Let it be known that Ghost Face has the best mori, as voted on by the community.
And since this is the first time we've done something like this... do you want more of these?
@Alen_Starkly That's the original store banner.
✨ Shameless plug time ✨
You can find the full version of it and many like it here: https://deadbydaylight.com/en/media
They also happen to make great wallpapers.
RT, follow & complete the sentence for a chance to win one of 20 backstage passes to the All-Kill concert!*
"I want the #AllKill chapter because..."
* Actually a promocode for The Trickster & Yun-Jin. Winners will be drawn on release day. http://pbs.twimg.com/media/ExbkmWJWQAc9Qbk.jpg