about 2 months ago - Dead by Daylight - Direct link

Transcript (by Youtube)

71s [Music]
86s [Music]
97s [Music]
121s [Applause]
125s [Music]
182s [Music]
248s [Music]
295s hey everyone my
302s I am a fog whisper and full-time YouTube
305s and twitch content creator you might
307s know me from my News videos my
309s informational videos tutorials I am a
355s [Music]
372s hey everyone my name is King I am a fog
374s whisper and full-time YouTube and twitch
377s content creator you might know me from
379s my News videos my informational videos
382s tutorials or maybe even being the
385s original host for dbd game shows it's a
388s pleasure to be on today's stream hi
390s Darlings it's your girl die hard div and
392s I have a few would you rather questions
393s for you the
394s community would you rather be chased by
397s 50 duck siiz Onis or one
402s oniz duck
410s [Music]
425s [Music]
429s 50 Ducks is a lot already and it's still
432s Oni so I think I'm just going to stick
434s with one on size duck plus I do like
437s ducks honestly one oniz duck sounds
443s pretty terrifying I think I'm going to
445s go for the 50 duck size Onis and
448s literally just strap my Tims on and get
450s get ready to boot them because there's
452s no way I'm running from one oniz duck
456s question two you get $50 million but the
459s rafe is chasing you at a snail's pace
461s for the next 10 years do you take the
463s [Music]
470s [Music]
477s money honestly I think this is a easy
482s yes all I need to do is like set up some
484s motion cameras in my house as soon as I
487s see the Wrath is coming I I need to set
489s like a bunch of like alarms and stuff as
492s soon as I get his exact location and
494s know where he's at even if I'm sleeping
496s and it just like rings and I know I'm
498s out I I'm in a place that has two exits
501s that's the grandm plan here go out one
504s exits dip out of there fly across the
507s country and live my days as soon as I
509s can calculate how fast he's going and
512s he's he's about to approach my location
514s I'm out going back to the other home and
516s we're just going to rinse and repeat
518s wraith at a snail pace for the next 10
520s years he won't catch up that's easy $50
523s million go ahead give me that easy money
526s there you go yeah would you rather play
528s video games with Fung for an evening or
531s go out to a cafe with Sable ooh
538s [Music]
546s [Music]
552s H fun is a professional gamer and I'm
556s really competitive so I feel like things
558s would heat up very quickly I'm going to
560s take the easy way out and I'm going to
561s say go on a cafe date with Sable also
564s Sable is really cute she's really cute
568s she really is how dare they give us this
570s cute Survivor I'm shook it this is a
573s good one honestly I feel that if I play
577s video games with fun she's just going to
578s be way too good because she's literally
581s like in orts I don't think I'm going to
584s really show off too well there I'm going
586s to embarrass myself so I think I have a
588s way better chance of going out to the
590s cafe with Sable and we could share a
592s bunch of cool stories that's my answer
594s I'm locking it in question four who do
597s you think would put you through a
598s tougher workout at the gym Trapper or
606s [Music]
614s [Music]
621s Huntress that's such a difficult one
624s because especially if you looked on the
625s Hooked On You skins they're Bo like
627s built they're both like into it Hunter's
631s got that arm you know she really has
633s that Tom Brady arm but I think I might
635s have to go a Trapper for this one the
637s man like walks through so much traps all
639s the time he even has hooks like inside
642s of him because he fought to entity I
644s think he's going to really give me a
646s tougher workout so we're going to have
648s to go with him and I I need to hit the
649s gym so that works perfect well both
652s Trapper and Huntress are very muscular
655s but have you seen the muscles on huness
658s I feel like she would really my butt at
660s the gym so I'mma pick her sorry Trapper
663s what would the unknown have to say to
665s someone to perfectly mimic you to
668s [Music]
674s [Music]
683s others that one's easy I'm a Leo I
686s choose chaos or fashion fun and chaos
689s y'all Die Hard Darlings know I am all
691s about that fashion fun and Chaos I
694s really I really am yep mimik knows me so
697s well wow this one's a tricky one because
700s I go through a lot of phases where I
702s have a bunch of different
704s catchphrases but I don't know what I
706s what do I really say a lot probably like
709s like a greeting I it has to be a
711s greeting right or like you're you know
713s NYC that's me so I think I have to go
716s with something like that or maybe I'm
718s back if if the constant me saying I'm
721s back to content creation and streaming
722s after being on a Hiatus for so long that
725s one also sums it up
727s perfectly well that's all the questions
729s I'm very excited to see what you all
731s chose for your would you rather
732s questions until next time see you in the
734s fog
804s [Music]
828s [Music]
846s [Music]
868s for for
877s [Music]
910s [Music]
922s [Music]
933s Tomb Raider Loft what I know happening
937s so exciting hey everybody welcome back
939s to another dead by daylight live stream
941s out there in twitch World YouTube World
943s this is our stream for our official
945s stream for our July release and 2v eight
949s release because these things are both
952s very important and both happening around
954s the same time so let's get into it yes
956s this is our first live stream since our
958s anniversary uh so we're ready to kick
960s off year nine in a really big way uh so
963s especially because one of the best
965s responses we've gotten from the
966s anniversary live stream was your
968s reaction to the announcement of 2v eight
971s game mode so in today's stream um we're
974s going to break down everything that you
976s can expect from the game mode and show
978s you a full gameplay segment and we
981s couldn't be more excited and as if that
982s wasn't already enough as I just
983s mentioned we're welcoming a new survivor
985s to the fog the Ultimate Survivor Lara
987s Croft is now at as of today in a few
990s minutes after the show in dead by
992s daylight uh so on the show today we're
994s going to be looking at her gameplay of
996s course but also finding out how she made
999s her way into the fog with us uh in dead
1002s by daylight it'll be really interesting
1003s yes so of course we've got a lot on Deck
1006s today um we're going to be going through
1008s so much content but let's go ahead and
1010s take a look at today's run of show let
1011s get into it so first up uh I'll be
1014s chatting with William one of dead by
1016s Daylight's narrative designers to find
1017s out about how we wo Lura croft's uh
1020s world into the world of dead by daylight
1023s uh then we'll sit down with Tomas uh one
1025s of the amazing game designers to talk
1027s about Lara's gameplay and break down
1029s each of her perks and how they pertain
1031s to her as a character and after that
1033s we'll have Justin and Brandon on Deck uh
1036s to share everything with you about the
1037s new toome Mythic and all of its rewards
1040s following that dork gets to sit down
1041s with our friend Rose to take a look at
1043s the incredible new collections coming in
1045s this release and then after that it's
1047s all things 2 V8 we're joined by a
1050s different Justin Justin Brown a two
1052s Justin show for you today he's going to
1054s give us finalized gameplay details that
1056s we weren't able to give you at the
1057s anniversary announcement and then we'll
1059s take you into a super fun and super
1061s chaotic gameplay showcase featuring our
1065s devs Jordan and peanuts as well as eight
1067s of our fog Whisperers having a ball uh
1070s and finally in case you uh have
1072s questions which of course you usually do
1074s we'll be wrapping things up with a Q&A
1076s to cover 2 V8 our new chapter anything
1079s else you want to talk about and maybe
1081s also to cover this next topic uh we are
1084s very happy to say finally we have more
1087s details to share with you about cross
1091s progression my pet favorite topic I'm so
1094s psyched we can finally start talking
1096s about it uh so for those of you looking
1099s for a chance to finally sync your dead
1100s by daylight progress and purchases
1102s across multiple platforms the good news
1104s is you definitely don't have much longer
1106s to wait cross progression is going to be
1108s available on
1110s July 22nd less than a week this next
1113s Monday uh not much longer to wait at all
1116s so we'll be back with a lot more details
1117s on that later in the show we wanted to
1119s get that to you up at the front of the
1120s show uh so we'll do a Q&A we can get
1123s into some of the specifics there so stay
1126s tuned yes absolutely and I'm so excited
1129s I cannot wait for cross progression um
1131s but the last thing before we get into
1133s our first segment twitch drops um of
1135s course we're doing twitch drops in this
1136s show we've been doing them on our last
1138s uh broadcast recently um so make sure
1141s that you're linking your behavior
1142s account so that you can go ahead and get
1144s those twitch drops um you'll see a QR
1146s code on the screen or a link in the
1147s twitch chat so be sure to get those um
1151s and if you're new to dead by daylight
1152s twitch drops all you need to know is
1154s that by watching any dead by daylight
1156s live stream that's any dead by daylight
1158s Liv stream in the twitch category you'll
1160s be AC crewing watch time to get any of
1162s the twitch drops that we have available
1164s today until July 30th and this is going
1167s to be for a full outfit for Jonah
1169s Vasquez so for all our Jonah F fans out
1172s there um you can start by getting your
1174s watch time with today's live stream to
1176s get the weary eyes head cosmetic then
1179s after that with three total hours of
1181s watch time you'll get The Unwanted
1183s attention top and then with six total
1186s hours you can complete the set with the
1188s back home pants those are some very
1191s country music ass names which are so
1194s good they are so good shout out to the
1196s narrative team uh we got another fun
1199s thing to talk about so we try to weave
1201s in surprises wherever we can on these uh
1203s live streams so we brought a little
1205s something special for you today uh and
1208s if you are a dead by daylight fan which
1209s let's assume that you're watching this I
1211s mean no one's here to watch this uh or a
1215s super massive games fan you probably
1217s already have the casting of Frank Stone
1218s on your radar uh and today we're super
1222s happy to give you a first Glimpse at a
1225s brand new trailer that actually focuses
1227s on the mysterious
1229s film that's being filmed by the
1232s characters inside the game so let's
1234s check that out right
1241s now you think we're
1244s weak there were
1246s nothing you make me sick in the summer
1251s of
1252s 1980 in the depths of an abandoned steel
1256s mill are you absolutely sure this is
1260s safe an evil lies
1264s dormant waiting to be Unleashed yo
1269s coming uh yeah the footage was thought
1273s to be
1275s lost it now
1277s resurfaces get off me for the first
