over 5 years
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Recently, we asked you guys to create a guide for newcomers (details can be found here). What you guys came up with in just two weeks has blown us away, and picking the winners was difficult as always. After reviewing 150 entries, we are happy to announce the winners!
To reiterate, the judging criteria were:
- Amount of information (not too little, but not overwhelming)
- Clarity (how easy it is to understand)
- Presentation (how well the information is organized, bonus points for visuals)
Without further ado, the winners are...
FIRST PLACE: 12,500 Auric Cells
How to not be Dead by Daylight by Fibijean
How to not be Dead by Daylight.pdfSECOND PLACE: 6,000 Auric Cells
Beginner's Guide to Dead by Daylight by Nivala
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9lBK3rQAzOs&feature=youtu.beTHIRD PLACE: 2,250 Auric Cells
A Beginners Guide to Dead by Daylight by Venamin24
https://venamin24.wixsite.com/aguide2dbdCongratulations to all the winners! Your guides really blew us away. A member of our community team will reach out to your in a private message on the forums shortly to give you your prize.
Thank you to everyone who participated!