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Hey, gang! I'm back with another fan-made class for Deep Rock Galactic to celebrate the new season! Last time, I brought you The Scientist, a semi-healer class. This time, I'm bringing you THE WRECKER!

Overview image for the Wrecker's concept art!

You can find a Google Doc with all of the same information, plus voice lines and design commentary, here. If you have questions on why I used the math that I used, or if you feel something is unbalanced, please check my balance notes before you leave a comment on it. Otherwise, very open to constructive criticism! Leaving a comment in the threads below with some more information.

Let's jump in!

The Wrecker

“With a hammer this big, everything looks like a nail.” - The Wrecker

The Wrecker is one of the playable Dwarves in the game. He is equipped with the Star Slinger and “Hailfire” Mobile Mortar as his primaries, and the “Loud Mouth” Acoustic Cannon and Net Neutralizer as his secondaries. He has the Rocket Hammer, the FL46 Battle Standard, and the “Boar” Armor Rig as his equipment, and the Harpoon, W.A.R.D.D., and Snot Bomb as his throwables.

As the Wrecker, destruction is your specialty, and you love to get up close and personal to dish it out. You carry the Rocket Hammer, which allows you to quickly clear out mineral deposits and crush bugs. Your Star Slinger and Loud Mouth allow you to rip through the hostile wildlife on Hoxxes IV with ease. You are also equipped with the FL46 Battle Standard, which will help keep you and your allies alive—but watch out, it enrages wildlife, and they’ll be coming after you.

Armor Undersuit: “Boar” Armor Rig

Concept art for all 5 variants of the Boar armor rig

The “Boar” Armor Rig is the Wrecker’s piece of undersuit armor. It can be upgraded to improve its resistance against Melee damage.

At Tier 3, the Reinforced Leather mod grants 20% Melee Resistance. The “Boar” Armor Rig otherwise provides the same modification options as all other armor rigs.


Support Tool: Rocket Hammer

R&D is really bringing down the house with this one. The head of this gargantuan hammer is made from a galvanized steel alloy, allowing it to resist damage from its own massive, rocket-propelled impact. Makes swift work of mineral deposits and bugs alike!

Concept art for the Wrecker's Rocket Hammer! SMASH!

The Rocket Hammer is a Support Tool for the Wrecker. It is a large hammer consisting of a flat face with raised metal merlons around its edge, and a propulsive jet on the back.

When used, the jet on the back activates, allowing the Wrecker to swing the hammer quickly and with great force. If the hammer makes contact with a mineral deposit, all connected pieces of that mineral deposit are immediately converted into chunks, and the mineral deposit is destroyed. When swinging the hammer, it swings in a wide arc, dealing melee damage and knocking enemies back. The hammer can impact multiple enemies in this way.

When the hammer runs out of fuel, it can still be used in a reduced capacity: The weapon is swung slowly, dealing less melee damage in a narrower arc with less knockback with no stun, and breaking terrain and minerals in slower, larger chunks than the pickaxe.

Initial Stats

Damage 45 Melee
Damage, no fuel 30
Swing Speed (per second) 1.2
Swing Speed, no fuel (per second) 0.6
Swing Arc 110 degrees
Minerals Broken 250
Max Ammo 160
Ammo Cost Per Swing 10
Knockback Distance 4m
Knockback Distance, no fuel 1m
Stun Chance 100%
Stun Duration 10s


There are four tiers of modifications and each tier has two to three upgrades. Only one modification can be equipped per tier.

Tier 1

  • Expanded Fuel Tanks
    • +40 Ammo
    • We’ve expanded your fuel tanks! Wreck more stuff!
  • Extended Neck
    • Wider Swing Arc
    • With a longer neck, your hammer swings in a wider arc, allowing you to hit more bugs.
  • Galvanized Faceplate
    • +15 Damage
    • We’ve increased the strength of the face of your hammer, resulting in more damage per hit.

Tier 2

  • Lightweight Alloy
    • +0.8 Swing Speed+0.6 Swing Speed, no fuel
    • By decreasing the mass of the head of your hammer, it now swings MUCH faster!
  • Heavyweight Alloy
    • +2m Knockback Distance+2m Knockback Distance, no fuel
    • Your hammer’s head has been outfitted with a heavier chassis, increasing both damage and knockback!

Tier 3

  • Expanded Fuel Tanks
    • +40 Ammo
    • We’ve expanded your fuel tanks even further!
  • Big Breaker
    • +250% Armor Break
    • Shatter the armor of those blasted bugs, leaving them vulnerable and squishable.