1281s time what is it evil comes for all
1289s a Christine Gordon film check it
1292s starring hee rera and Christine Gordon
1298s with Linda Castle Robert Green and
1302s Bonnie we got to get out of this place
1305s we got to get out of here right now we
1306s got to go dare you
1308s enter murder
1312s Mill and cut I think we got it the film
1316s is legendary I heard it was only a few
1319s times and each time the audience flew
1321s into a rabid murderous rage cia's got
1325s this secret lab called the lar Memorial
1327s Institute where they use it for enhanced
1330s interrogation how do you know all
1336s this I'm a
1345s fan ah I'm a fan I mean I'm also a fan
1349s uh and murder Mill eagle-eyed players
1352s are familiar with murder Mill maybe
1354s they've seen it in a movie theater
1355s nearby yeah and Larry they meant they
1358s said Larry um yeah so I can't wait to
1361s get my hands on this game and I know you
1363s can't wait either but thankfully we do
1365s not have to wait much longer the casting
1367s of Frank Stone comes out September 3rd
1369s 2024 for PC Xbox series X and S and
1373s PlayStation 5 you can pre-order now to
1375s get instant access to the plunderers
1377s Instinct wink wink perk perk a feature
1381s that allows you to rummage around for
1383s hidden collection uh Collectibles
1385s scattered throughout the game uh we also
1387s have the deluxe edition uh that you can
1390s get available now or you know to
1392s pre-order so you can get instant access
1394s to The Cutting Room floor which is
1396s another feature a new feature that
1398s allows you to return to key decision
1400s points so you could change them to see
1401s new outcomes in the game and also check
1404s out those Collectibles you might have
1405s missed uh these features are available
1408s or usually after you finish your first
1409s playthrough but if you pre-order the
1412s deluxe edition you get them both instant
1414s at launch but what else we got for you
1416s if you're get in the casting of Frank
1417s Stone well buying the deluxe edition
1420s gets you eight exclusive costumes in the
1422s casting of Frank Stone but in a very
1424s cool twist it also gets you a bunch of
1427s exclusive rewards in DVD proper so all
1430s you need is to own both games and have
1433s them registered to the same behavior
1435s account and you get rewards in both
1437s those things so we just just thrown a
1439s ton of information at you sell sell sell
1442s uh but if you missed some of it we got
1444s that graphic there see there's a lot
1446s just go to the cast and frankstone
1447s website for full details make your
1449s choice and Get Hype September 3rd is not
1452s far away yes so that's it for us right
1456s now but let's go ahead and kick it off
1458s with our first segment and find out more
1460s about how the team brought the iconic
1462s Loft into dead by daylight
1472s all right so those who are new to our
1474s streams um you might see or usually
1477s watch our streams you'll see that Dave
1478s is usually our go-to guy for um talking
1481s about everything lore but today we want
1482s to introduce a new part of our narrative
1485s team um who's been basically working on
1488s bringing in existing characters into the
1490s fog uh so please join me in welcoming
1493s narrative designer William A Mitchell
1495s thank you for having me I'm excited to
1498s be here in the space uh for the first
1500s time it's kind of surreal yeah it's
1501s pretty surreal for the first couple of
1503s times um but uh we're going to go ahead
1506s and hop in to talking about how the
1508s narrative team has collaborated with
1510s Dave to bring in this new chapter sure
1513s um so usually Dave comes to us with sort
1516s of uh a realized idea but sort of a
1518s blueprint of what we want to do with the
1519s character kind of here's who we're
1521s working with and here's the general sort
1523s of thrust of what we're doing uh on the
1525s narrative team our goal is to take that
1528s blueprint and and sort of fill in all
1529s the details uh really focusing on the
1532s stuff like the motivations and and you
1534s know everything like about like the the
1537s the character that you see in the game
1539s yeah okay so then what are some of the
1542s waves that you have all weaved in um
1545s Lura Croft into dead by daylight and
1547s we've got this amazing poster behind me
1550s that has Lura Croft the original
1553s Survivor um so yeah how have you guys
1556s brought her into dead by Daylights lore
1558s sure um well I think there's some things
1560s that are kind of obvious the big things
1562s uh you know the character bios uh voice
1565s over lines uh memory fragments when we
1567s write those for some characters those
1568s are sort of like the big parts that we
1570s use to to to Really tie people's lore
1573s into the game but um there's a lot of
1575s little things too um that are very
1577s important uh this is more killer Centric
1579s but for example when we're talking about
1580s add-ons you know we have these 20
1582s opportunities to look at little momentos
1584s and and tell stories about a character's
1586s past and sort of uh uh disc how we got
1590s to to where we are now um something that
1593s applies to to Lara and the and the
1595s survivors as well is when we get to the
1596s perks you know we kind of look at perks
1598s as an opportunity to say okay this is
1600s who they are now and this is why they
1602s are who they are now um we use that
1605s flavor text there to say here's the
1607s character strengths here's the things
1608s that make them uh special in in our uh
1612s in our universe and and and here's how
1614s they got there okay so with like kind of
1616s filling out that flavored text and kind
1618s of making sure we're adding that P that
1621s person into our uh game can you tell us
1623s a bit more about your experience with
1625s the Tomb Raider franchise sure uh so I
1628s was uh I was a young kid I was working
1630s my first job I was delivering Flyers
1632s around town and uh I had just managed to
1634s save enough money just to get a
1636s Playstation One No Game No memory card
1639s just a PlayStation one uh at the end of
1642s the summer so I got that home and uh it
1644s came with a demo disc and that's all I
1645s had for a couple months so uh uh I went
1649s through that demo dis a lot and one of
1650s the things that I stuck to the most was
1652s one level of Tomb Raider 2 that I
1654s probably played one or two hundred times
1656s uh shooting the same tiger sorry tiger
1658s uh uh a bunch of times in that so that
1661s was my first experience and it wasn't
1662s really until uh the 2013 game that I got
1665s really on board um this is when I uh uh
1668s picked up that game I was uh just blown
1672s away by it um the the the presentation
1674s of that game the the character growth
1676s that we see over the course of that game
1678s uh and the you know the sort of
1681s brutality of it all was was uh was was
1683s kind of shocking and uh and and uh
1686s really exciting okay so with talking
1688s about like the character growth that's
1690s kind of displayed in the 2013 uh Lura
1694s Croft game can you tell us about how
1696s we're getting Lura Croft like at what
1698s stage in her development is she coming
1699s into the fog sure um there is a moment
1702s in the 2013 game where uh she's on the
1705s tracks of the Solari Brotherhood who are
1707s kind of the the bad guys in that that
1708s game uh they've taken her friend Sam and
1711s she's managed to find Sam finally after
1714s uh after all this time sort of chasing
1717s her uh but she gets overwhelmed by the
1719s salari Brotherhood so uh she has to jump
1722s off of a sort of natural Rock Bridge uh
1726s and she lands in a river of blood uh
1730s full of you know dismembered like Limbs
1734s and all this stuff uh that felt like the
1736s perfect moment for the fog to creep in
1738s so she she Dives in uh feels all these
1741s you know uh limbs kind of grabbing at
1743s her as she's trying to get back to the
1745s surface uh has this Apocalypse Now
1747s moment where she Rises up out of the
1749s blood and uh that's when the fog kicks
1752s in and she's in a new nightmare that
1754s sounds like a truly horrific event I
1756s could not be as calm and collected as
1758s Laura um so speaking of that and like
1762s kind of like how that kind of brings in
1763s can you paint a picture of what kind of
1766s qualities Lara is coming into the fog
1768s with
1769s sure I mean uh up until that point in
1771s the game you you can see that she's
1773s already gone through so much you know
1775s physical and emotional damage um you
1778s know she's she's been Shipwrecked she's
1780s lost her Mentor she's lost her uh her
1783s best friend and she's uh trying to
1785s escape a terrifying cult on uh on a
1789s remote island um so she's really you
1792s know started to become hardened at this
1794s point you know uh uh able to deal with
1797s with all that damage but on top of that
1799s she's very intelligent you know that's
1801s an important side of her for us to uh
1803s for us to talk about you know she went
1805s to school for archaeology she's a whiz
1807s kid from a family of whiz adults I guess
1811s uh she's you know she's a genius uh who
1815s who took her her her school and and and
1817s learning very seriously uh but to me I
1819s think the most important thing about her
1820s is that she always keeps it cool you
1822s know she's collected like you said like
1824s uh for me like I freak out if I have a
1827s deadline coming up she's keeping her
1829s head straight when entire tigers are
1831s coming after her Tigers wolves T-Rexes
1835s the whole CH bang yeah um so then with
1838s when you're working with an established
1839s character like Lara um how does that
1842s affect our process for bringing them
1844s into a game with you know their uh and
1846s while also making sure to respect the
1848s Canon and the current narratives they
1850s have like so how do we like weave all of
1852s that back into us for sure um for a
1854s character like this and you know for any
1856s licensed character what it amounts to
1858s for is an enormous amount of research I
1860s probably I would say I spent about 90%
1862s of my time doing research uh for
1864s characters like this you know we want to
1865s look at absolutely everything that's
1867s ever been released for uh for a
1869s character like this um you know there
1871s are so many games for this uh there's
1874s there's also like the films and and this
1875s and that while we aren't using all of
1877s that uh I think it's important to sort
1879s of build a mental picture for ourselves
1881s uh based on all that um you know as I
1886s mentioned we're using the Survivor
1887s timeline for this story story but we
1889s don't want to completely alienate people
1891s who've never played those games you know
1892s there's a lot of people who grew up on
1894s those 9s games you know playing the demo
1896s in their basement 1998 or whatever year
1899s it was uh so we try to keep those
1901s motivations in mind as we're creating
1904s the character uh uh to sort of paint a
1906s full picture of of who they are um then
1910s the next most important thing for us to
1911s do is find that perfect moment in
1913s whatever timeline we're using for us to
1917s have that Divergence that moment where
