about 1 month ago - Dead by Daylight - Direct link

Transcript (by Youtube)

0s and hooking won't do itself well at
2s least 96% of the time so for the
4s altruistic survivors why not give the
6s first responder build a
8s try before you reach the hook
10s reassurance will allow you to pause the
12s hook timer for the hook Survivor
13s allowing more time before they need to
15s be rescued once the Survivor has been
17s unhooked thanks to borrow time they'll
19s benefit from an extended duration of
21s both haste and endurance status effects
24s for an added boost babysitter will grant
26s them an increased strength to their Haze
27s by 10% while also suppressing their
30s scratch Mar s and pools of blood
32s simultaneously you'll be able to see the
33s Aur of the killer for 8 seconds lastly
36s no one left behind will help you with
38s any unhooking done after the ex Gates
39s have been powered not only will your
41s healing and unhooking action speeds be
43s faster but you'll also be able to see
45s the auras of all remaining survivors and
48s give an additional haste boost to the
50s Survivor you just unhooked so what do
53s you think of this build and what might
54s you change let us know in the comments
56s and we'll see you in the fog