over 2 years ago - Dead by Daylight - Direct link

Transcript (by Youtube)

0s crazy part is the second thing when
2s she's spitting in the face with that
4s green stuff straight bilious emesis
7s right there
11s hey what's up y'all this is dr rytalo
13s brown emergency physician and this is
15s dead by daylight
27s all right
31s yo
32s wait wait a minute hold on hold on hold
34s on all right
35s wait
36s oh my god
38s oh my god
40s so it's two people they get stabbed
42s through the center i mean it's
43s penetrating trauma all day you know the
45s same thing that we see in the emergency
46s department people get impaled by things
49s uh harpoons crossbows
52s in something larger like this obviously
54s you're concerned about you know not just
57s spinal injury but pelvic injury and all
61s the organs inside the abdomen just being
63s ruptured straight through this person's
65s definitely going to the or there's no
67s way a person's surviving that at all
69s you're done
75s all right
76s so why is this person sitting oh
78s that's actually kind of dope it looks
80s like he was injured or something and she
82s came through and rubbed this man's back
85s look if we could start prescribing back
88s rubs in the emergency department i
90s promise you i would let the thing fly
93s everybody you get a back rub you get a
95s background straight up on some you know
97s oprah level stuff you know it's actually
99s funny because there is evidence that
101s back rubs help
103s they help physiologically people say
106s that it lowers heart rate lowers blood
108s pressure curative back row for everybody
110s all right let's get it popping next
112s video
123s [Applause]
125s wait a minute bro
127s oh dude no no no wait a minute
130s all right
132s all right i had to pause
134s one
137s this man got thrown on a hook and i've
139s seen
140s this in a bunch of different movies so
142s it's really accurate you know these like
144s butcher hooks are real
146s uh obviously if someone ended up on one
149s it was intentional in my opinion from
151s that angle i'm pretty sure it's piercing
154s you know one of the ventricles of the
156s heart right so the heart we know it's
157s like this right that left ventricle is
159s kind of posterior and sits to the side
161s as if i took a football and held it you
163s know with the laces kind of downward
166s right so if that goes through that left
168s ventricle man he's dead there ain't no
170s pulling yourself up off of it you didn't
172s know sir yeah i don't believe it
175s he's not walking away from this at all
177s that's a fact
182s oh [ __ ]
186s wait what is this
188s oh
192s she is so ravenous went straight to my
194s man's jugular he's done
197s you know and then reached down into him
199s and and pulled out something it looks
201s like he pulled out his heart
204s and then she feasted on it you know i'm
207s for real i think that this injury the
210s first part where she you know lunges
212s towards his neck and then rips out you
215s know the jugular and the internal
216s carotid artery and so the biggest issue
220s here is
221s major vessels with trauma no pressure
224s added a person is going to bleed out
226s very rapidly but the funny thing is this
229s man didn't even have the time to bleed
231s out
232s because before he knew it she was like
234s all in his abdominal cavity you know up
237s through it looked like she went through
238s the diaphragm grab
240s a handful of heart
242s and then just say home
244s like you know
246s easter egg hunt
247s that's crazy
250s [Music]
253s all right here's the girl from the ring
257s hold up pause pause right there
260s my man's
261s entire upper extremity is compromised
265s you know she used her mind and just like
267s broke his elbow right like it looks like
270s it essentially
272s subluxes
273s breaks entirely dislocates
277s then
278s does the same thing to his leg
280s obviously this man is not going to be
281s able to get around well so escaping is
283s like
284s damn near not gonna happen so patellar
287s tendon gone rupture completely
290s all of the ligaments torn through that
292s popliteal artery man
294s gone
295s injuries to vessels injuries to nerves
298s so i think that the use of any one of
300s these is basically nil at this point he
303s he's got one side of his body
307s and she's still here she's about to give
309s him the work i can already tell
318s yo it's the thing from saul
323s understand that any spring-loaded
327s action
328s equals trouble equals problems
331s i don't ever see too many things just
333s like being minimally damaged minimally
338s injured no i'm talking about comp
340s complete
341s evisceration of whatever the structure
344s is
345s that is
346s basically attached to or trapped in the
349s bear trap the mandibular condyle the
352s this joint right here that's like a
354s hinge
355s snapped straight open my biggest concern
357s here is like is there other structures
360s being you know affected like that
362s frontal lobe
363s part of the brain
365s is there sinuses that are now being
367s completely crushed causing bony
369s structures to essentially like strike
371s parts of the brain all of this to me
374s just looks like a great big ass uh ball
