@SmallBrainOni I don't have any news to share on the others, but there is an issue with The Wraith's uncloaking right now that causes his post-uncloak movement speed boost to be much shorter. This'll be fixed in the next bugfix patch and should help with that.
@davidisatwat The Shape is undetectable when he's in tier 1, so you won't be able to read his.
Basically, the same as it is now, except the perk icon no longer lights up when you look in his direction.
@Pretzel_WA We'll see! That's what the PTB is for, after all.
It's worth noting that the timer keeps ticking down until they're healed, so they may only get one or two uses out of it per match.
@LeobaNova Nope. Most of the add-ons will be changing, we just want to leave some surprises for the PTB.
That, and the page would be 10x longer if we listed them all.
@vicepup @DanielPaint_ The PTB is tomorrow and has all the changes in the dev update.
4.6.1 is Wednesday and contains Trickster buffs & bug fixes, but not the stuff in the dev update.
@Xentheone @SmallBrainOni It is intended that you slow down more than before *while* uncloaking, but the speed boost after you finish uncloaking was not meant to change.
@BestwaifuMel We post patch notes just before each update/PTB. The dev update is a separate thing where we can go into more detail on some of the changes.
@HaloXclusive PC & all consoles will get the same upgrade. There may be a slight difference between ultra settings on PC and the settings used for last gen consoles, but you'll still notice a huge upgrade.
@GreedyThaGoon You'll probably have a hard time with the Huntress' hatchets since they're larger, but those gaps are actual gaps. You can shoot/throw knives through them. Stalking killers can also stalk through them.
We have issued Iridescent Shards to another group of players. Please note you may need to restart your game for your rewards to appear. As always, thank you all for your patience with this.