almost 6 years ago - Dead By Daylight - Direct link

Transcript (by Youtube)

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1118s whoa whoa hey hello everyone welcome to
1123s this special dead by the Elliot live
1126s stream
1127s what is special about today it's the
1129s first time we're gonna introduce you to
1131s the chapters before it's out so today
1135s with me we have Dave every shop you know
1139s hello
1140s what do you do on that by daylight Dave
1142s I'm the creative director awesome and
1144s Louie McLean okay what do you do on this
1148s bike I'm a gameplay programmer thank you
1151s and I am NOT queen community manager on
1154s that by daylight as well so before we go
1157s into more details let's roll out what we
1162s will we push out this morning so I think
1165s we had a CGI trailer or something let's
1168s watch the trailer
1183s [Music]
1194s ah that's cool I think that there was
1204s already a lot of reaction with this this
1207s short trailer this morning but you're
1209s gonna know a lot more today with us so I
1211s think we're gonna jump right into it
1214s let's talk about hmm what do you want to
1216s talk about first I think we should talk
1219s about the Lord the Lord the Lord the
1221s Lord I mean everybody needs to know
1223s where the plague come from what's the
1225s idea behind it okay so where does she
1227s come from okay so we well we spoiled it
1232s a couple of stream back we wanted to go
1234s you know far in the past with with this
1236s chapter we wanted to establish that the
1238s entity can take killers and survivors
1241s from any time period or world
1244s really so the I priestess idealist
1248s so the plague is from Babylonian time so
1252s you know far BC even I won't establish
1257s exactly where it is I'm not sure so as
1260s if this story is one of our tragic
1262s killer so when she was very young she
1266s was abandoned to a temple where she
1270s served so cleaning serving food to the
1273s priests and the priestess and with time
1277s she she she grew in the devotion of
1280s these gods actually she her faith was
1283s building and later in her life when a
1287s when the plague appeared in in the city
1293s and there was a even the the the the
1296s priests there contracted the plague and
1299s died of it she took the role of AI
1301s priestess to support the entire city and
1304s of course as this symbol the the entire
1308s city
1309s the town's folk really went with her and
1312s the devotion a strong devotion as this
1315s our Savior basically to the entire sea
1317s so we always said we were not gonna do
1320s any religious killers so where is the
1323s plague
1325s his place in that you know yeah I mean
1328s personally I always wanted to do
1331s something religious I think it's a
1332s strong team in order but like the idea
1336s of this killer was to be smart with it
1337s and we went more with mythology than the
1340s actual related religion not a specific
1342s religion no exactly I mean going so far
1346s in the past is a safer route to talk
1351s about cult and religion which is I mean
1354s it's a strong fantasy and I think it
1356s deserve it place in the our game all
1358s right so a lot of people are talking
1360s about her weapon do you want to talk a
1362s little bit what it what is it so we the
1367s the incense burner is our weapon it was
1371s quite challenging to build actually so
1373s we wanted something ritualistic
1376s something truly unique and something
1379s that has this mystical aspect to it so
1384s the incense burner is a perfect fit for
1386s all of this all right awesome how about
1391s we go and see a little bit about the map
1393s so what's happening on the map where is
1395s it situated what's the atmosphere in it
1398s all right so just to complete their
1400s story is something that we see and we
1403s had her at the top exactly so the
1407s important part of her demise demise of
1409s the faithful is that she believes so
1414s strongly in her gods that it's going to
1416s be your demise
1417s so as anybody else she will contract the
1421s disease the plague and eventually she
1424s and following going to well travel to
1429s get away from the city and they
1430s eventually all die of the plague and our
1434s last moment is a prayer so she asked you
1439s know our gods to helper and the entity
1442s is going to be the one that answers her
1445s so this is this is how we come to the
1448s map yeah so the map like many other
1450s places in the game is a reimagining of