Tier 4

  • Conductive Heatsink
    • +Conductive Heatsink
    • By modifying the heatsink, heat is no longer dispersed throughout the hammer, and is instead transferred to the face of the hammer, for bug-melting power.
  • RJ120 Compound
    • +RJ120 Compound
    • Swinging the hammer will now propel you in the direction you swing, provided it does not impact a bug. Useful for getting an extra boost in your jumps!
  • Slammer Hammer
    • +Slammer Hammer
    • Rather than swinging the hammer in an arc, you now slam your hammer, stunning creatures in a cone directly in front of you!


Primary: Star Slinger

What this wearable lacks in fashion, it makes up for in devastation. This wrist-mounted “gun”—if you can call it that—fires large bladed discs which ricochet off of walls and enemies alike. Spinning death blades never looked so good!

Concept art for the Star Slinger

The Star Slinger is the Wrecker’s default primary weapon. It is a flat, wrist-mounted weapon. On top of the weapon is an enclosed stack of bladed discs with curved, pointed edges. When reloading the weapon, the empty enclosures are ejected from the top of it, and the Wrecker attaches a new enclosure to it. When firing, the Wrecker will aim with the arm the gun is attached to, and steady this arm with his free hand.

This weapon is devastating in close-quarters. Blades fired from the weapon will travel a short distance before ricocheting off of surfaces or enemies. Each time a blade makes contact with an enemy, it deals damage, and loses some velocity, and starts traveling again to a nearby enemy or wall. When a blade loses enough velocity (or ricochets enough number of times), it will fall to the ground and break.

Initial Stats

Damage 44 Kinetic
Ricochet Damage Multiplier 0.88
Max Ricochets 4
Magazine Size 6
Max Ammo 60
Rate of Fire (per second) 1
Ricochet Distance 2m
Reload Time 1.5s


There are five tiers of modifications and each tier has two to three upgrades. Only one modification can be equipped per tier.

Tier 1

  • Expanded Ammo Bags
    • +25 Max Ammo
    • You had to give up some sandwich-storage, but your total ammo capacity is increased!
  • Sharpened Edges
    • +11 Damage
    • The good folk in R&D have been busy. The overall damage of your weapon is increased.
  • High Capacity Magazines
    • +6 Magazine Size
    • The good thing about clips, magazines, ammo drums, fuel tanks ...you can always get bigger variants.

Tier 2

  • Spring-loaded Internals
    • +1m Ricochet Distance
    • Springs along each arm will allow the bladed projectile to rebound further before losing velocity.
  • Bounce Math
    • +2 Max Ricochets
    • By increasing the coefficient of restitution for the Star Slinger’s projectiles, we’ve managed to make them hit more targets!

Tier 3

  • Serrated Edges
    • +Serrated Edges
    • The edges of each projectile have been sharpened into teeth which cut into the flesh of targets, dealing bleed damage over time.
  • Heavy Metal Fragments
    • +Heavy Metal Fragments
    • Flakes of various toxic heavy metals have been stamped onto the edges of each star. These flakes are left behind in targets, poisoning them.
  • Superconductive Network
    • +Superconductive Network
    • Thanks to tiny internal capacitors and a superconductive alloy infusion, the projectiles now have a chance to electrocute targets. The more targets, the higher the chance!

Tier 4

  • Expanded Ammo Bags
    • +25 Max Ammo
    • You had to give up some sandwich-storage, but your total ammo capacity is increased!
  • High Velocity Projectiles
    • +11 Damage
    • The good folk in R&D have been busy. The overall damage of your weapon is increased.
  • Aerodynamic Improvements
    • +1m Ricochet Distance
    • Thanks to a redesign of the projectile, we’ve decreased drag and air resistance during flight, allowing your projectiles to ricochet further!

Tier 5

  • Pheromone Coating
    • +Pheromone Coating
    • Targets hit by the projectile will be splashed with pheromones, making them targets for other nearby enemies. Chaos ensues.
  • Get In, Get Out
    • +Get in, Get Out
    • Temporary movement speed bonus after emptying clip


Primary: “Hailfire” Mobile Mortar

This dynamic device packs more punch than you’ll know what to do with. With two explosive firing modes and the ability to quickly clear a crowd, the Hailfire Mobile Mortar system is truly an unstoppable force. Nothing beats raining hell on a Glyphid swarm.

