@chewyghostorgan I'm no scientist, but I feel like 10 hours would have been plenty of time to sleep, wake up, and get ready before the chapter released. 🤔
@Brandon31810753 @ImKatastrophe If you had your game running in the background, be sure to fully close it off and then restart it. It'll sync your purchases when you start the game.
We have temporarily disabled the new Raccoon City Police Station map across all platforms.
We are investigating reports of crashes after loading into a trial. The map will be reenabled when the issue is resolved. Thank you for your patience!
We know you're excited to explore the Raccoon City Police Station, so here's something else to be excited about while we get this fixed up: Login any time within the next week for 300,000 Bloodpoints.
⭐ Switch EU/JP
• 50% off base game
• 50% off select DLCs (excl. Resident Evil)
• 40% off Silent Hill Edition
• EU: June 27, 11:59 p.m. CET
• JP: June 27, 11:59 p.m. JST
The perfect ensemble for going live. @primegaming and Dead by Daylight, are partnering up once again! Get Haddie Kaur’s Online Interview Get-Up outfit today with Amazon Prime. More information on the partnership here: https://dbd.game/31xLERthttp://pbs.twimg.com/media/FVUL78AXwAEBpf-.jpg
@madisonmaharry @primegaming You should see the outfit again once you restart your game! Sorry about that, something caused it to briefly appear a little sooner than expected.
@FrozenThirteen @primegaming If you restart your game, you should see your outfit again. Something caused it to appear briefly before it was released, sorry for the confusion!