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Update planned: 11AM ET

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DLC planned: No ETA


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Update planned: 11AM ET

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Update planned: 11AM ET

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https://deadbydaylight.com/en/news/the-oni-lore https://deadbydaylight.com/en/news/yui-kimura-lore

Available Now through the in-game store

  • The Oni - The Demonic Force outfit
  • Yui Kimura - The Wild Card outfit

Developer Update

For a brief overview of some of the other changes coming to the game with the 3.4.0 update, check out the November Developer Update below.


Welcome to the November edition of our Developer Update, a series of posts detailing upcoming changes and our progress on ongoing issues. As always, we’ll start by recapping on previous topics before jumping into future updates.<\/p>

Dedicated Servers<\/h2>

For a little over a month, dedicated servers have been live on the PC version of the game. Over the course of this test, we have often been asked why the servers were left on without any updates. We’d like to take this opportunity to explain a little more about this test.<\/p>

First and foremost, we can tweak certain values behind the scenes without requiring a game update. This includes things like what the game deems to be an acceptable connection and various matchmaking elements. This way, we can test a variety of changes without forcing everyone to update their game repeatedly.<\/p>

Leaving the servers on also allows us to collect far more feedback. We are hard at work making sure that as many gameplay issues as possible are ironed out before the full launch of dedicated servers. We have been including fixes for some of the most pressing issues in recent updates, including a fix for delayed stalking in the 3.3.2 hotfix. Thanks to the reports we have received thus far, we are looking to improve certain Killer powers, perks (e.g. Dead Hard), and the interaction system (e.g. Kicking Pallets or Generators).<\/p>

Finally, this test gives us an opportunity to test the upcoming disconnection handling system, which allows us to better punish people who disconnect excessively. We want to make sure that disconnects are being tracked accurately so players aren’t wrongly timed out, and to do so, we need to leave dedicated servers enabled in order to test the new detection. In case you missed it, you can find the details of this system here: https:\/\/forum.deadbydaylight.com\/en\/discussion\/73858\/<\/a><\/p>

The Archives<\/h2>

With the last Mid-Chapter patch, we launched a brand-new feature: The Archives. We are happy to see the mostly positive reception so far, although we are taking note of feedback as well. We’d like to address some of the common feedback we’ve received from this first Rift and Tome.<\/p>

One of the main talking points is the difficulty of the first Tome. The first level of this Tome is fairly easy to complete, often taking only one match to complete a given challenge. This was an intentional decision by our team; we wanted to make sure that this level served as an introduction to The Archives so everyone could get an understanding of how the feature works.<\/p>

At the same time, due to an error, some of you may have seen a sneak peek of the fourth level of the Tome. This level is significantly more difficult than the first. The intention is for the levels to gradually become more challenging the further you progress. With that in mind, we intend to use the following levels to gather feedback and adjust future levels and Tomes if needed. <\/p>

We had also previously announced the dates each level of the Tome would release. However, due to the unforeseen delay of the 3.3.0 update, we needed to push back the release dates for these levels to match. The new dates are as follows:<\/p>

Patch Notes



Windows store








Switch™ players will have access to Leatherface in the in-game store on December 3rd release. Attention, DLC is planned to release on a later date. Note that if you unlock Leatherface as a stand alone character in the in-game store, you will not unlock the exclusive cosmetic that is offered with the DLC.

Winter gifting

Holiday gifts for all!



In the latest Dev Update, we announced our plan to unlock a large list of exclusive cosmetics to all players on PC and console. According to the feedback we received, we decided to review the unlocking process for the following cosmetics:

  • Hound (The Huntress – Event Mask)
  • Untamed Donkey Jacket (David King – Event Body)
  • Pro-Pain Hammer (The Hillbilly – Event Weapon)
  • Free Song Bird Slip Dress (Kate Denson – Event Body)

As it was mentioned by many players, these cosmetics were earned during events and were representative of the player's dedication to the game. The way these cosmetics were stored created an issue where a loss of progress was possible, we've since switched to a more secure method of storage for event cosmetics.

At the time of the announcement, last month, we had no way to isolate players who had earned these cosmetics. Since then, we have found a way to isolate the players that have played the event and will be able to restore these four cosmetics on a large scale, only to players that earned them during the events. Keep an eye on the news, this will happen Soon™



As of Thursday, December 5th, we will be testing a new feature on our Dedicated Server enabled platforms (Steam, Windows Store and Switch™). This feature is designed to penalize players that are disconnecting from matches.

Users who disconnect from matches will be prevented from joining a new match for a predetermined length of time, which increases after each instance of disconnection. Our objective with this feature is to discourage players from quitting games and will serve a double purpose of excluding users who are already in a negative mental state from re-entering matchmaking until they’ve had a chance to cool down.

The system will also apply if one or more players in a group has an active disconnect penalty, preventing the entire group from joining the matchmaking queue until the penalized members have either cleared their penalty or leave the group.

The incremental penalties will decay naturally over time, starting after the most recent matchmaking ban has completed.