over 4 years
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The 4.1.0 Mid-Chapter is planned to go live at 11 AM EDT on PC and console. For more information: 🔗 https://bit.ly/3jJ7NAx
#deadbydaylight #dbd http://pbs.twimg.com/media/EeBTcAAUwAA4zv5.png
Reports of inaccurate Matchmaking Incentives causing long queue times and only applying to the lead survivor of a party. Killswitched until fixed. 🎯Target for fix: 6.1.2 Kill Switch List: https://t.co/fAcm7EOuzB
Reports of the catch up mechanics not kicking in for some players after the update. 🔎 Currently under investigation: We’ll share more info as soon as we’re able to! Reports of some players still experiencing rubberbanding after fix. 🎯 Target for fix: 6.1.2
Reports of the Orange Glyph interaction being disorienting for some players. 🔎 Currently under investigation: We’ll share more info as soon as we’re able to!