Concept art for the \"Hailfire\" Mobile Mortar

The “Hailfire'' Mobile Mortar launcher is one of the Wrecker’s primary weapons. This massive cannon has two firing modes: lobbing a mortar shell directly out of the cannon, and a charged shot requiring the Wrecker to become stationary and lob multiple mortar shells from a distance.

Clicking the fire button once will fire a single shell from the launcher, consuming one ammo and dealing high single-target damage. Clicking and holding the button will cause legs to fold out from the Mobile Mortar, and targets will begin appearing on the ground where the player is aiming, locking in after about half a second each. After the weapon is fully charged, when the fire button is released, the launcher will empty its magazine, with projectiles arcing through the air and impacting the ground, dealing damage in an AOE.

Initial Stats

Damage 40 Explosive
Area Damage 65 Explosive
Area Damage (charged) 130
Charge Time 2s
Rate of Fire (per second) 1.1
Radius 1.5m
Max Ammo 24
Magazine Size 4
Reload Time 3s


There are five tiers of modifications and each tier has two to three upgrades. Only one modification can be equipped per tier.

Tier 1

  • HE Compound
    • +10 Damage+10 Area Damage+20 Area Damage (charged)
    • The good folk in R&D have been busy. The overall damage of your weapon is increased.
  • Expanded Ammo Bags
    • +6 Max Ammo
    • You had to give up some sandwich-storage, but your total ammo capacity is increased!
  • Fragmentary Shell
    • +0.5m Radius
    • Damage radius increase

Tier 2

  • Larger Shell Compartment
    • +2 Magazine Size
    • The good thing about clips, magazines, ammo drums, fuel tanks ...you can always get bigger variants.
  • Quick-arming Trigger
    • -0.5s Charge Time
    • With redesigned internals, your charged shots will charge much quicker.

Tier 3

  • Expanded Ammo Bags
    • +6 Max Ammo
    • You had to give up some sandwich-storage, but your total ammo capacity is increased!
  • Hail Mode
    • +Hail Mode
    • Your weapon now deals Cold Damage, freezing enemies on contact!
  • Fire Mode
    • +Fire Mode
    • Your weapon now deals Fire Damage, and leaves behind a Fire AOE!

Tier 4

  • Shrapnel Explosion
    • +0.5m Radius
    • We’ve added shrapnel to the explosion generated by each mortar shell, increasing the radius of each explosion.
  • High-impact Shells
    • +30 Damage
    • We’ve converted the point of impact on each shell into a much more deadly blowthrough-style round, causing single-fire shots to deal greatly increased damage.
  • Internal Armed Charges
    • +20 Area Damage (charged)
    • Each shell is now outfitted with an explosive charge which will detonate after arming for a few seconds. Should increase the damage output of your charged shots!

Tier 5

  • Concussive Blast Compound
    • +100% Chance to Stun+ Stun duration: 6s
    • The blasts from your weapon will disorient targets, stunning them for several seconds.
  • Killing Machine
    • +Quick Reload After Kill
    • You can perform a lightning-fast reload right after killing an enemy.
  • Armor-break Shockwave
    • +250% Armor Break Bonus
    • The Hailfire now generates a massive shockwave on impact, ripping off a target’s armor like paper.


Secondary: “Loud Mouth” Acoustic Cannon

As sonic weapons go, the “Loud Mouth” is truly in its own category. This bombastic audio assaulter can reach decibel levels capable of shattering glass up to two inches thick, and completely disorients targets within range. R&D’s upstairs neighbors are relieved that the research period for this weapon has concluded.

Concept art for the Wrecker's Acoustic Cannon

The “Loud Mouth” Acoustic Cannon is the Wrecker’s default secondary weapon. It is a short-range weapon which blasts enemies with a powerful sound wave. It has a large, round main body, with an opening at the end resembling a megaphone, and lights along the side. The gun utilizes a powerful amp inside a specially-designed reverberation chamber, and is reloaded using external batteries.

The Loud Mouth’s firing mechanism must be fully charged to fire. The damage dealt by the Loud Mouth is determined by the distance between the target and the player. When fired, the device will knock back enemies in a relatively wide arc, stunning them for 4 seconds.

Initial Stats

Damage 80 Kinetic
Maximum Charge Time 1.0s
Maximum Charge Value 1
Knockback Distance 4m
Stun Chance 50%
Stun Duration 4s
Max Ammo 90
Magazine Size 9
Reload Time 2s


There are five tiers of modifications and each tier has two to three upgrades. Only one modification can be equipped per tier.