1453s the entity of a temple in which adds a
1458s was while doing her rituals so it is now
1463s located in red forest so it's a you know
1466s it's the the the two teams have been
1467s mixed together so the entity is
1469s basically rebuilding a place of devotion
1472s where so it's taken straight out of the
1474s memories of the plague so it's a really
1478s cool map the the main building the
1481s temple is it's gorgeous there is so this
1486s is the interior one at the level that we
1488s see right now there's a there's multiple
1491s level there's a crypt underneath the
1493s temple of course there's a gem there so
1500s let's talk about the D onion so we have
1503s a teaser early early on and a lot of
1507s people made made jokes about the onion
1509s so do you want to just tell us what it
1511s is
1511s yeah the onion is an incense burner okay
1514s you'll see that just like the one she
1515s she as as a weapon there's a incense
1519s burner all over the map so basically she
1521s used incense to camouflage the
1524s pestilence that comes with the plague so
1528s is there anything that is special to
1531s this map for example in the game when
1535s you when you start a generator doors are
1539s gonna open so is there anything close to
1541s that in this map as well
1543s yeah the temple as some entry ways that
1546s will basically open once the generator
1548s in the the crypt is repaired drastically
1552s changing the layout of the map and how
1553s it's played the building itself is as a
1556s very interesting layout so this is gonna
1559s be interesting to see how players
1561s strategize in it and around it awesome
1566s I done with the map I just don't think
1569s so yeah we didn't okay so let's get into
1572s it with the killer power that's right
1575s what really everybody wants to know yeah
1577s this other stuff is cool too but yeah
1579s you're right okay so the the killer
1581s power is called the vial purge and I
1585s think we saw a quick glimpse of it
1586s earlier
1587s it is so this is Miss killer vomits it's
1590s killer vomits this is this isn't the
1592s vomit killer there you go
1593s Dwight seems to not have a good time
1596s either no no one's having a good time
1597s about this so this this power has has a
1601s few parts
1602s there's the vomit itself which creates
1605s sickness in the survivors as they get
1608s vomited on or once they've become
1610s infected by the vomit sickness grows
1613s depending on what you do running
1614s exerting yourself doing interactions
1616s will make you sicker and sicker until
1619s you become I don't know what the current
1621s word for it is fully sick which really
1624s weakens the survivor there's as you can
1628s see the objects that get infected by the
1629s vomit so you can actually run around and
1631s vomit all kinds of stuff and that will
1633s that will sicken survivors who interact
1635s with it
1636s and once they're sick survivors have
1639s only one way to cure themselves which is
1642s by using the pool of devotion which that
1645s you can see right there which will refer
1646s from now on as fountains fountains yeah
1650s don't call the Magic fountains these are
1652s the pools of devotion or fountains the
1655s the fountains are really interesting
1657s because they also heal survivors when
1659s they use them and so you wonder well
1661s that seems like it's pretty easy for
1663s survivors to deal with you get sick you
1664s use a fountain but there's another
1666s aspect to the pool of devotion which is
1668s that the killer can use a fountain that
1670s has been corrupted by survivors to gain
1672s her own power and to gain the corrupt
1674s purge which I'm not sure if we have the
1676s footage of but the corrupt purged
1679s damages survivors who are touched by it
1681s so it really changes the dynamic of what
1683s you'll use the vomit power for it's
1687s really interesting there's this choice
1688s as a survivor - well first of all spread
1692s the sickness so that's what not really a
1694s choice is something that happens so the
1696s choice of using the fountain to eel but
1699s also being able to give that ultimate
1701s power to the killer right or a living
1703s with the sickness which is which is
1706s difficult yes
1707s yeah the the vomit was a was an
1709s interesting technical challenge as you
1711s can see it looks pretty awesome here and
1713s I guess I'm just kidding my own horn
1715s because I was I was the one who was
1716s working on the vomit mostly but you'll
1719s find it's actually
