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Question from El_Barto_227
Lore questions! I love the lore of this game.
- We know that the Survivors have the campfire (btw it would be neat to see the campfire area slowly evolve into something more like a lived-in camp over time), but what happens to the Killers between trials?
- Are the killers aware of/have met each other?
- Why do survivors know how to fix the generators? Is it just a case of initial trial and error + instructions from more experienced survivors, or is the knowledge gifted to them by the Entity in some way?
- What's it like at the campfire, now that there's a fairly big group of survivors there. How are they all getting along, any rivalries or animosity growing? Does Ace get on Nea's nerve, or David pick on Dwight etc?
- Can Feng Min speak english? If not, I imagine that the other survivors would have a hard time communicating with her, though she is supposedly a loner according to the benedict quote on wiki so she might not care.
From Dave Richard - Creative director
- The Fog, or realm of The Entity is more than one place at a time. Depending on what It needs you to do (or see) the shape is going to form into the where and when you should be. Some of the Killers need to be grounded in their specific location when not hunting survivors. For example, the Doctor is in Léry’s memorial institute to be able to take notes and continue his ...research. Others are sent in a limbo state which is all Fog. They go in a dormant state, waiting for the next trial. Some Killers to be, or some that resist the Entity go in punishment. This takes different form depending on the personality of the Killer, or what is left to destroy anyways.
- They might have had glimpse of one another when travelling through the Fog. They saw some remnants of one another, tools left behind and such.
- Knowledge is transmitted within the fog. Lingering memories of long lost survivors are transmitted to survivors in time. Don’t forget that survivors are caught by the Entity at different moment but share the same space between and in trials. More experienced survivors will share their mechanical engineering experience with the newcomers. The question is, why are there generators there in the first place?
- (4-5) Survivors stranded on a deserted island would find a way to communicate, even with the language barrier. Nea knows English as she moved to America in her youth. Feng definitely knows a bit of it too.