about 1 month ago - Dead by Daylight - Direct link

Transcript (by Youtube)

15s Dead by Daylight is
16s introducing its limited
16s introducing its limited
17s time 2v8 game mode,
19s running from
19s July 25th to August 8th
21s and we've got you covered with
22s everything you need to know.
23s For the first time, 2 Killers
25s will team up to take on 8 Survivors
28s in a high-stakes, action-packed Trial.
32s So, what has changed,
34s beyond what's obvious in the name?
36s For starters,
37s 2v8 has a higher emphasis on action.
39s To accommodate,
40s 2v8 has reimagined the Hook system.
43s When a Killer downs a Survivor,
45s that Survivor
46s can be immediately sent to a Cage,
49s teleporting to a new location
52s across the Map.
53s Cage States operate exactly
54s like Hooks, with the Survivor
56s being sacrificed after 3.
58s There's only one key difference.
59s After 2 Cage States,
61s Survivors will unlock the ability
63s to self-heal.
64s Basically,
66s it is a base-kit version of
67s Claudette’s Self-Care Perk.
70s As far as Generators,
71s the Survivor's main
72s objective remains unchanged,
73s repair Generators to escape.
75s In 2v8, instead of repairing
78s 5 Generators out of 7,
80s they must repair 8 out of 13.
83s If there's a Survivor yet to be Caged,
85s they'll have their Auras revealed
86s whenever a Generator is repaired,
88s allowing you and your teammate
90s to apply some pressure.
92s Now that we've established the basics,
93s let's move on to some larger changes
95s that 2v8 will bring to the table.
102s One of the biggest changes
103s coming to 2v8
104s is the absence of Perks.
105s That's right,
106s neither side will have Perks
108s in this game mode.
109s While every Survivor character
111s will be available to use,
113s they will require you to equip
115s one of four unique Classes.
118s The Classes are :
119s Guide,
120s Medic,
121s Escapist,
122s and Scout.
123s As a Guide,
124s you'll see
125s the Auras of all nearby Generators,
128s and the moment you start repairing,
131s that Generator’s
132s Aura will be revealed to all teammates.
136s If anyone decides
137s to come repair with you,
138s they'll benefit
139s from a progress boost
140s for hitting Great Skill Checks
141s and reduce repair noises.
143s As Medics,
144s you can see the Auras of nearby
145s injured Survivors and heal them faster.
148s At the same time,
148s any nearby Survivors can heal teammates faster,
151s provided they aren't being chased.
153s Escapists know how to waste
155s a Killer's time,
156s taking them for a spin
158s and taking the heat off your teammates.
160s As an Escapist,
161s you'll be able to see the Auras of Windows,
163s Breakable Walls, and Pallets in your vicinity,
166s and run a little bit faster
167s when you're injured.
169s Not only that,
170s but whenever you begin running,
172s all nearby Survivors
173s will benefit from a brief burst of speed.
178s As a Scout,
178s you'll be able to see both Killer's Aura
180s every time they break a Pallet,
182s a Breakable Wall, or damage Generator.
184s Your teammates will also benefit
186s from your expertise,
188s as they'll see the Killer's
189s Aura whenever
190s they are nearby in your line of sight.
194s When building a team,
195s it's important
196s to consider how each Class synergizes
198s with one another,
199s as a balanced composition
200s can give Survivors an edge during Trials.
208s The debut version of 2v8
209s features 5 playable Killers :
211s The Trapper,
213s The Wraith,
214s The Hillbilly,
215s The Nurse,
216s and The Huntress.
217s Like Survivors,
218s Killers will not have access to Perks.
222s Instead of Classes,
223s they've received alterations
224s to their Powers,
225s as well as crucial team-based ability
227s to really amplify the double trouble.
229s The Trapper starts
231s a Trial with a total of 4 Bear Traps,
234s can set them faster than before,
237s and no longer triggers them.
240s Survivors who get caught in the Bear Trap,
242s take longer to escape from them.
244s Whenever a Trap is placed or reset,
247s both Killers
248s gain a speed boost
249s while within range of that Trap.
252s If you and your teammate
253s are chasing a Survivor
254s around a loop or structure,
256s place a Trap to give your fellow Killer
257s that additional speed boost
259s and secure the down.
260s While invisible, The Wraith gains
263s the ability to move and uncloak faster,
267s making him really feel
269s like he's everywhere at once.
271s Sticking with your partner
272s will let them get
273s a taste of sweet stealth,
274s as they'll become Undetectable
276s whenever you're close by.
277s The Hillbilly is formidable
280s with the Chainsaw,
281s gaining even more control in 2v8.
285s When sprinting with your trusty weapon,
287s you'll be able to turn faster
288s with reduced collision cooldowns.
290s Though you'll no longer be able
291s to instantly down a Survivor,
293s you'll have more than enough mobility
294s to keep the pressure on.
296s Any Survivor unlucky enough to be close
299s while you're sprinting
300s will become Exposed
302s until the sprint is done,
304s allowing your teammate to quickly finish the job.
309s She's here, she's there,
310s she's everywhere.
312s The Nurse gains an additional Blink
313s when a teammate is nearby,
315s allowing you to quickly reposition
316s while they do what needs to be done.
318s You'll also gain
320s an extended lunge on your second
323s or third Blink,
324s a reduced fatigue duration,
326s and an additional time to chain Blink.
329s The Huntress can set up some wicked combos,
332s with the ability
332s to show the Survivor's Aura
334s after every hatchet hit.
336s You'll also begin a Trial
337s with 3 additional hatchets,
339s move faster when your ammunition is depleted,
343s reload quicker,
344s and move faster with more efficiency.
348s We're thrilled for you to try out 2v8
350s and hope you enjoy this
351s new way to experience Dead by Daylight!
354s See you in The Fog.