Tier 1

  • Expanded Ammo Bags
    • +18 Max Ammo
    • You had to give up some sandwich-storage, but your total ammo capacity is increased!
  • High-fidelity Speaker System
    • +15 Damage
    • With higher-quality speakers, the Loud Mouth is now capable of outputting more damage!
  • Bass-boosted
    • +1m Knockback Distance
    • Now this sound system has some KICK! Should knock enemies back even further than before.

Tier 2

  • Quick-eject Battery Compartment
    • -0.5s Reload Time
    • Thanks to a newly-installed quick-eject mechanism on the battery packs, the weapon can now be reloaded much faster!
  • High-capacity Power Packs
    • +6 Magazine Size
    • Get more shots out of each power pack! Increased magazine size.

Tier 3

  • High-voltage Amplifier
    • +30% Electrocution Chance
    • R&D got some of their wires crossed on this one, literally. Enemies caught in the blast now have a chance to be electrocuted.
  • Fear Soundfont
    • +50% Fear Chance
    • By utilizing similar soundbanks to the W.A.R.D.D., the Loud Mouth will now frighten enemies, scaring them off of you.
  • Taunt Soundfont
    • +50% Taunt Chance
    • We’ve developed a soundbank that is the glyphid equivalent of insulting their mother, which ought to really piss them off. Careful with this one! They’ll come running!

Tier 4

  • Expanded Ammo Bags
    • +18 Max Ammo
    • You had to give up some sandwich-storage, but your total ammo capacity is increased!
  • Overhauled EQ System
    • +15 Damage
    • Now you can REALLY fine-tune the balance of the sound. True audiophiles understand. The Loud Mouth is now capable of outputting more damage!
  • Dwarfby Digital Surround Sound
    • X1.3 Base Spread
    • Increased coverage means you can hit more bugs! And just LISTEN to those highs!

Tier 5

  • Concussive Blast
    • +100% Stun Chance+2s Stun Duration-30 Damage
    • We’ve adjusted the parameters of the device so that it incapacitates targets MUCH more effectively, at the cost of some raw damage.
  • High Frequency Modulation
    • +500% Armor Break Bonus
    • By tuning the frequency of sound emanating from the weapon, we’ve found the “armor note” as it were; the specific frequency which shatters the armor of Hoxxes’ wildlife.
  • Bypassed Safety Mechanisms
    • +Bypassed Safety Mechanisms
    • Your weapon can now be “Overcharged,” which will multiply the effects of both its damage and knockback!

Secondary: Net Neutralizer

Efforts to capture Glyphids have been fruitless, up until the creation of the Net Neutralizer. This device launches a single-use net, which wraps itself around and constricts a target, immobilizing them and leaving them defenseless. R&D cautions against using captured bugs as sports equipment—the nets don’t hold forever.

Concept art for the Net Neutralizer, including the bug ball demonstration!

The Net Neutralizer is an unlockable secondary weapon used by the Wrecker. It’s a large-barreled, wide-mouthed launcher stylized similarly to safari hunting rifles, held using both hands, with a bolt action reloading mechanism where pre-folded nets can be loaded.

This gun fires nets which will capture medium-sized creatures, transforming them into kickable “bug balls.” All medium-sized glyphids can be captured in this way. Captured bugs can be freed by other bugs attacking the net, which exists as a low-priority target. Bugs will only target a netted bug if there is not a player within 15m or within line of sight. When exploders are captured in this way and kicked, if they impact an enemy or surface hard enough, they will explode as normal. When fired at larger enemies like Praetorians or Oppressors, the nets have a chance to adhere to the creature, requiring it to shake off the net.

Initial Stats

Damage 0 Kinetic
Magazine Size 8
Max Ammo 88
Rate of Fire (per second) 2
Net Health 100
Slowdown Multiplier on Large Creatures x0.75
Effect Duration on Large Creatures 6s
Reload Time 2.5s


There are five tiers of modifications and each tier has two to three upgrades. Only one modification can be equipped per tier.

Tier 1

  • Expanded Ammo Bags
    • +16 Max Ammo
    • You had to give up some sandwich-storage, but your total ammo capacity is increased!
  • Larger Net Compartment
    • +4 Magazine Size
    • The good thing about clips, magazines, ammo drums, fuel tanks ...you can always get bigger variants.
  • Quick-loading Nets
    • +1 Rate of Fire
    • Nets move from the net compartment into the firing chamber faster, increasing rate of fire!