1920s okay this is no longer that story this
1921s is now our story where the where the fog
1924s comes in uh luckily this was probably
1926s the easiest it's ever been um if you
1929s don't look at that River of blood moment
1930s and say yeah that's when the fog shows
1932s up then uh please let me know what
1935s moment's
1936s better yeah especially because it is
1939s such a horrifying gruesome moment like
1942s to be submerged and all no thank you um
1945s but that that kind of goes back to the
1947s horror elements that are part of the
1949s Tomb Raider franchise um so can you tell
1951s us about how that might have inspired or
1953s informed our decision-making process for
1955s the narrative for sure um I mean I've
1958s always looked at this series as you know
1961s it's not survival horror but it
1962s definitely is horror about surviving I
1965s think um the well thank you uh uh you
1969s know the these these there's so many
1971s moments in this series you know like the
1973s entire sort of first hour of of the 2013
1976s game is is is horrifying to to to play
1979s through it really it's really like
1981s intense and cathartic um you know even
1983s in the old games you know there's a
1984s temple in Tomb Raider 2 that is straight
1987s up spooky uh in Tomb Raider 5 there's
1990s this part that you go through when
1991s you're in Ireland and you're getting
1992s chased by tiny demons like these are
1995s horrifying moments in this game series
1997s uh and it just makes sense to have uh
2000s Lara as a survivor in our game yeah I'm
2002s I'm excited we're getting Lara they can
2004s keep the tiny demons but thank you so
2006s much will for walking us through how
2008s we've brought Lara into the world of
2010s dead by daylight uh next up we'll be
2012s sitting down with Thomas who's going to
2014s be breaking down how Lara's gameplay
2016s comes into
2017s [Music]
2026s [Music]
2029s DVD all right now that we know a bit
2031s more about how the team brought the
2033s iconic L coft into the fog let's talk
2036s gameplay uh please welcome the amazing
2039s game designer tomama hi thanks for
2041s having me welcome to the stream I'm
2043s super glad to be sitting down and
2045s talking with you uh especially because
2046s you are the designer responsible for the
2048s new chapter perks that we're going to be
2049s seeing in dead by daylight for both
2051s killer and Survivor um and today you're
2054s here in person so let's go ahead and
2056s talk about how Laura's personality
2058s transitions into these perks so for
2060s starters I've got to ask were you a fan
2062s of the Tomb Raider franchise before you
2064s started working on this chapter yes of
2066s course I mean I definitely remember
2068s playing the game as a kid and thinking
2069s oh my God this looks so good right and
2072s then of course I I had to revisit the
2074s franchise for working on this chapter
2076s because a lot has happened since playing
2077s the game as a kid absolutely and this is
2079s a character that people know and love
2081s and basically simonas with gaming in
2084s general so what are the aspects of Laura
2087s that you had to brainstorm on or think
2089s about when making her perks well like we
2091s always start uh with dve rishaw who
2093s gives us the main themes the pillars of
2095s the character and uh we get three of
2097s these and we sort of like do a [ __ ] of
2099s research to try to find perk ideas game
2102s plays that would fit into these ideas
2104s but in this case um all the three perks
2106s all the three I pillars they translated
2108s really neatly into three perks so that
2110s was easy um so I mean each one of these
2113s is called uh athlete Adventurer and
2116s archaeologist so that's the three ones
2118s all right so can you tell me a bit about
2120s how they translated into their own perks
2122s yes of course uh the first one is called
2124s again finess uh and this is the one that
2127s connects to Lara as an athlete so we
2129s wanted to make sure that we got to view
2131s our athletic side as an important part
2133s of you know the way she moves her
2135s environments and the way she's doing all
2136s those cool you know like actionyoutube
2158s uh it gives you 20% volt speed when you
2160s do a fast volt um it doesn't use
2162s exhaustion so you just like this little
2165s it seems like a small margin but it make
2166s it make a big difference in a Chase um
2169s part of the goal here was to make a
2171s different kind of athletic perk we
2172s didn't want to have an exhaustion perk
2174s because we have a bunch of these already
2175s and they don't work together uh so we
2177s wanted to have something athletic and
2179s also something unique yeah I did noticed
2182s that with Lara's animation it was
2183s different so can you explain a bit more
2186s about how the team came to decide that
2188s yeah well uh we definitely wanted to
2190s have a cool animation for this and uh we
2192s asked to create a brand new animation
2194s for the fast Vault on the window and on
2195s the pallet uh so that it would you know
2198s really showcase Lara's acrobatic
2200s abilities and you know what she's
2202s capable of um the movement is like a
2204s parkour Vault so the player really feels
2206s like they're doing something cool and
2209s unique and also the killer notices it uh
2211s which is really important for gameplay
2212s and also for like the cool aspect of it
2216s it does look awesome and it was amazing
2218s to use it in trials and not only is it
2220s like unique Just For Dead by daylight
2223s but it was also very Laura Craft um
2225s which I think it's just a great
2226s combination so what can you tell us
2229s about the two other perks for Lara well
2231s the second perk is called hardened uh
2233s and this one is built around the
2234s adventurer theme um as an adventurer
2236s she's been through a lot and uh she now
2238s almost never gets rattled and you know
2240s this is what you know the kind of
2242s feeling we wanted to give for hardened
2243s um you complete a certain task and
2245s you're rewarded for the rest of the
2247s trial um in this case you don't scream
2250s and you see the Killer's Aura in
2251s specific conditions so uh we know that
2254s you know she's always going through
2255s temples going on Quests for specific uh
2258s items and artifacts so in this case you
2261s know in the dead by daylight game it
2263s turns into like opening chests and
2264s cleansing totems so once you do that uh
2267s you're rewarded with this kind of like
2268s fearlessness in a trial that we uh
2270s discussed okay um so that would just
2273s leave the archaeologist perk so can you
2275s expand on that one yes of course uh this
2277s one's also very very simple it's called
2278s specialist uh and as you mentioned it's
2281s kind of like the archaeology uh perk
2283s theme um it works by granting you tokens
2285s when you open chests so this is
2287s something you can do go around open
2289s chests and then uh once you uh go on a
2292s generator and do a great skill check uh
2294s you're going to get what we call BNP
2296s short for brand new part uh which is
2299s this kind of like progress that cannot
2301s be broken on a generator even if the
2302s killer kicks it uh so when you open a
2305s chest you get this extra value that you
2306s can use for something else uh that's
2308s pretty cool uh even if the killer kicks
2310s it they're you're not going to lose that
2311s progress so it's a great payoff and then
2314s it's fun to go around and it I think it
2316s fits with Lara Croft I'm really excited
2318s to use that perk in my next trial uh so
2321s last question and this is a question we
2322s like to ask all of our game designers um
2325s is there any tips that you'd like to
2327s give to players for using Lara perks for
2329s the first time in their trials yes of
2331s course uh the goal is always to be fun
2333s and simple and and also in a sense
2335s effective uh and and each of these per
2337s per can bring you in a different
2339s direction if you want to do some kind of
2341s build crafting you could use a single
2342s perk with you know three other uh that
2345s that sort of mesh with it uh but you
2347s could also just like take all three and
2349s go for a jack of all trades kind of like
2350s idea or just you know um kind of like go
2353s for the Adept I suppose uh if you're
2355s looking to play off a finess uh my call
2357s would probably be uh Li which is just an
2360s obvious choice uh you just do this
2362s really cool fast Vault and then you
2363s start running you know at a high speed
2366s uh so that would work very well and then
2368s you have the cool animation on top of it
2370s um hardened plays more into like a
2372s stealth kind of like build so in this
2375s case you could use urban evasion or like
2377s maybe there's like a chest build you
2378s know and and it's the same for
2380s Specialists right it plays off with
2382s chest so maybe there's a chest build out
2384s there I'm just like willing it out uh so
2386s like you could use coin offering plunder
2388s his Instinct and then if for some reason
2390s the killer uses hoarder I don't know why
2392s they would but they could you're just in
2394s business you know yeah I'm really
2396s looking forward to pairing finesse with
2398s live especially just get that really
2400s cool animation and just just take off so
2404s thank you so much for walking us through
2406s all of that Tama it's really been a
2408s pleasure and I'm so glad we had you on
2410s the stream uh next up is going to be me
2413s and Eric to prep you for our next
2415s segment uh so stay tuned
2449s okay we are back dork those are two
2451s great interviews thank you for that show
2454s is not even close to over yet I I I
2457s checked chat I saw people you know
2459s people join whenever they join so they
2460s missed a little bit of the news at the
2462s start a lot of cross progression when
2464s well cross progression next week on
2466s Monday July 22nd we're going to talk
2468s about a little bit later in the show so
2470s stay tuned 2 v8's coming up as well so
2472s stay tuned so everyone you're gonna
2474s everyone's got there's something for
2475s everyone on the show today so just just
2477s stick with us uh but right now we're
2479s going to be joined by Justin Banks and
2481s Brandon Sila who are going to be joining
2483s us talk about the new Mythic toome and
2486s Lara actually makes an appear in the
2488s tone which is pretty dope so we're going
2489s to jump to that and then we'll be right
2497s back hey everybody welcome back to the
2500s couch I'm Justin Banks one of the senior
2502s product managers on dbd here today
2504s playing host as we welcome Brandon to
2506s the couch Brandon why don't you tell the
2509s everybody about yourself hey everyone
2511s I'm Brandon product manager on the
2513s engagement team and I work on archive
2515s strategy so Brandon is actually one of
2518s the guys on our team who is amazing in
2521s fashion so if you've seen a lot of
2522s really nice outfits in the archives over
2524s the past few years this is thanks to his
2526s knowledge working with the art team so
2529s he's the perfect person to tell us a
2531s little bit about what's happening in Tom
2532s 20 Mythic the cool rewards and
2535s collection within so I really love the
2538s theme of this latest to I think it's
2540s amazing whenever the New Concept