1720s fun to play with and to throw these
1722s streams of vomit across the map and
1724s infect generators and palates and
1726s survivors and watch their hilarious
1728s reactions was it very different to make
1731s than the the hatches for example well
1734s it's built on a lot of the same
1735s technology to be honest and then there's
1737s lots of interesting behind-the-scenes
1739s magic that turns a projectile into a
1741s stream which I would love to get into
1743s more at another time yeah all right so
1748s so with the the killer in the end its
1750s power
1751s there's also perks coming with it I'm
1753s sure people are I don't even see chat
1756s but I'm sure they're all asking does she
1758s move at regular speed yes don't come
1762s near it don't worry Chad she moves at
1764s regular speed is she slowed down when
1767s she's charging her pal at the moment she
1770s slows down when she charges it but then
1772s once she's holding it she goes back to
1774s full speed these are see these are
1776s details are actually still being fiddled
1777s with this is a lot of the stuff that we
1778s would like to see reactions to and ptb
1781s well we'll talk about that later
1782s all right so Lord Ocean all right okay
1789s so the first perk of the plague is dark
1793s devotion do you want me to read it out
1796s or do we have it here well we we see we
1798s said to put it right you can describe it
1800s yeah I did it go ahead all right I'm
1801s just gonna go ahead and read it the
1804s display of your powers creates a
1806s whirlwind of panic that spreads
1808s throughout the land you become obsessed
1810s with one survivor hitting the obsession
1812s with your basic attack causes the
1814s obsession to admit a 32 meter terror
1817s radius for a few seconds during that
1819s time your terror ADIS is reduced to zero
1821s the effect can only be triggered with a
1824s cool-down I'm being a little bit elusive
1825s about the exact numbers don't worry guys
1827s you're gonna get them soon and the
1829s obsession does hear the terror Aegis
1830s they admit during the duration of the
1832s effect so this is actually a really cool
1834s perk you essentially put your terror
1837s radius on the obsession for a few
1839s seconds when you hit them so as killer
1841s you don't have the terror radius anymore
1843s that's right it is transferred the
1845s obsession is now carrying your terror
1847s radius for a few seconds and that does
1850s also affect all all the effects that
1852s happen in the terror a deus
1854s then happen on this new Theriot radius
1855s that is on the obsession the second perk
1861s it is infectious fright the cries of the
1865s unfaithful make your heart leap any
1867s survivors that are within the killers
1869s tear radius while an other survivors put
1871s into the dying state by basic attack
1873s will yell and reveal their current
1874s location to the killer for a few seconds
1877s can we talk about what this perk was
1880s called in playtesting alright this perk
1884s used to be called
1884s shit your pants yeah he makes people
1889s scared and they scream it's a great name
1891s I just won't allow it for the plague you
1894s know no but that was great we had a lot
1896s of fun playing with shit your pants
1898s and honestly it's it's what become one
1900s of my favorite perks to down somebody
1901s see everybody yell and then go after
1903s them it's a great it's a great combo
1905s perk
1905s absolutely a combo way to get all the
1907s survivors to scream and change it yeah
1909s and the final plague perk is corrupt
1913s intervention the three generators
1916s located furthest from you are blocked by
1918s the entity for a few seconds at the
1921s start of the trial survivors could not
1923s repair the generators for the duration
1925s so essentially this makes it so that at
1928s the beginning in the game there are less
1929s generators to patrol to increase the
1931s chances that you're gonna find somebody
1932s initiate a chance early in the game plus
1934s the survivor waits for the for the
1938s entity to come out of the generator or
1940s has to go closer to where the killer is
1942s so it's pretty interesting so those are
1947s the killer's perks awesome are we done
1951s with the character we're done awesome
1953s we're gonna go to Jane Romero I don't
1957s think anyone saw her yet well this is
1959s the reveal yes there she is there she is
1963s all right so what's Jane's story okay
1967s very quickly so Jane is I'm gonna say it
1972s it's a she's or Oprah our Oprah
