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Hello Miners,

It’s time for another update as we’re ramping up for full release! The main focus for this update has been on improving the first experience new Greenbeards will encounter, but we also have a lot of goodies for veteran players, such as Armors finally being able to get new Paintjobs, and an all-new Miner’s Manual to name a few!


The Ghost Ship Crew




Every miner needs a pickaxe, but no two pickaxes need to look the same! Find and unlock new parts to customize each of the six different sections of your pickaxe, not to mention a handful of brand new Paintjobs for it as well. Crack those rocks in style!



If you see some lost gear scattered around the place, try to find a blinking helmet. Use that to download the location of the lost dwarf’s backpack and track it down using your Terrain Scanner. They are always full of pickaxe parts and precious minerals.



Let’s be blunt...the Drop Pod has been in need of a facelift for a while. That has now happened - including Fuzzy Dice!



BISMOR, BISMOR, BISMOR! A good bunch of new shouts have been added, including some notorious missing Laser Pointer shouts!



Did you know that the Launch Bay is only a small part of the Spacerig infrastructure?



Missions, Crafting Resources, Damage Types, Weapon Mods... There are so many systems in DRG! It can be overwhelming at first. We collected as much information as we could and created a ton of new infographics to make a guide. Hopefully this will help during the first few hours of the game. There might even be some details veteran miners didn’t know.

It’s the intention that the Miner’s Manual will continue to expand with new entries and chapters in future updates.



Mining is way more fun once you know the basics. There is now a brand-new and more streamlined Tutorial with clear instructions and tasks. Let’s get the Greenbeards up to speed as soon as possible, Management wants to see that ore flowing!



With the inclusion of the Miner’s Manual, we decided to redo the whole Escape menu. The main tab is the Status, where you can read all the information about your current Mission, Loadout, and Team. Many of the items link directly to the Miner’s Manual, so you can learn more about, for instance, the current Mission Warning Mutator with just one click.



All cosmetic items, both from The Shop and The Forge, now have proper icon previews! They are perfect for quick sorting and to avoid “guess forging”, but, most importantly, they look cool.



Your dedication has exceeded Management expectations and we have realized we need more levels of Promotion! There will be 3 new tiers of promotions: Emerald, Sapphire, and Diamond. Additionally, in an unprecedented act of generosity, we have decided that promotions should come with rewards. These will, of course, also be granted retroactively.



All the ingame Armor Sets have received the same split between Frameworks and Paintjobs that weapons got recently. Several brand new Armor Paintjobs can be found in the Lost Pack Encounters, with more to come further down the line.




  • Moved some of the AoE range bonus of Carpet Bomber OC to the Base Weapon and Shrapnel Rounds Mod
  • Moved some of the AoE damage bonus of Carpet Bomber OC to the Base Weapon
  • Added an accuracy bonus to Big Bertha OC
  • Removed starting fire rate penalty on Big Bertha OC, now only the max fire rate is affected
  • Reduced the direct damage penalty on Neurotoxin Payload OC
  • Slightly increased the DR bonus from the Damage Resistance at Full RoF Mod


  • Moved some of the damage bonus of the Bigger Pellets Mod to the Base Weapon
  • Increased the base rate of fire
  • Lowered the rate of fire bonus of the Miner Adjustments Mod
  • Increased the bonus of the Supercharged Feed Mechanism Mod
  • Removed the Improved Stun Mod and increased the base duration of a weakpoint stun
  • Fixed the stun chance stat display


  • Reduced recoil especially the horizontal recoil so it is now easier to manually compensate
  • Greatly reduced max shot spread
  • Improved base accuracy
  • Increased base damage
  • Consolidated all base damage into one damage type
  • Increased base chance of electrocution
  • Modification Tweaks
  • Replaced the Floating Barrel Mod with a Recoil Reduction Mod
  • Improved the bonus of the Improved Capacitors Mod
  • Removed the Larger Capacitors Mod
  • Relocated the Conductive Bullets Mod to Tier 4
  • Removed the Overcharged Rounds Mod and added its bonus to the Base Weapon


  • Increased base damage
  • Decreased base ammo
  • Lowered the base armor breaking
  • Decreased base recoil
  • Decreased max spread
  • Increased base clip size

Modification Tweaks

  • Increased damage bonus of the High Velocity Rounds Mod
  • Removed the Burst Damage Mod
  • Increased the stun duration of Burst Stun Mod
  • Swapped positions of the Floating Barrel Mod and the Disabled Safety Mod
  • Increased the bonus of the Quickfire Ejector Mod

Overclock Tweaks

  • Increased the damage bonus of the Experimental Rounds OC to work with the new weapon damage and ammo numbers


  • Reduced base charge-up time
  • Increased discharge time
  • Increased the base effective range
  • Increased the speed with which the spray extends to its effective range
  • Increased base freezing power
  • Increased base damage from
  • Increased the base size of the pressure chamber
  • Lowered the base re-pressurisation delay
  • Fixed the weapon damage and freezing power stats displaying each other's values.

