9 months ago - Dead by Daylight - Direct link

Transcript (by Youtube)

1s in dead by daylight survivors and
3s Killers must face off within dark Arenas
4s known as Realms each realm can house
6s more than one map location and some come
8s with Twisted variations and to keep you
10s on your toes you'll soon find that Maps
12s within the entity's realm change with
13s each time you play however there are
15s some key elements that will always be
17s present somewhere within a trial these
19s key elements are pallets window vaults
22s lockers totems chests crows exit gates
26s generators hooks the hatch and the
30s basement there are also some elements
32s that are realm or map specific such as
34s breakable walls the killer Shack and the
37s main building with Realms that take
39s place indoors you won't find either the
41s killer Shack or the main building and
43s while most outdoor Realms will have a
44s killer Shack it may vary in appearance
46s from realm to realm you might also find
48s that not all outdoor maps have a main
51s building next time we'll talk about each
53s of the map key elements and what they
55s mean within a trial so survivors stay
57s safe out there and Killers Happy Hunting