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Anybody that has tinnitus knows just how awful a little ringing in your ear can be. You stress and lie awake at night wishing just once to know complete silence, but it never comes; you're stuck with it 24/7 for the rest of your life. After a while you learn to mostly tune it out, but pay attention to it for a moment and it comes back into your awareness at full volume.

DRG has some ear ringing effects that can cause tinnitus to flare up for people who suffer from the condition. The one I'm chiefly noticing is on the gunner's new mortar OC, unfortunately my favorite new way to play the game. Recent CoD games have included a "tinnitus mode" in the settings that removes these effects from explosions such as flashbangs.

Can we please get a "tinnitus mode" accessibility in DRG?

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3 months ago - /u/Robert_GSG - Direct link

We should have some help on that front coming in one of the upcoming hotfixes, Miner!