2542s Concepts have come out I think we've all
2544s been really interested looking at them
2546s and we're even dressed a little bit a
2548s little bit in line with with the theme
2550s that we'll talk about so can you tell a
2552s little bit to the players about about
2555s this theme and how the Mythic title
2557s actually ties in yeah for sure like the
2559s team went in a really cool Direction
2561s with the toome we wanted to create
2562s something where we could introduce
2564s supernatural creatures from the spirit
2566s world that would relate to our
2567s characters in interesting ways um so our
2570s characters have basically bonded with
2571s different Spirits uh each represented by
2574s an animal or a creature that you know
2576s might have come to them in a time of
2578s need or could simply represent the
2579s embodiment of that character in a
2581s specific moment um the spirits they bond
2584s with share similar traits goals maybe
2586s even morals with these characters and
2588s this let us craft something really
2590s unique and uh was super interesting you
2594s know so I think this is a super cool
2596s Direction and not only is it interesting
2600s lorewise but it lets us create a very
2602s visually cohesive collection so you put
2604s everyone side by side they've all got
2606s the same flare that that we've got some
2608s nice blue or you know V effects uh
2611s calling back to their spirit
2613s animal and we do have our new Survivor
2616s who is showing up in here as well so can
2618s you talk a little bit about the featured
2620s characters and how Lara is showing up in
2622s the toome oh for sure so let's start
2624s with the featured characters well our
2626s main characters that we're going to be
2627s focusing on in Mythic are yui and the
2630s spirits um they're both going to have
2632s ultra rare outfits that go above and
2634s beyond the others in the collection um
2636s and their Spirits you know they very
2638s strong ties to uh Japanese folklore so I
2640s think the players are going to really
2642s love this one um so to start uh yui
2645s she's tied she's tied to the uh spirit
2647s of the kitsun the supernatural Japanese
2650s Fox and that's going to be available on
2652s tier one uh once you purchase the rift
2654s pass um U kits outfit is also a mix and
2658s match outfit the spirit on the other
2660s hand is tied to the arochi which is you
2662s know a eight-headed Japanese serpent um
2666s and I haven't forgotten about Lara
2668s uh Lara isn't the featured character in
2669s the tone but she is part of the whole
2671s collection the whole Mythic collection
2673s and uh she has an amazing outfit to boot
2675s um it's based on the rkin um outfit that
2678s you find by completing the Baba Yaga DLC
2682s in Rise of the Tomb Raider and we've
2684s accentuated it a bit with some ear
2686s details I think those details are
2688s amazing I remember I played that DLC
2690s back in tumer I loved it so I think that
2693s covers our featured characters and Lara
2696s but it's a pretty huge collection so so
2697s we've got seven more so you what can you
2700s tell us about the survivors in this
2701s collection yeah I mean all the survivors
2703s are getting really cool Guardian Spirit
2706s outfits so I mean starting with the
2707s Sable for example you know she's a
2710s little bit on the darker side spends a
2711s lot of time in cemeteries so with that
2714s being said uh her outfit is represented
2716s by a Gargoyle eled on the other hand is
2719s represented by a Bengal cat which ties
2721s back to her Madagascar Roots um David
2725s King you know Fierce as always is linked
2727s to lion while uh Victorio um gets the
2730s silver wolf which is a very Noble
2732s creature uh Noble spiritual animal from
2734s his home in Italy now that Victorio
2736s outfit is amazing that's probably going
2738s to be the one that I'll pick whenever I
2739s run him now what about the killers that
2742s fill out the rest of this collection of
2744s course I haven't forgotten about the
2745s killers either um you know we have three
2747s killers represented by evil spirits you
2750s know some are more tied to their human
2752s pre fog lives um the trickster for
2754s example is connected to the Gan rooster
2757s who according to his mother's stories
2759s was an animal that kind of watched over
2761s and protected their family um when he
2764s was growing up The Wraith um he's
2767s represented by the aama lizard which is
2769s connecting him back to his home in
2771s Nigeria and finally we have the clown
2773s who's bonded with the orangutang kind of
2776s keep this a little bit of a mystery for
2777s everyone but check out his outfit lore
2779s for some great details on that
2781s relationship yeah that one is super
2784s interesting a little bit weird as the
2786s clown does tend to get
2788s so that's all really cool stuff for the
2790s the all the outfit rewards but again
2792s we've got more than just outfits in the
2794s rift so what other stuff can the players
2797s look towards earning yeah for starters
2798s we got some really cool charms for for
2800s Lara like the CH Lara and some other
2803s player cards that really call back to
2804s her core experiences that I think fans
2806s of the recent Trilogy will really like
2809s um all the other rewards um non uh Tomb
2812s Raider related uh will tie back to the
2815s rest of the Mythic collection and offer
2817s more um you know info on what these
2820s outfits are and why they are significant
2822s to their characters um we're also
2825s bunching those all together with the
2827s respective outfits so players can really
2829s unravel the stories as they're earning
2831s all the content I think that's going to
2833s be super cool I know the teams put a lot
2835s of work into ensuring that those outfits
2838s and everything make sense they fit this
2840s character and we're hoping all the fans
2842s of those characters are going to love
2843s those as well and for the people who
2845s love these so much that they're willing
2846s to earn the Deep outfits yes we've got
2849s those as well so of course yui and the
2851s spirit they've got some very nice ones
2852s there of course one for Lara as well so
2856s like her outfit for Rai skin some extra
2859s work I know the team has put in for that
2861s and then we know there's fans of sable
2863s so Sable is getting a deep Rift outfit
2865s along with the trickster so that's
2868s outfits let's get that out of the way
2869s because there's some really cool stuff
2870s here at the end that we kind of gets to
2872s be as like oh but one or two more things
2875s so with these fun new additions that
2877s we're adding into the rift can you spill
2880s some beans let players know what's
2882s what's in store for sure I always have a
2884s but wait there's more moment uh you got
2886s it so like for the first time ever
2888s players are going to be super excited
2889s about this we're adding iridescent
2891s shards into the rift what yes and it's
2893s all going to be on the free track too so
2895s players who go uh to you know through
2897s the entire Rift will be able to earn up
2899s to 2500 irides shards uh and then all
2903s this is on top of you know irides shards
2905s that you will regularly earn or through
2906s login periods but wait there's even more
2910s there's going to be blood points more
2911s blood points we know all our players
2913s love playing a lot of the Rifts and they
2915s love getting rewarded for that so we're
2917s adding a ton of bonus tiers to to to the
2920s rift we're adding something Beyond tier
2922s 85 now now tiers 86 through 200 will
2927s contain 5,000 blood Points each tier and
2930s they're all going to be on the free
2931s track so it's a nice little touch nice
2933s little reward for players who really
2935s have a lot of RI fragments to earn and
2937s and use up and I I think this to is
2941s probably Mythic I think we're probably I
2943s think we're describing it pretty well
2945s there's a lot of content that we have in
2947s here Brandon thank you so much for
2949s joining us and it was a Mythic
2951s experience for all for all of you out
2953s there Tom 20 has so much in store for
2956s you from the amazing outfits guest star
2958s Loft the iridescent shards the extra BP
2962s it's a lot this release it's some really
2964s cool stuff so it's been a pleasure
2966s hosting but that thing I'm going to pass
2967s back to the pros Eric and dork see you
2970s everybody
2975s [Music]
2987s [Music]
3000s [Music]
3004s all right that a big thanks to Justin
3006s and Brandon for showing off the Mythic
3007s Tome to us it honestly it looks mystical
3010s I I'm just so um myal mythical yeah
3014s especially for the LED cosmetic I cannot
3016s wait to get my hands on the LED one but
3018s as they mentioned uh this is a big
3020s release for the collections um along
3023s with Mythic we have six other
3024s collections that will also be releasing
3026s in the next coming week
3027s uh they all look outstanding and we have
3031s the one and only Rose to come back on
3032s the couch to walk us through all of it
3034s six and while we're talking about
3036s outfits just a reminder as you just saw
3038s with that image twitch drops are going
3040s right now you can get a full Jonah
3041s Vasquez outfit just by linking your
3044s behavior account with your Twitch
3046s account so get on it if you haven't
3048s already um and as I mentioned before
3050s coming up shortly is our highly
3052s anticipated I know I've seen the chat uh
3054s 2 V8 showcase you're going to get to see
3056s the most in action but we're also going
3058s to talk about it in detail it's coming
3060s right up after this segment with rose to
3062s show you some amazing new Cosmetics that
3065s looks super cool so stay
3073s tuned I can never get enough about
3075s talking about the Cosmetics that are
3076s coming to dead by daylight so what
3078s better way to feed this fire I have than
3081s to sit down with our product director
3083s Rose Lee hello welcome to the stream uh
3086s so we've got a lot to talk about today
3088s um we're going to be talking about not
3090s only the Tomb Raider collection uh but
3092s the Blood and Bones collection forgotten
3094s memory as well as a couple of smaller
3096s collections yeah this section is going
3097s to be packed with cool stuff all right
3099s so let's go ahead and kick it off by
3101s talking about how we've added Lara Croft
3104s to dead by daylight with her own Tomb
3106s Raider collection she's going to be
3107s decked out in a couple of iconic looks
3109s so can you walk us through that yeah
3111s well to start each of the four outfits
3113s from the Tomb Raider collection are from
3115s Laura's past adventures during the
3117s Survivor TR Trilogy era which makes them
3119s Kind of Perfect For Dead by daylight
3121s she's been around the world and kind of
3123s done it all so we had this long list of
3125s outfits on the table from which we could
3126s choose from so we sat down together with
3128s a team to comb through them and we
3130s picked the ones that we thought were the
3131s most iconic some outfits also pay homage
3135s to other eras Lara's tactical Adventure
3137s or retrofit outfit as it's called in
3139s game from Rise of the Tomb Raider it
3142s combines modern style Lara with a
3145s vibrant color palette that's inspired by