1975s character so basically she is
1978s women that fights all our life to create
1983s a TV show you know she she's a host and
1987s she wanted that all her life she doesn't
1989s doesn't necessarily have the support to
1991s do it but she fights for it and she
1993s becomes really popular and famous doing
1996s this this TV show hosting shows for to
2000s talk about all sort of different subject
2002s so she's quite known in our universe as
2006s this host she she works for that really
2010s art and she still have a trouble story
2012s and it takes its it's really stressful
2017s to live her life and one one night she
2022s does an interview that turns out
2023s catastrophic and again this will be
2027s heard a nice so she that night she she
2030s goes out of the studio and with the the
2033s tiredness of that she feels the the
2036s catastrophic interviews and everything
2037s else she will I'm losing my words she
2042s will fall asleep in her car and crash in
2045s the river and then disappear so
2048s obviously it's at that point that the
2049s entity took her and that's what Jane
2053s that's Jane awesome and Jane comes with
2056s three perks of course of course
2060s thank you there we go alright Jane's
2063s first perk is solidarity sharing painful
2067s experiences has the power to heal while
2069s injured healing a survivor also heals
2072s you at a certain conversion rate yeah
2074s scream right away not a holy percent
2076s yeah I'll let the kind of the backyard
2079s what we have right now is fifty percent
2081s so when you heal somebody you also get
2083s fifty percent about healing back on
2085s yourself which is pretty neat
2090s the second perk for Jayne Romero is
2093s pleased achieving goals boosts your
2097s confidence after a generator is
2099s completed you leave no scratch marks for
2101s 10 seconds I guess that's good for
2104s people who like to do their genin scoot
2107s away yeah yeah
2109s and the last perk for Jayne is for it
2113s head on when your mind is set there
2117s better be no one standing in your way
2118s after standing in a locker for three
2121s seconds the perc activates while the
2123s perc is activated perform a rush action
2126s to leave a locker to stun the killer for
2128s three seconds if they're standing within
2130s range and that causes the exhausted
2132s status effect and it cannot be used
2134s while exhausted so this is this is it
2137s this is the locker stun perk finally
2140s finally it's finally here there's still
2143s a lot of other requirements to get this
2147s done right you you have to be hiding a
2149s locker for certain amount of time killer
2150s has to be within a very certain range I
2153s don't expect that this is going to be
2154s too easy to pull off all the time you
2156s know but I really am looking forward to
2157s watching people try the idea is to
2159s create exciting tense moment with the
2163s lockers
2164s you know lockers are there and are quite
2166s interesting and we want to see them used
2168s more and the interesting situation so
2170s let's see what would you do with that
2172s Burke yeah apply it directly to the
2174s killer's forehead thank you for that
2180s anyways that's a lot of information
2182s that's more than we ever release before
2185s a chapter yeah thank you for joining us
2188s today
2188s oh my god is that is that all Queen is
2192s that all PTP when he went oh that's the
2195s real question
2195s so PTP will release sometime this week
2200s yeah so in the meantime you guys are
2206s gonna be able to test everything that we
2208s just showed you on the P TV as well as
2210s the new D s changes and something about
2216s totems as well
2218s mm-hmm that's included in the patch so
2221s you guys are gonna be able to test
2223s please give us feedback we're gonna you
2227s know listen to what you guys have to say
2229s and then we're gonna leave you on the
2233s trailer again for those who missed it or
2235s for those are jumping like just it or to
2237s hype you up a little bit again can I say
2240s one last thing you probably leave okay
2242s so you see the three of us today talking
2244s about the chapter obviously it's a it's
2246s a big team that's behind the chapter so
2249s I wanted to thank them all I mean you
2251s see their artwork it's it's amazing it's
2253s a great chapter can't wait for you guys
2255s to play with it thank you so much
2267s [Music]
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2303s you
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