377s of trouble and i don't know
379s if anybody walks away from this
385s [Music]
387s this dude is kind of nifty with a knife
389s all right
391s yo
392s yo
395s so this first part we call these
397s defensive injuries right this is when
400s something is striking a lot of times we
401s see this in the emergency department
403s where there's a person in like a knife
405s fight or a machete fight and they're
407s using the extensor surfaces of their arm
410s to block and try to like parry the
412s weapon this could be just a fracture
415s like meaning if they slap if their
417s stabbing motion is really hard it can
419s fracture the bone there non-displaced
421s fracture you're obviously going to cut
423s through soft tissue muscles and tendons
425s so using that extremity will be
427s difficult because
428s everything that's distal or further away
431s from where that injury happened won't
433s have innervation yeah he's not going to
435s be like ah i can't know this one hand is
437s gonna be like uh
439s no movement then my man hits him in the
441s calf the leg and then drags him now
445s depending on the size of the knife
447s completely realistic i do think that you
450s can get it in enough meat to
452s fully like get some some leverage and
455s then move for person this dude is
458s literally filleted
460s [Music]
465s [Music]
472s she got all the smoke
474s easy top three things that i think about
477s blunt trauma to the head so you know
479s maybe there's an intracranial hemorrhage
480s maybe she has a decompression fracture
482s of the skull uh possible cervical spine
485s injury because of the force of the swing
488s this crazy part is the second thing when
490s she spitter in the face with that green
492s stuff straight bilious emesis right
495s there
497s [Music]
499s that's happened
500s i've seen that in an emergency
502s department
503s usually i'm looking at the people who
505s are vomiting like are they filling that
507s bag up with sound or are they filling it
509s up with actual material she had a lot on
512s deck
513s it said her name was plague i'm assuming
516s this is after like all the different
517s types of plays the bubonic plague had
520s very similar elements right eustinia
523s pestis uh i think that was the bug that
526s bug caused people to have this like
528s projectile vomiting it just makes me
530s wonder like what is in her belly
543s those first two blows that's it hung up
545s obviously she is probably
548s not gonna walk because all of those uh
550s posterior compartment muscles are just
552s like sliced
554s i don't know if that spine is intact the
556s vertebrae probably gonna have some type
558s of uh you know severity i that's what i
561s believe and then your man jumps on her
563s back so where he went
569s and then he said i'm out
571s i'm out
574s yo
575s okay so it's it's hard to be serious
578s about these when the kills are so like
581s animated you can really tell that there
584s was thought put behind each one of these
586s this little dude jumps out
588s and while she is you know prone
592s just goes to work on the back of her uh
594s on her back on her neck and on the back
596s of her head every single injury that i
598s see here is about
600s either penetrating trauma or a crush
603s injury or blunt injury to this brain so
608s no they're not walking away from this
610s she's done so and
612s your man again
614s hop right back into you folded himself
616s back into the belly and say who's next
626s nice touch
628s well played uh well played well played
634s well played dead by daylight i see where
636s you went with that you trying to make
637s the the doctor doctor thing all right so
640s in the last scene i'm seeing a
643s a doctor who probably didn't pass his
645s boards
647s uh who is using
649s electroshock therapy
651s in a way with such a high voltage that
654s it just fries the brain of the uh the
657s person who's trying to run away
659s so
660s yeah no straight up real talk when we
662s use uh
663s electricity in the emergency department
665s we're talking about 200 joules going
667s straight to the body and we can see
669s people literally jolt up like this once
671s that is distributed or when we
673s defibrillate them right so
675s that looked like his electricity was a
678s lot higher than that and if we're
679s thinking about on the scale of like
680s let's say a lightning bolt lightning
682s current passing through somebody that's
684s what uh 30 million amps or 30 million
688s and i think it's about 30 million uh
691s amps i could see somebody literally just
694s getting hit with that fried and that
696s being done so
699s obviously there'll be other injuries
701s involved
702s superficial burns retinal hemorrhages
705s i mean the list goes on and on the
707s person probably has some dislocated you
710s know jaws or maybe a shoulder that's
712s dislocated because of the force of the
713s shock but at the end of the day the kill
716s shot was just straight to the dome and
719s her brain's fried it's done look if you
721s like this medical breakdown make sure
723s you hit the like button or drop a
724s comment below okay this is dr italia
727s brown signing out see y'all in the fog