almost 7 years ago - Peanits from BHVR - Direct link
Because it starts a witch hunt, and often times the person being targetted isn't doing anything wrong in the first place.

For example, guy gets called out for being a cheater. Turns out he was actually awarded bloodpoints because he lost his save. But now everyone's attacking the guy and shaming him for something he didn't do.

Or, let's say the dude did cheat. Now everyone calls him out, and so he wipes everything so nobody can tell and he can try to evade the banhammer.

And the list goes on and on. Every day we got loads of threads about people calling out a 'camper', but for all we know there could have been survivors carelessly sprinting around the hook. You don't get the full picture, and it's not fair to pass judgement and attack someone without that.

Basically, that's what the report buttons for. Mods will step in and figure out what needs to be done.

(Also it always turns into a huge fight, and then we gotta' come along and tell people to take it easy, and then people probably won't take it easy and we'll either have to start handing out bans or lock the thread. And we don't really want to resort to that, so it's best to stop it before it even starts.)