3147s by her iconic look everything from the
3149s tomb riter collection will be available
3151s as of today as part of the chapter
3153s release so go check them out okay and I
3155s definitely will be uh so next up we have
3157s the Blood and Bones collection now with
3159s 2v eight coming to dead by daylight
3161s obviously is a huge deal and we wanted
3163s to be able to celebrate that with its
3165s own collection release uh so can you
3166s tell us a bit about how the team
3167s approached this uh the 2va collection
3170s was uh The Blood and Bones collection
3173s took a lot of different directions as it
3174s came together and we wanted to play with
3177s the idea with 2 V8 for gladiators in a
3180s Coliseum with two teams going to war
3182s against each other in a trial so
3184s building on that team idea we gave all
3186s of the killers that were included in
3188s this 2vh the same sort of motive with
3190s those intimidating red masks and bloody
3192s spikes we also gave the survivors their
3195s own type of uniform but we thought it
3197s was really important to differentiate
3198s them based on their identities so we
3201s gave them different colors of masks and
3203s different gems throughout their outfits
3205s okay uh but since this is a in with 28
3208s will it be limited with the game mode or
3210s will it be permanent and who's going to
3212s be featured so included in this
3213s collection are all of the killer all of
3215s the killers that are going to be
3217s included in the first iteration of 2 V8
3219s as well as a selection of survivors
3221s which were supposed to be the only ones
3223s available in this mode but we've since
3225s been able to allow all of the survivors
3227s be played in the 2v eight mode they will
3229s be released alongside the 28 mode on
3232s July 25th and they will be available
3234s permanently okay I know you made a lot
3236s of people in the chat happy with saying
3238s that Rose um so next up this next
3240s collection uh we've got forgotten memory
3243s um which may only have one outfit in it
3245s but it's a really good one so can you
3247s tell us a bit more about how things
3249s cosmetic came to be so we wanted to
3251s create a unique cosmetic for Fang which
3253s would both showcase her personality and
3255s give us the opportunity to play with the
3257s way we integrate VFX into Cosmetics we
3260s basically gave the art team very few
3262s restrictions and asked them to push this
3264s idea as far as they could and this is
3266s what what came out of the idea we're
3268s really happy with the results some
3270s Killers have a little bit of VFX
3272s included in their looks but this has
3274s become by far the most VFX we've ever
3276s integrated in any outfit especially for
3278s a Survivor it's super stylish super
3281s pretty and very much Fain okay and when
3283s does it come out it comes out on July
3286s 30th okay so very close very excited uh
3289s we also have two smaller collections the
3291s horrors from the deep collection and the
3293s Noir collection so they're both coming
3295s out within a few weeks of each other so
3297s can you walk us through them uh the
3299s haror the Deep Collection comes out on
3301s August 6th and I really like this one
3303s it's one of my favorites that we've done
3305s in a while it's inspired by Crustaceans
3308s and deep sea creatures and the super fun
3310s fact that despite 71% of the Earth's
3312s surface being covered with oceans a
3314s majority of it has yet to be explored so
3316s that was inspiration for hars from the
3318s deep collection and it features
3320s currently two killers that we've
3321s connected with deep sea creatures it
3324s kicks off with the Drudge who takes us
3325s look from a combination of crustaceans
3328s and the blight whose look is inspired by
3330s glow-in-the-dark deep sea Predators it's
3332s currently a two killer only specific
3334s collection but if people like it we hope
3337s to add more to it in the future all
3338s right and uh there is also the Noir
3341s collection so can you tell us about that
3343s one the Noah Collection comes out on
3346s August 13th and it's giving throwback
3349s Vibes to those old classic black and
3351s white detective movies it's immersing
3354s Hattie Jane and Jonah in that Shadow
3357s aure and Moody Aesthetics of classic
3359s film Noah okay and finally with one more
3363s single outfit collection with a really
3365s cool tie in to a movie that I cannot
3367s wait to see coming out this summer yeah
3370s we're finishing strong with the alien
3371s Romulus collection inspired by the soon
3374s to be released film we've created this
3376s one to celebrate the exciting release of
3379s alien Romulus in theaters this August
3381s 16th the outfit will be released in game
3384s alongside the uh same day that alien
3387s ramas will be released in theaters and
3389s it's a legendary outfit for Ripley that
3392s allows her to to be swapped for rain one
3394s of the main protagonists from the movie
3397s as played brilliantly by kayy spiny all
3399s right Rose well thank you so much for
3400s that digital download of all of those
3402s amazing collections uh so next up we're
3405s going to be on the couch talking about
3406s 2va content which I know a lot of you
3409s are expecting really excited for uh Eric
3411s will be joined by Justin Brown to break
3413s down everything you can expect in the
3415s game mode um follow Follow by that we'll
3417s have a gameplay showcase so stay tuned
3419s and we'll see you soon
3444s [Music]
3450s we are back again there's a lot I could
3451s react to in that segment because there's
3453s so much awesome stuff but we don't have
3454s time we got big things to talk about
3457s finally the moment that folks have
3458s waited for let's talk about 2v eight and
3461s with me now is Justin Brown our product
3463s director you are in the midst of a two
3466s Justin show that is a rare thing it's
3468s not that rare you guys are all over the
3469s place um but let's get into it so I know
3474s you're looking to to find out more
3475s details about 2v we're excited to tell
3477s you about them we revealed it at the
3479s anniversary of dbd a couple months ago
3482s but we're still cooking we couldn't talk
3484s about everything in detail at the time
3486s now we can so uh that's what we're here
3488s to do today so let's kick it off with
3491s the most basic of info when can people
3493s play 2v eight of course uh and we don't
3496s have to wait all that long I've seen
3497s people mentioning this in the chat not
3499s sure how they know already but Thursday
3501s July 25th 2v eight will start so next
3503s week next Thursday uh as we mentioned
3506s originally it is an a limited time event
3509s so it will run for 2 weeks at least uh
3512s making it end on August 8th yeah we'll
3514s get just hold on we'll get into that
3516s later too about it being limited we know
3518s people got thoughts just hold on we got
3520s a lot of details to get into so if
3522s people didn't catch the anniversary
3524s broadcast give us a refresher on the
3526s team's goals with 2v eight and what they
3529s can expect from the brand new mode yeah
3531s absolutely so first we wanted it to be
3533s very different from a standard trial we
3535s really wanted to focus on sort of fun
3537s chaotic experience something that was
3539s more like a party mode in dead by
3541s daylight uh so with that we really
3543s wanted to highlight those sort of Social
3545s and teamwork elements in dead by
3547s daylight uh and we made some adjustments
3549s just to keep that action fast-paced make
3552s working together as a team of killers or
3554s survivors as dynamic as possible uh we
3557s did in fact also drop a trailer
3559s yesterday so most of you have probably
3561s seen it for those that haven't let's
3563s watch it again get a hype
3573s [Music]
3588s [Music]
3597s a
3603s [Music]
3632s hell yeah the the music in that got me
3635s so hyped it's got like I know you
3637s couldn't hear it because we're in the
3638s studio but like 80s slasher Vibes so
3641s shout out to the folks who put that
3642s trailer together but back to the mode um
3645s let's get into the details I I'll kick
3647s us off so in 2v eight we've got 13
3651s generators survivors need to repair
3653s eight of them uh and this first
3656s iteration of the mode is coming with
3658s five Maps but they are supersized M
3661s versions of existing Maps so larger
3663s versions of maps you already know uh and
3666s now Justin is going to walk us through a
3668s lot of the nitty-gritty with some
3669s helpful infographics along the way yes
3672s of course so first things first we
3673s really wanted to drive up the fast-paced
3675s sort of chaotic element of this mode uh
3678s as a result one of the things that do
3679s not exist in this mode you may have
3681s noticed from the trailer are hooks we do
3682s not have hooks in this mode instead down
3684s survivors in 2v eight are sent to a cage
3687s much like pyramid heads power uh and
3690s survivors will be sacrificed after three
3691s cage States uh next survivors will also
3695s be able to self-heal after two cage
3697s States so when you're on sort of death
3699s cage so to speak you can
3701s self-heal uh on the counter side to that
3704s survivors who have not yet been caged
3706s have their Aura revealed to both Killers
3708s every time a generator pops uh and also
3711s note just for all of you survivors out
3713s there that when you uncage a Survivor
3715s The Killers do not not receive a loud
3717s noise notification in this mode so you
3719s have a little bit of breathing room to
3721s regroup sort of heal your teammate and
3723s move on uh and then finally there are no
3726s perks in 2v eight instead survivors have
3729s classes in this mode which will Em which
3731s will make them embody a specific role uh
3733s and then Killers each have their own
3735s unique team power okay so slipping in
3738s kind of the big stuff at the end there
3740s so let's let's focus on that so no perks
3743s in 2v eight so how does the game play
3745s which is usually built around those
3747s perks how's it differ in this mode yeah
3749s so survivors having a class it means
3752s that you have a sort of predefined
3754s gameplay objective to help your team
3756s more or less uh and it's very different
3759s from regular sort of DVD because your
3761s classes you can see your own class all
3764s of your teammates classes right in the
3765s lobby you can continue to see them in
3767s the match it's shown on the HUD so you
3769s know what to sort of expect from each
3771s player as you're going into the match
3773s how they're going to play uh or at least
3775s how they should play to be the the most
3776s effective right uh for the killer side
3779s of things it's more about just
3781s understanding what your unique Killer's
3782s team power is and how to best leverage
3784s that man classes team Powers you're
3787s queuing up everything for me thank you
3789s so let's speak about classes uh let's
3792s talk about those so Survivor classes are
3795s guide medic Escapist and Scout tell me
3799s more that's exactly right uh first
3803s things first it's important to note any
3805s Survivor can be any class you can switch
3807s your class doesn't matter which survivor
3808s you are they are not bound to a specific
3810s Survivor uh so then talk about the four
