I'm a pretty new player, bought DRG less than a month ago, and I like to play the game solo a lot of the time. I've gotten pretty good at playing solo scout and completing missions with only boscoe to back me up. Since I'm still pretty new, I mostly play on hazard level 2 or 3.
A few minutes ago, I just did a point extraction mission for the first assignment from the new season. Point extraction, (which I heard from the trailer got some reworks) length 3, complexity 3, hazard level 3. Collect 10 aquarqs and destroy 3 of those new plague spike things.
Doesn't sound so bad, does it? It shouldn't have been, but for some reason there were a gargantuan number of more enemies besetting me at all times. There were twice as many glyphids chasing me inbetween waves than there were at the peak of waves in previous missions. Dozens of glyphids, all at once, and huge swathes of them constantly crawling out of the ground added to the horde all the time. There were several moments where I was fighting for my life against a huge swath of enemies, and while I was pumping magazine after magazine into the bugs, I hear MC warn me that a swarm was incoming, meaning this peaceful compared to what would happen next.
I legitimately could not complete the mission not because I got downed too many times, but because I literally never had enough down time to mine the aquarqs and clean the rockpox.
In previous missions, I only ever fought about 10-ish enemies at a time, there were several dozen attacking me at all times. I literally didn't have time to focus on the objective because I was being hounded so much.
This has never happened before. Is this a new rebalance added in plaguefall? Because if so, singleplayer mode is now completely unplayable. Was there a glitch where the game forgot to cut how many glyphids spawned due to solo mode and instead gave me an army designed to challenge a full team of 4?
I'd give a screenshot but I didn't think to take one. Sorry if this this is something obvious I just don't know about. I know I'm probably bad at the game and all, it's just that the sudden difficulty spike of that one mission completely blew me away, given what the game had conditioned me to expect. I just want to know if this is just a random occurrence or a new "balance change" added in plaguefall. Maybe its an update to point extraction missions specifically?
Sorry for the wall of text, thanks for bothering to read it. Rock and stone!
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