Tier 2

  • Steelcore Ropes
    • +50 Net Health
    • The nets are now made with a steelcore rope, making them significantly stronger.
  • Adhesive Coating
    • +6s Effect Duration on Large Creatures
    • All your nets have been coated with an adhesive that will adhere to large creatures, making it harder for them to shake off the nets.

Tier 3

  • Expanded Ammo Bags
    • +16 Max Ammo
    • You had to give up some sandwich-storage, but your total ammo capacity is increased!
  • High-impact Projectiles
    • +40 Kinetic Damage
    • Nets will now deal damage on impact, thanks to some high-density polymers.
  • Armor Ripper
    • +Armor Ripper
    • When an enemy is freed from a net, all of its armor is broken.

Tier 4

  • Carbon-fiber Threads
    • +50 Net Health
    • We’ve redesigned the webbing in the nets, greatly increasing their tensile strength. It should be much harder to break them now.
  • Ergonomic Net Canisters
    • -0.75s Reload Time
    • It’s now much easier to reload the nets, and so it should take much less time. Plus, lower risk of repetitive stress injury!

Tier 5

  • Constriction Winch
    • +Constriction Winch
    • The nets will now constrict captured or snared targets, dealing a small amount of damage over time.
  • Voltaic Nets
    • +100% Chance to Electrocute
    • +6 Electricity Damage per Tick
  • Internal Inhibitor Field
    • +30% Weakening Strength
    • The nets are equipped with a small inhibitor field which weakens captured and ensnared targets, making them take more damage.



Concept art for the Wrecker's Throwables, including the Snot Bomb, W.A.R.D.D., and Harpoon


This tech is older than time itself. The design of these is modeled after the space whale harpoons created for the Leviathan Hunter space rigs, but now in a convenient hand-held size! Pointy bit goes forward.

The Harpoon is the default throwable for the Wrecker. It is a rod of sharpened steel with serrated edges and a barb near the point, to ensure the harpoons hold fast. Each harpoon is tied with a length of rope, attached to the Wrecker’s belt.

When a harpoon is thrown and impacts a medium-sized or larger enemy, it will sink into them, dealing high damage on impact. If the damage does not kill the enemy, the grenade button can be pressed again to pull on the rope, yanking the enemy towards the Wrecker. This will kill any flying enemies by yanking them to the ground.

Additionally, while harpooned, Nayaka Trawlers and Glyphid Menaces will not be able to burrow, and Q’ronar enemies will not be able to ball up to roll around. Dreadnought Twins will not be able to burrow, but can destroy the harpoons with a shaking animation, giving the Wrecker time to re-deploy a harpoon.

Initial Stats

Damage 150 Melee
Rope Length 15m
Knockback Distance 10m
Friendly Fire 50%
Stun Chance 100%
Stun Duration 1.0
Movement Speed x0.75
Amount Carried 10


A handy little device, this small speaker can create one hell of a ruckus. Makes those bugs lose their damned minds, absolutely terrifies them. The boys in R&D tested it with some of the songs from the jukebox in the Abyss Bar before loading it with field recordings they pulled from Hoxxes wildlife.

The W.A.R.D.D., or Wireless Audio-Resonating Deterrent Device, is an unlockable throwable for the Wrecker. It is a small speaker-like device, with a small, rotating radar dish which emerges from it once it’s activated after a few seconds.

When thrown, the device will activate after one second of not moving. When it activates, it emits a sound similar to natural predators of the glyphids native to Hoxxes IV. The sound will induce a fear-state in enemies within range, who will avoid the speaker to the best of their ability.

Initial Stats

Radius 3m
Fear Chance 500%
Duration 10s
Amount Carried 6

Snot Bomb

R&D assures us that this isn’t actually snot. It’s a synthetic molecular compound which coagulates when exposed to the atmosphere of Hoxxes, creating a large pile of sticky goo. A note of caution: This is not a toy for children.

The Snot Bomb is an unlockable throwable for the Wrecker. It is a small blob of goo with a thin membrane on the outside of it. When this membrane bursts, the goo inside is exposed to the atmosphere of Hoxxes, expanding into a large, sticky surface.

When a Snot Bomb is thrown, it creates an AOE of thick, greenish-yellow goo. Enemies who are impacted by the initial explosion of this are temporarily completely immobilized, and enemies who walk through the AOE or otherwise come into contact with its surface are drastically slowed down. After several seconds, the mound of goo dissipates. Medium-sized flying enemies hit with a Snot Bomb are grounded, killing them.