3812s unique ones of course first we have
3814s medic medic pretty self-explanatory
3816s they're all about healing they can see
3817s the aura of injured teammates they also
3819s get great Buffs when healing teammates
3822s uh after that we have the guide which is
3824s all about generators they do see the
3825s aura of some generators and they provide
3828s Cooperative bonuses when repairing
3830s generators with teammates next is the
3832s Scout it's all about collecting and
3834s Gathering Intel being a little bit
3836s sneaky
3837s stealth uh the Scout uh does have the
3841s Killer's Aura revealed to them if the
3842s killer damages a generator or breaks a
3844s pallet they also Crouch walk faster that
3848s stealth element uh and they also have
3851s this really great ability where anytime
3853s a scout player has line of sight on a
3855s killer that Killer's Aura is revealed to
3857s the rest of the team it cannot be
3859s overstated how valuable this can be in
3861s this mode for the rest of your team uh
3863s and then last but not least for those
3865s who love the chase The Escapist The
3867s Escapist of course uh sees the auras of
3872s Vault locations and pallets the also run
3875s faster while injured and they have a
3877s Sprint burst like mechanic where they
3879s get a speed boost uh when you they run
3882s which is also applied to any teammates
3884s within a certain radius uh which is very
3887s interesting nice I love those those team
3889s boosts are so cool uh so okay that's the
3892s Survivor side on the killer side you
3894s mentioned there's there's killer power
3896s uh we'll get into that so the first
3898s iteration of 2v eight which is coming
3900s next week as we just mentioned it's
3902s coming with five original killers that
3904s people can choose from we're already
3907s planning to be adding more in in
3908s additional uh iterations of 2v eight um
3911s but we're starting with five the Trapper
3913s The Wraith Huntress hillbilly and the
3916s nurse yes of course and so as a killer
3919s you finally have somebody to partner up
3921s with which is huge it's a big change uh
3923s and we wanted to infuse them with
3924s abilities that would sort of reflect
3925s this new reality and also to make each
3928s of them have actual powers that sort of
3931s make sense in this chaotic environment
3933s uh we also did slight balance tweaks for
3936s each of the killers to sort of make them
3937s play better in this mode so to achieve
3940s this last part of course we did a few
3942s Base Kit changes it's mostly drawing
3945s inspiration from existing add-ons uh
3947s just sort of buffing or nerfing specific
3950s Killers When it made the most sense
3951s they're pretty subtle tweaks but they
3953s really helped them shine in this mode
3955s and then we get into into the team
3956s abilities this is something brand new
3958s for each of these killers it's a really
3960s exciting way for these killers to
3962s cooperate with their teammates uh as an
3965s example the Trapper every time he sets a
3967s trap his teammate gets a speed boost
3969s nice uh The Wraith if The Wraith is
3972s cloaked within a certain proximity of
3973s his teammate his teammate will also get
3975s undetectable uh the huntress each time
3978s she hits a Survivor with a hatchet that
3981s survivors Ora is revealed to her
3982s teammate which is pretty interesting the
3985s hillbilly whenever he is uh chainsaw
3988s sprinting survivors within a certain
3990s distance of him will become
3992s exposed uh and then last but not least
3995s the nurse gets an additional blink each
3998s time she's within a certain radius of
3999s her her teammate oh hell yeah that is so
4002s cool it it's so fresh and different from
4004s the the core mode so thank you Justin
4006s for the details I think we've talked
4009s enough about it I think people probably
4010s want to see it in action and lucky for
4012s you we've got a gameplay showcase right
4015s now couple of our devs go in as killers
4018s and they'll face up against our fog
4021s Whisperers in 2v eight and then right
4024s after that we're going to make Justin
4025s stick around we'll answer questions
4027s people have about 2v eight after the
4029s gameplay showcase so let's check that
4037s out Hey There community manager dork
4039s here and I'm super excited to be serving
4041s as a commentator for today's 2v eight
4043s gameplay segment now we're going to have
4046s two amazing devs serving as our Killers
4049s today alongside eight astounding fog
4052s Whispers I cannot wait to see what chaos
4055s ensues so join me as we go ahead and
4057s take a look at today's match o all the
4061s same more not pickle
4064s toothpaste all right and we've got The
4066s Wraith and the
4068s Trapper let's see how the fog Whispers
4070s do go around
4073s excited I love that I can see generators
4076s just I'm just here to help if you're
4077s feeling
4079s ill
4080s same if you could um give us thank you
4085s let's gener oh oh oh oh Trapper oh
4089s Trapper why is he so fast why are you so
4091s fast ra wait no
4094s please I'm curious if can the other
4097s Killers see the traps on the ground yes
4099s the other Killers can see the traps that
4101s are placed a trap oh no
4106s wait no the tag team no that was pretty
4110s good but I hated it at the same time oh
4113s my gosh and as you can see in this mode
4115s there's no hooks so everyone is sent to
4118s a
4120s cage when they're on either side of you
4122s and they're boxing you in
4125s Yep this is going to be very interesting
4127s gamep play to see how Killers will
4129s either work together or just play a
4131s regular game I got body I got
4134s body oh wait where's s
4137s radius I see you thank you
4143s getting I
4151s like whipping icon oh no whipping
4156s icon please steer and then we have a a
4160s generator right behind us easy can I
4162s game can I heal thank
4164s you I want to return the favor
4169s revealed I see I Saw The Wraith for a
4171s little bit that was
4178s cool Traer now they're both in the
4180s middle area not going to lie can we just
4182s have these classes instead of perks I
4184s really like this more this is really
4186s cool the classes do add a really unique
4188s Dynamic way of playing the game for sure
4191s I agree with Die Hard Diva
4194s here hello dear Killers could not handle
4197s why can I not heal H I'm confused thank
4200s you I'm on the
4203s way o I like let's Go's go TVC I feel
4208s like whatever class has medic if you're
4210s close by that kind of kind of like prove
4213s thyself works like that oh yeah TR
4216s professional I see Trapper setting up
4218s traps behind uh Diva I don't feel sife
4221s oh he's dooming me yeah he's off in the
4224s distance well the
4227s fact trap at Main Building I saw step on
4230s a trap okay the Trapper is chest yeah
4235s he's
4238s fast I'm hearing I'm hearing he's on his
4242s way maybe he's
4244s not and the Heart oh not he went away
4247s wait a minute
4256s not the tra
4258s St I just got a lot of
4262s ha here
4264s hello two G left let's
4268s [Music]
4270s go oh this is [ __ ]
4275s up oh I see there this is [ __ ]
4280s up so messed
4283s up double dumy
4288s hello well the good news
4290s is Right medic is here close I don't
4294s think they can stop my
4296s J and it looks like
4299s R
4301s behind oh I got speed for some reason
4306s that's The Escapist I think he'll never
4308s take me alive so amazing having all of
4310s the different classes when they come
4312s together the uniqueness that that gives
4315s um with the lingering
4318s effects and I back to
4323s that watch me step in the Trap I know
4328s myself what is that noise oh I don't
4331s like this oh no oh
4335s no on
4337s again finish apolla you got this yeah we
4340s got it Jen is out all right now that
4342s we're in the end game there's actually
4344s three exag gates that our survivors are
4346s going to need to power up Trapper
4349s currently on me I kind of want to find a
4351s hatch we
4353s said I got a sky the hatches spawn when
4356s I think it said two survivors are left
4359s I'm not
4361s sure have a
4364s [Music]
4365s door you know what do we need 99 doors I
4369s don't think they going to have he just
4372s on me blood Warden I don't know how I
4375s feel that
4376s it'll start the end game that's okay
4379s okay oh well oh you can't escape
4383s open said you healing so I'm just going
4385s to run towards them we got a door open
4388s over here I see it I see it I see it I
4389s see it I see I'm here I'm
4392s here and time to go inside go are we
4397s good is everyone good yeah I'm good I'm
4399s ready to escape
4401s coming I you want to see a hatch staying
4405s yeah I'll I'll
4406s leave for you is everybody out is
4410s everybody
4413s out I don't want to see that the Traer
4415s is on me cuz he might bring a
4418s friend I want to spectate
4423s spectating okay uh yeah we just need one
4426s more person possibly one more person out
4429s I'm out I'm out I'm out I'm
4431s leaving all
4433s right all right now our two hatches
4436s spawned on the
4439s [Laughter]
4447s map save hatch save hatch
4451s quick you got
4453s this you hear a hat I got to save you
4456s first yeah it's in main but he's got
4458s traps there so you got to be careful
4459s yeah don't step in a trap you got this
4463s no this these These are risk
4467s made even riskier now that The Wraith is
4471s [Applause]
4473s cloaked over here oh gosh oh gosh oh wow
4477s get
4481s out oh my oh my
4485s gosh oh
4487s no okay there's one I there oh my God I
4492s love
4493s this wait one person can go through one
4496s hatch or can both
4498s go only one of you it's a hatch it's a
4506s hatch oh no oh
4511s no oh the hatch is so close the
4513s endurance oh no where's the
4516s hatch oh no the hatch was so close
4521s [Music]
4525s craw
4528s crawl oh my God the Hat oh my go okay so
4534s we saw two hatches that's so cool that
4537s was so intense amazing oh my goodness
4540s that was so it was so close that's
4543s crazy wow I'm not blue
4545s anymore how
4548s pretty a lovely lightle blue turqua
4555s an immediate death
4559s drop this is going to be fun oh I'm
4561s excited going to bury us all in that
4564s mine fun oh it's Trapper again I Hearth
4567s oh
4569s no Trapper and wraith I see no it's a
4572s Huntress it's a Huntress see three being
4574s work on so Trapper huness I see Huntress
4578s I definitely see traps so the Canon coup
4581s check that pit was
4584s interesting r r get it rut R get it oh
4592s we huness is circling M he's circling
4597s me
4600s my just going to run right past you Mr
4604s Trapper oh they are they are tag teaming
4607s me I fear uhoh you're doing great
4611s trashley I see them both on you
4619s oh they've got
4621s me oh
4624s no she stopped me I liked it but oh okay
4628s might be a three gen run though look at
4630s us go best go go go hello and I helped
4635s got the cage looking like the iron oh my
4637s gosh oh my gosh let's
4640s go well let's go Huntress on me huness
4644s on me on the other side of the H oh it's
4646s a SED oh good
4650s gracious wow oh that is a nice palet
4653s little Loop right
4656s there oh goodness oh
4659s goodness I've been stomped
4661s on I kind of like it for the
4665s safe I love how close they
4667s are I really like these little pods
4671s these like entity hand
4674s pods we got to go we got to go we got to
