3 months
ago -
Dead by Daylight
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Transcript (by Youtube)
1s | We Begin our journey here in the |
3s | beautiful |
5s | C that established I believe in |
8s | 1854 since then there's over a million |
12s | people that have been buried around here |
14s | under my |
15s | feet and many many people who have |
18s | walked around these uh paths have said |
23s | that they have seen apparitions they've |
25s | heard disembodied voices we've seen |
28s | ghosts walking around there is a Legend |
31s | of a m tavish an old fur Trader from |
34s | probably the 1700s or something that has |
37s | been seen in its full get up walking |
40s | around the tombstone some people have |
41s | taken pictures videos very popular |
44s | attraction I believe some even say that |
46s | they've seen him Glide down the slopes |
50s | uh on his coffin skateboard slab I |
53s | believe he did a k |