Initial Stats

Radius 1.5m
Goo Duration 15s
Immobilization Duration 10s
Movement Speed x0.25
Slowdown Duration 5s
Amount Carried 6


Utility Tool: FL46 Battle Standard

Utilizing augmentation-field technology, the FL46 Battle Standard allows a user to increase their own innate combat capabilities, while simultaneously boosting those of their nearby allies. A drawback is that the field frequency seems to really piss off the bugs—so keep your eye on that.

Concept art for the FL46 Battle Standard, and a demonstration

The FL46 Battle Standard is a Utility Tool for the Wrecker. It is a back-mounted device which, when activated, extends into a radio-antenna with a conductive electro-fiber spanning between two crossbars. While active, a sphere of yellow-orange glowing particles emanate from the Wrecker. When inactive, the device looks like a bulky backpack with a stubby, collapsed antenna and several small vents.

When the Battle Standard is used, the Wrecker will emanate an AOE centered on himself, which moves with him. This AOE affects the Wrecker as well as his allies, granting them both a speed boost, as well as other effects determined by modifications. Allies will maintain these bonuses for 5 seconds after leaving the area of effect. While activated, the Battle Standard will also cause bugs to target the Wrecker over nearby allies.

After a short duration, the Battle Standard runs out of charge and deactivates, requiring several seconds of recharge time before it can be reactivated. The device cannot be used at all while recharging, but is instantly available the moment it finishes.

Initial Stats

Duration 10s
Radius 7m
Ally Effect Duration 1s
Movement Speed 1.5x
Taunt Chance 100%
Taunt Radius 10m
Recharge Time 15s
Charges 4


There are four tiers of modifications and each tier has two to three upgrades. Only one modification can be equipped per tier.

Tier 1

  • Improved Field Generator
    • +1m Radius
    • Thanks to a stronger generator, the FL46 affects a larger radius.
  • High-capacity Power Cells
    • +2s Duration
    • Bigger batteries means more fun! The duration of the FL46’s effects has been increased.
  • Flash-charging
    • -2s Recharge Time
    • New flash-charging technology allows your battle standard to recharge significantly faster.

Tier 2

  • Improved Fleetfoot Field
    • Movement Speed: x1.8
    • With an upgraded Fleetfoot Field, the speed-boost effect for the FL46 has been increased.
  • Nanobot Armor
    • +15% Damage Resistance
    • A swarm of nanobots coat your skin, taking the edge off of incoming damage!

Tier 3

  • Quick-charge Capacitors
    • -2s Recharge Time
    • It’s amazing how effective these things are at holding and transmitting power. This should decrease the recharge time of the device!
  • Auxiliary Power Cell
    • +2s Duration
    • When you’ve pushed your power cells to the limit, sometimes the only thing you can do is… Add more! The duration of the FL46 has been extended.
  • Improved Projector
    • +1m Radius
    • The projection device housed in the FL46 chassis has been strengthened (and the bulb has been replaced), increasing the radius of the battle standard’s effects.

Tier 4

  • Long-lasting Carrier Wave
    • +2s Ally Effect Duration
    • We’ve modulated the frequency of the wave so that it affects your allies for longer once they exit the field’s area of effect.
  • Kinetic Amplification Wave
    • +5% Bonus Weapon Damage by Allies+10% Bonus Weapon Damage
    • We’ve added a radio wave which should boost the damage dealt by you and your allies! Don’t ask us how it works. It just does.
  • Cortical Wave Dampener
    • -3m Radius-100% Taunt
    • We’ve identified a frequency that the bugs don’t seem to mind all that much, but it drastically reduces the effective range of the battle standard.


Special thanks to Santiago Baquin, who provided the concept art for this class. You should follow him on Instagram, or check out his ArtStation. Further special thanks to my friends Daniel and Mark, who offered a lot of incredibly valuable feedback as I worked through this. Check out the comments below, where I've left some voice lines and additional information.

External link →
about 2 years ago - /u/Robert_GSG - Direct link

An amazing write-up. Seriously impressive. Well done.

about 2 years ago - /u/Robert_GSG - Direct link

Originally posted by Crux_Haloine

I think my favorite part about reading all of these well-written descriptions is that I can always hear the voice of u/Robert_GSG narrating them in my head perfectly.

Rock and Stone.