4676s go yep on the hill not there not there
4679s oh my
4681s God you got this Polly we're doing all
4684s on one
4686s side I switch killer
4690s side I see right here hello
4694s trash got an end game wait they see us
4698s oh no I was looking for the hes I was
4699s looking at Trapper oh I'm dead it's over
4702s for me
4707s [Music]
4710s second oh
4716s [Laughter]
4720s no got this I can't oh there we go and
4726s left let's go it wasn't okay I see
4729s someone healing over there
4731s nice oh sorry oh my my fault oh my gosh
4737s how even there's a j here right behind
4740s us um you should get some endurance
4742s after this oh my good not endurance but
4744s Sprint first these are some great hits
4745s these are some great hits these are some
4746s great hits these are some great hits
4747s these are some great
4750s hits I I can heal you thank you come
4753s come come we got that rapper to the
4759s face I can see both Killers now I can
4762s coming right in our Direction
4766s for the going for
4770s the come here stand there don't
4774s move hello I like the sound effect of
4776s the cage that's what that is sounds
4777s really cool
4780s yeah what type of
4783s trap for the save although one
4785s is oh no okay huness is coming towards
4789s us be careful oh gosh oh no Hess is
4794s moving away oh they're they're coming on
4797s both sides doing a great job K Trapper
4799s left me aend was
4802s progressed got to
4804s go all
4807s right little speed boost heree no these
4811s hits are really good from Huntress oh my
4818s gosh I
4822s tried no what three way
4826s okay we're going the long way going the
4828s long way we're just God there's so many
4831s [Music]
4834s B no please we can talk about this we
4837s can talk about this no no help she's
4840s trying to throw a
4846s hat hey when you guys are done healing
4848s can you come save me we got
4851s you ready a boost boost
4857s oh they're tag teaming
4861s again oh man no one in the world is on a
4864s CH I know knocking us down three of us
4869s are dead
4870s hook it ain't looking good oh my God oh
4874s my
4875s God okay I'm on a gen now scared we
4879s probably whatever Jens are left
4883s ourselves so uh three times six gen
4887s someone six six
4893s ourselves is anyone have it is really
4896s unfortunate when they work together it
4899s is they get powerful they really
4905s do uh oh okay I'm on a generator now
4908s okay I feel really bad that I'm the only
4910s person who has not been hooked so um hi
4916s everybody oh my God i' drop in you
4920s know I'm going to go distract I haven't
4922s been hooked yet and I feel
4925s bad get yourself out there you get in
4929s theay oh man come to be death hook as
4933s well all right I'm going to a
4935s gy you're not
4938s way
4943s only okay I'm healing I'm going to the
4947s Gen on Main no these hits are so good
4951s there's a genen back here we there a
4954s also over by the killer sh
4957s too over
4960s here I see this
4964s one oh dear oh no guys I think one of us
4967s are going to die soon oh
4969s no who did they put on the keyboard and
4973s mouse right
4976s that's
4980s not help can anyone say I'm coming I'm
4985s coming y'all stay on Jens I got it
4988s people are friends what do you
4990s mean
4992s [Music]
4995s J oh we got this no no no no no run run
4999s Sam run run Sam oh my
5002s God I will protect no
5005s I will protect friend Sam oh I'm going
5008s to die ar oh gosh oh
5012s no inside a sh okay yeah but I know
5017s almost got
5018s one keep her busy don't let her St on me
5020s don't let
5021s her no no h you're doing great stay on
5024s that last
5026s gen H not the last generator
5031s no I'm committing I got it is my first
5035s one I'll just hang here you got this
5038s pully you help you help what do you mean
5042s you helped get your foot out of this we
5044s got to go my I'm so sorry you're dead
5049s you know what as long as one person
5050s makes it out it's all worth
5054s it don't hear me don't hear me don't
5056s hear me I feel like I should go for this
5058s you're doing great oh Trappers right
5060s behind you watch out
5062s Sam I've got a door open is anyone going
5065s for Diva I mean this is my first hook so
5068s I got plenty of time I'm going for Diva
5071s since I'm
5073s healthy I see ply on the
5077s door they're coming
5079s to I'm all the way AC I'm going for div
5082s oh wait Micha I see you I'm going to
5085s heal with with Michaela I'm going I'm
5087s going to Diva we got Diva we got Diva
5090s okay all right I also see whereing
5095s minute okay okay okay okay okay there's
5097s an
5100s exit which way I'm following is it I
5105s don't is not open oh Trapper right here
5107s tra right here be careful
5109s care I know which one uh where pully was
5113s which is just straight across that in
5116s the
5118s gate me I'm running back
5121s there all right we are good to go in
5124s case people need help body
5127s blocks I'm running I'm running I'm by
5129s the hill I'm by the hill keep running oh
5133s no fine this is fine this is fine this
5135s is fine I'm out this is not
5139s fine oh no oh my God so Chao oh no the
5143s cage is right back over
5145s [Music]
5146s there let me you I step on a trap
5152s I we had to going
5155s [Music]
5157s around you get out of the cage you go
5160s you just run straight just run straight
5163s got it and then the door will be a
5164s little to the right okay my wait is
5166s somebody
5171s saving okay it's right next to the door
5174s it's right next to the door B it's right
5177s next to the
5179s door I didn't even know that could
5181s happen that's so cool
5184s okay let's go let's go let's go let's
5190s [Music]
5193s go wow that was so
5196s good no Sam that is so scary when
5200s they're both on
5202s you you were like running both of them
5204s that was insane that such a good
5208s match oh my goodness which Dev was
5210s playing I need to I need to have a word
5211s that Huntress play was a little scary I
5214s need
5215s you stinker oh I'm blue
5220s now hey we are back we're having fun
5223s here in the studio we're eating donuts
5225s and we're having a good
5227s time uh that was chaos and that was
5230s super fun to watch I hope you at home or
5233s wherever you're watching this maybe
5234s you're not at home had fun as well uh
5237s lot of commentary in the chat during
5240s that which I love to see um so we made
5243s Justin stick around answer some
5245s questions about 28 further contextualize
5249s detail what we're doing so let's dive
5252s into it first question how or can I can
5256s I queue up with a friend to play killer
5259s and obviously can I queue up with a
5260s friend to with seven friends to play
5262s Survivor in 2 V8 all right I and I
5265s appreciate the softball as the first one
5267s uh the answer is easy yes and yes of
5270s course it was very important to us
5272s always that this mode features teamwork
5275s it's the first time you've ever been
5276s able to play together with a friend as a
5278s killer it was mandatory it's there
5280s you're going to be able to play with
5281s your your killer friend if you have one
5283s friend to play killer with uh if you
5285s have seven friends that play dead by
5287s daylight I do not I can't relate to this
5289s you can get them and and you guys can
5291s play together as a party of eight if you
5292s have seven friends teach me teach me
5294s your ways okay next question are there
5297s changes to the
5299s maps yes there are changes they were all
5302s made to be a little bit bigger uh I
5304s can't remember the exact number if
5305s you're familiar with dead by daylight
5307s Maps they have tiles I want to say that
5308s they're 32 tiles I could be wrong it
5310s might be 34 uh they're all square and
5314s they were specially adjusted for this
5315s mode you know just to make sure that it
5318s makes the game Flow really well they
5321s some obstacles were removed some new
5322s ones were introduced so so the specific
5325s Maps if you're wondering there's
5326s azarov's resting place Suffocation pit
5329s Disturbed Ward the Thompson house and
5331s mother's dwelling all right now this is
5334s this is the question everyone's been
5335s asking or shouting at us uh will this
5338s mode become
5340s permanent so we can't definitively
5342s answer that right now this was always
5344s sort of a first iteration we wanted to
5347s get it into players hands as early as we
5348s could to make sure that we were going in
5350s the right direction with this that this
5351s was something people wanted it was
5353s something people were going to continue
5354s to play right uh and then we could
5356s continue to do work on it refine it make
5358s it the full mode we all want it to be
5360s yep uh at that point we'll certainly be
5363s having that discussion internally with
5364s the community with everybody how do we
5366s move forward with 2v eight is it
5368s permanent is it
5369s semi-permanent it'll be a big discussion
5371s moving forward today we do not have a
5373s proper answer for that yeah I mean we've
5375s and we've got the the relationship with
5377s the community at this point especially
5378s the way we work with the ptb we've built
5380s up this process of putting stuff out
5382s getting feedback iterating on it and
5384s getting to this kind of more perfect
5387s version that hopefully everyone can
5388s enjoy so it's the same approach we're
5390s taking here right yeah Co play it enjoy
5393s it let us know yeah I mean like lots of
5395s good reactions in the chat but let's
5397s hear once you get your hands on it let
5398s us know um maybe there's some balanced
5400s stuff people are pointing out it's it's
5402s the first time so let's check it out uh
5404s okay this is a great question will 2v
5406s eight be playable in custom
5409s match so the answer right now is no uh
5412s for much the same reasons we want to
5414s make sure that we know exactly what it
5416s is that we plan on doing with 2v to make
5418s sure that it's the right mode in the
5419s right direction before we do the extra
5421s work to sort of build in the custom UI
5423s that's required on custom games as soon
5425s as we are set on what the direction is
5427s that work is going to start we do want
5429s to get it in the custom games it's just
5431s not slotted I can't tell you time right
5433s now right sort of going with that last
5435s answer of like we want it to be in a
5437s place where we're comfortable with it
5438s then we can do things like the custom
5440s match and all that we know we know the
5441s value custom match has for Content
5443s creators for uh tournaments but also
5445s just for you playing with your friends
5447s so it's there we you know the the desire
5449s is there we just got to get to it yeah
5451s cool uh here's a very specific one is
5453s there friendly fire for Killers no you
5456s you can't hit your killer teammate in
5458s fact even things like Trapper trap you
5460s can cannot uh have your teammate step
5463s into Trapper trap in this mode okay next
5466s why divide survivors into
5469s classes it's a great question uh so
5472s obviously there was no perks I guess you
5474s could have asked well why aren't there
5475s no perks uh a lot of that reason was
5478s that we wanted to reduce the cognitive
5480s load in this mode there so chaotic
5482s there's so much going on in the mode
5485s that we found when we were play testing
