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No, I mean really. I play DRG for over 1,5 years and this question always haunted me. No masks, no helmets, no tanks... And now in the 25th update video I see this new Low Oxygen mutator... Kinda dissapointing, u know.

Just think about it. Dwarfes conquered space, they mine whole planets... and yet we do not see how they handle their air supplies. That would be nice touch, but still...

And don't tell me that Hoxxes IV atmosphere suits for breathing, that's not true. We saw these plants, and they do not look like they produce O2.

Anyway, how would you like to handle this from a visual\gameplay perspective? Sure, if implemented wrong, this could ruin customisation and make for unnecessary micromanagement. I see, like, 3 ways how to do this with no harm for DRG design:

  1. Little masks with O2 pills

This comes from H.P. Lovecraft "In the Walls of Eryx". According to setting of this story, people there wore small oxygen masks without any kind of tanks whatsoever. They learned how to compress huge amount of O2 into little pills, and one of these was enough for, like, several hours. I'm pretty sure these masks can be implemented here as another customisable thing! Their size won't be too big to hide our sweet beards, and they will add to futuristic atmosphere and immersion. Also, when entering the pod for another mission, there might be animation of changing pills into this mask, that would be neat.

  1. Augmented lungs

Another option that will make DRG design more immersive. Come on, these are space dwarfes! Sure they could figure out how to make lungs augmentations! Visually these could be like some metal plates and cyberpunk suff around their noses. And also customisable.

  1. O2 synthesis stations around Hoxxes IV

If we're not talking about masks and augmentation, this is the alternative that brings the possibility for another type of missions. Deep Rock Galactic is a huge mining corporation, so it would be logical step for them to install lots of O2 stations in the atmosphere of Hoxxes IV. These synthesize Oxygen for dwarfes to breathe in this toxic environment. And, from time to time, these stations might irritate bugs. So this is a perfect excuse to make another type of mission - defend and repair O2 station, or mb remove it totally from this hostile area.

Mb you have another idea how to implement air supply elements into DRG setting?

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over 5 years ago - /u/GSG_Jacob - Direct link

Oxygen masks cost a lot of money, and to a company, the most important thing is the bottom line.

Most of Hoxxes has a breathable atmosphere, and no expensive equipment is needed. However, there are deep pockets where the oxygen content is high enough, or other agents exist - and that is why the marvelous engineers have jury-rigged a cost-effective system to give the dwarves a breather in the areas where needed.

This way, there is no need to overhaul the basic equipment with expensive solutions to accommodate a need that rarely needs to be filled.