, Ripley entered her hypersleep chamber. The dark fog of sleep slithered and coiled around her, and she closed her eyes on one nightmare... only to open them in another.
The Alien Chapter Pack includes:
In space, no one can hear you scream. But this is not space.
See you in the Fog,
The Dead by Daylight team.

The new Killer is the Xenomorph. A perfect organism designed to kill, the Xenomorph emerged from the chest cavity of a host and sought cover in the shadows of the Nostromo. Using the air ducts, it killed its prey one by one, until only the human Ripley remained. Desperate for survival, Ripley destroyed the Nostromo and sought refuge in an escape vessel. As the Xenomorph went in for the kill, the airlock opened and it was ejected into the cold vacuum of space. All seemed lost, until in an instant, it disappeared in a cloud of black fog.
The new Survivor is Ellen Ripley. Ellen Ripley served as a warrant officer on the Nostromo during the ship’s final voyage, when an unknown alien lifeform attached itself to one of her crew and escaped onto the ship. As the creature grew, its reign of terror continued, picking off crew members until only Ripley remained. After a harrowing escape, Ripley entered her hypersleep chamber. The dark fog of sleep slithered and coiled around her, and she closed her eyes on one nightmare... only to open them in another.
The Alien Chapter Pack includes:
- New Killer: the Xenomorph
- New Survivor: Ellen Ripley
- An exclusive Charm: Motion Tracker
- A Very Rare Outfit for Ellen Ripley: Back in Action
In space, no one can hear you scream. But this is not space.
See you in the Fog,
The Dead by Daylight team.