5486s early it was really beneficial to
5488s understand what each role was what they
5490s were supposed to do and understand how
5492s you were supposed to play and also how
5493s your teammates were supposed to play
5495s just to to reduce that sort of cognitive
5497s load uh and then when we started trying
5499s it that way we thought it was great we
5501s thought it was such a a fun interesting
5503s Twist on dead by daylight and we wanted
5505s to put it into the players hands of
5507s course now that it's in your hands we're
5508s listening we want to hear what you guys
5509s think about this we hope you like it as
5511s much as we did but we'll see yep we will
5514s see we will see by the way if you missed
5516s it when we said earo we will see on July
5518s 25th of next week is when the mode goes
5520s live in case you didn't catch that news
5523s all right uh will this game mode be
5525s available on all platforms yes all
5528s platforms will have access to 2v eight
5530s however it is worth noting despite our
5533s best efforts for this first iteration
5535s there are some performance issues that
5537s remain on the switch it can be a little
5539s bit low on the FPS during 2v we're
5542s leaving it in there we want to make sure
5544s that switch players have access to this
5545s so they can try so they can make that
5547s decision on whether they want to
5549s continue playing or not uh but for all
5551s other platforms uh there's nothing
5553s specific to call up okay uh will players
5557s be able to bring items and offerings
5559s into the trial no there are no items
5562s there no offerings of course there are a
5564s bunch of loot chests in the match you
5566s can get items from there you can use
5568s them in the trial uh but you're not
5570s bringing in a load out that way the
5571s Cosmetics are fine right Cosmetics are
5573s fine yeah bring your cosmetics and uh
5576s how many survivors can work on a single
5578s generator at a time up to four if you
5581s can find a generator that has all four
5583s sides Exposed Of course um you know some
5586s generators only have one or two sides
5587s exposed cool rapid fire here I like this
5591s um are all survivors playable in 2v
5594s eight yes all survivors are playable
5597s original and licensed
5600s fantastic thank you Justin for sticking
5602s with us to answer those uh maybe you
5603s have more questions feel free to to keep
5605s them coming we'll try to answer as many
5607s as we can uh in the the days ahead uh
5610s but uh thank you for submitting
5611s questions thank you for for talking to
5614s us today people seem psyched I'm psyched
5617s and again July 25th next week you can
5620s start playing 2v eight so we're gonna
5623s swap a Justin out for a dork hold
5627s on and then we'll be back with a more
5629s broad General Q&A so let's bring out
5632s dork thank you Justin awesome thank you
5654s [Music]
5680s oh that man wanted to get off this day I
5682s love how excited he is it is about 5,000
5684s degrees on here people have to look at
5685s my moist awful moistness and I
5689s apologize we're almost done I'm going to
5691s go towel off uh but we got some
5694s questions to answer so with all these
5696s additions coming to the game it's
5697s obviously an incredibly busy time for
5699s dead by daylight uh hopefully you've
5701s noticed uh so let's take the time to
5703s answer questions and I want to start
5705s with my pet favorite subject which I was
5707s so psyched to talk about earlier let's
5708s get more into detail now on Cross
5711s progression yes um as we shared at the
5714s top of the show today cross progression
5716s will be available July 22 for anyone
5719s looking to sync their dead by daylight
5720s purchases or progress across all of
5723s their platforms
5724s forms uh anyone who wants to begin
5727s linking their platform uh can go ahead
5729s and start doing that on their behavior
5731s account as of today and then sync them
5733s all together on July 22nd when cross
5735s progression is enabled uh to help with
5738s this process and make it smoother um
5740s when that time does come we have a
5741s simple how-to video that is easy to
5744s digest it's step by step um so that you
5746s can go ahead and get Pro cross
5748s progression set up for you uh so look
5750s out for that on our website and on our
5751s socials on July 19th yeah yes and so for
5755s those looking for your specific platform
5758s of choice what the details are we've
5759s prepared a lovely little grid we just
5762s going to walk through it right now so
5763s everyone has the same level of info
5765s there it is lot of green check marks we
5767s love to see it so you see for
5770s PlayStation and for Xbox for steam epic
5774s and Microsoft store they all are all
5777s systems go for shared progression shared
5779s inventory shared paid currency and
5781s shared DL uh switch does allow shared
5785s progression and shared inventory but
5787s we're unable to support at this time
5789s shared paid currency and shared DLC with
5792s a caveat if you're coming from another
5794s platform to switch you can bring that
5796s content with you that DLC with you so
5799s that is the only real cavey out there uh
5801s a lot of green checks so uh if you need
5804s this this is going to be posted up on
5806s our social accounts pretty pretty soon
5809s maybe it already has been who knows um
5811s so that is the detail
5814s and yeah we'll pass it back over to you
5816s yeah so um if you you know after all of
5819s that that was a lot of information um if
5821s you have any questions we do have a
5823s handy dandy FAQ for you uh that covers
5826s all of that so go ahead and check out
5827s our socials or as you know the website
5830s uh so you can see everything there is to
5831s know about that yeah and we have another
5834s uh bit of information that is tied to
5837s this right so because cross progression
5839s ties all of our platforms together we
5841s need all of our platforms to be working
5842s on the same playing
5844s same pricing right so there were a few
5847s DLCs on the PC side of things that had
5851s uh unmatch prices with the rest of the
5853s ecosystem so starting on July 22nd when
5856s cross progression goes live all things
5858s Wicked sodak Rising Halloween Nightmare
5861s and Elm Street saw Silent Hill and
5863s Dungeons and Dragons chapters are going
5865s to be adjusted from 699 us to$ 7.99 us
5869s on Steam epic and Microsoft store
5874s so uh oh yeah we have another piece of
5875s housekeeping we're doing a bit of
5876s housekeeping here we want to keep you up
5878s to date with the info we got uh this is
5880s a follow-up from our recent ptb um
5883s players noticed right away a lot of UI
5886s changes in the character selection Lobby
5888s and uh had very strong thoughts on those
5891s yes so we totally hear you and that and
5894s we wanted to let you know that we've
5895s made the following changes that's
5897s releasing today on all platforms or
5899s release on most platforms uh switch
5901s players don't forget uh this change will
5903s be coming to your way shortly just we
5905s need a little bit more time uh the
5906s character grid will contain four columns
5908s instead increase from three uh we're
5911s removing the own tag since you know what
5913s you own and controller stickiness is
5915s being increased uh to the grid
5917s navigation uh to better make your
5919s selections so thank you so much for your
5921s feedback here this these are the changes
5923s we could do in the very short time
5924s between ptb and live doesn't mean that's
5926s the extent of all the changes we'll do
5928s but we wanted to get those to you as
5929s quickly as we could so uh I was saying
5932s to Jus earlier this really is the value
5934s of what we do with the ptb getting that
5936s feedback from our players directly is so
5938s crucial so thank you to everyone who
5940s participated thank you for anyone who's
5942s going to participate in a future ptb and
5944s like we mentioned with 28 give us that
5945s feedback We crave it so uh thank you so
5948s much all right enough of me blabbering
5951s we've got some questions to
5952s address uh I will ask it how about you
5955s answer it sure
5957s okay any ETA on when trickster will
5960s return so we can confirm at this moment
5963s that trickster will be back in rotation
5965s when the update releases after today's
5966s stream yep and along with that just
5968s wanted to let people know starting with
5970s today's build maybe you've already
5972s noticed it because it's available uh the
5974s photo Sensi photo sensitivity warning
5976s will pop at the beginning of every load
5979s uh in the past it was just on first
5981s install we made a change so it's there
5983s every time as it should
5984s be next question do you have any oh
5989s sorry do you have any updates for custom
5990s games planned in the future uh so whilst
5993s that we don't have any updates currently
5995s planned we're definitely looking at more
5997s things to improve on the custom game
5998s side um and we are happy to hear players
6000s ideas for what they'd like to see in
6002s there trust me I'm really wanting stuff
6004s in customs I want them so we're we're
6007s watching yep okay here's a question we
6010s got on the toome outfits we've been
6012s seeing on social people asking if Sable
6014s has dreads as a hairstyle in her toome
6016s outfit that we showed earlier on the
6017s show and the answer is no this concept
6020s art uh shows Sable having she doesn't
6023s have dread it's actually just a layered
6025s hairstyle so trust that's not happening
6028s yeah we take that stuff super seriously
6030s thank you for flagging it but also thank
6031s you for your help on that all right uh
6034s that is the show that was a lot of show
6037s it's a lot of show we have so much to
6039s show at the show a yeah and we 2v at
6042s that we are 2v eating we're Tov eating
6046s uh someone back backstage dared us to
6048s say that we did it uh so thank you
6051s everyone we hope you enjoy this new
6053s chapter cof is now available in dead by
6055s daylight go get her and add one of
6057s Gaming's best survivors to your roster
6059s and remember next week is Bonkers it's
6062s going to be packed we've got cross
6064s progression on July 22nd we've got 2 V8
6067s on July 25th so get ready for some
6069s absolutely insane trials uh also since
6072s uh all the survivors are included as we
6074s mentioned even Laura Croft our newest
6076s Survivor will be playable in 2v eight
6077s it's going to be amazing and I cannot
6079s wait to get in there I have seven
6081s friends to play it with uh we o hope you
6084s earned yourself your first twitch drop
6086s um which is going to be Jonah's weary
6088s eyes headpiece cosmetic um you get that
6091s at watching the first hour of our show
6094s um and if you want to go ahead and get
6095s the rest of Jonah's awesome outfit U
6098s watch any dead by daylight stream in the
6100s twitch dead by daylight category to get
6102s that watch time you have until July 30th
6105s to get it all um but for more
6107s information go ahead to our website dead
6109s by daylight.com um but with that said
6112s thank you guys for hanging out with us
6113s we're going to be raiding polyester and
6116s as always be safe out there in the fog
6119s bye thanks y'all
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