Cold Mechanics Tweaks

  • Mactera Spawns freeze a bit faster
  • Enemies slow down faster as they get colder

Modification Tweaks

  • Combined the Larger Pressure Chamber Mod and Increased Chamber Pressure Mod
  • Improved the value of the 2nd Stage Pump Mod and renamed it to Faster Turbine Spinup
  • Increased the value of the Bypassed Integrity Check Mod so it now completely removes the re-pressurisation delay
  • Increased value of the Overclocked Ejection Turbine
  • Renamed the Faster 1st Stage Pump Mod to Fast-filling Pressure Chamber
  • Reduced the value of the Improved Mixture Mod and renamed it to Supercooling Mixture
  • Renamed the High Water Content Mod to Hard Mixture
  • Increased the power of the Cold Radiance Mod


  • Increased the base width of the plasma beam
  • Increased the base damage
  • Changed how damage is shown in the stats to a DPS value
  • Decreased line speed
  • Increased the plasma line life-span
  • The plasma beam now stuns enemies while it passes through them
  • Decreased the rate of fire
  • Increased the base magazine size
  • Increased the "hitbox" of the plasma beam so it is more forgiving

Modification Tweaks

  • Increased the values of the Loosened Node Cohesion Mods
  • Increased the value of the Prolonged Power Generation Mod
  • Removed one of the damage Mods and increased the value of the remaining one
  • Added a Mod to extend stun duration
  • Removed one of the magazine-size Mods
  • Removed one of the Expanded Ammo Bags Mods and increased the value of the remaining one
  • Improved the effect of the Quick Deploy Mod and it now affects both deploy speed and deploy delay
  • Changed the Double-split line to a Triple-split line that covers a larger area both above and now below the standard line
  • Combined the There Can Only Be One and Explosive Goodbye Mods and made it that firing while you have a line out will detonate that line wout shooting a new one. Lowered the explosion's damage but it now leaves a residual plasma field that continues to damage enemies over time.
  • Added the Plasma Trail Mod which causes the beam to leave a trail of residual plasma which damages enemies over time
  • Rearranged many of the Mods
  • NOTE: Anyone who owned the removed Mods will be refunded the Minerals and Credits they spent

Overclock Tweaks

  • Yaw Man has become an Unstable OC and is now called Spinning Death. It causes the beam to spin while moving slowly forward dealing a lot of damage over time in the area.
  • Roll Control will not spin the beam if you click to fire but only if you hold. Releasing the fire button after the projectile starts spinning works as before.
  • Return to Sender no longer has a damage penalty
  • Inferno now ignites most enemies in one pass and no longer reduces your rate of fire
  • High Voltage Crossover is now a Balanced OC and no longer has a damage penalty


  • Improved the responsiveness of the Proximity Trigger Mod and fixed the description which referenced a damage bonus based on a time mechanic that was not actually being used.



  • Added a new first person death animation
  • Added a new attack to the Glyphid Oppressor
  • Added new equip animations to the Equipment Terminal
  • Added a new terminal design for the Accessory Terminal and renamed it The Shop
  • Added a new terminal design for the Mineral Trade Terminal
  • Added pathfinder blockers below the platforms of the Minehead in Point Extraction to prevent enemies from walking there
  • Overhauled the Tutorial Hints
  • Weapons that do fire damage can now ignite gas clouds
  • Hoverboots perk now have particles coming from the boots and will also burn any creatures unfortunate enough to be right beneath you when you activate them
  • Renamed the Grappling Gun to Grappling Hook
  • Renamed the Zipline Gun to Zipline Launcher
  • Resupply Pods now needs to fall a set distance before it starts doing damage on landing
  • Improved several sprint animations
  • Improved the promotion achievements so they now trigger retroactively when you load into the Spacerig and have a promoted dwarf. No need to promote again!
  • Improved the sound of the Dash perk
  • Improved the logic of the Born Ready perk when activated on clients
  • Improved the spawning logic of Machine Events to prevent Core Infusers from disappearing
  • Fixed several field of view related bugs, including the field of view of the Zhukov NUK17
  • Fixed a bug in the achievement for Milestones
  • Fixed a bug with the Impact Axe sound effect only playing for host
  • Fixed a bug that caused clients to not see themselves as frozen when they are frozen
  • Fixed a bug that sometimes caused double footstep sounds in first person
  • Fixed a bug that prevented certain status effects from properly displaying on Lootbugs
  • Fixed a bug that caused the Terrain Scanner to become stuck in view
  • Fixed a bug that prevented the salute animation from playing in third person while sprinting
  • Fixed a bug that enabled Silicate Harvesters to walk on walls
  • Fixed a bug that caused the Iron Will countdown to display prematurely
  • Fixed a bug that caused the light of the Proximity Trigger mod for the Deepcore 40MM PGL to stick around after the projectile is destroyed
  • Fixed a bug that prevented Heightened Senses from working after the first time you get grabbed by an enemy
  • Fixed a bug where projectiles could nudge the player around for a brief moment while close. This was especially noticeable when looking down and firing.
  • Fixed a bug that prevented enemy health bars from properly indicating weakpoint hits for clients
  • Fixed a bug that caused LMG Gun Platforms with Hawkeye System mod to shoot marked enemy corpses indefinitely
  • Fixed a bug that caused some weapons to become offset when saluting with certain weapons
  • Fixed a bug that caused the Loadout Icon Selector menu to remain open after closing a Terminal
  • Fixed a bug that prevented Bosco skins from working in missions
  • Fixed a bug that enabled two players to tame the same Glyphid, sometimes removing its textures
  • Fixed a bug in the State of the Art achievement so it no longer triggers prematurely when having all items upgraded fully except the armor
  • Fixed a bug when using both the Hardened Drill Tips and Supercharged Motor mods on the Reinforced Power Drills
  • Fixed a bug that caused the canister of the CRSPR Flamethrower to change color when reloading with some Weapon Frameworks
  • Fixed a bug with Air Geysers causing jittery movement for clients while pushed
  • Fixed a bug that caused Bosco to senselessly attack the Drop Pod if you marked it with the Laser Pointer. Silly Bosco
  • Fixed a bug that caused Mactera Spawns to look like they are in their attack stance while fleeing
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almost 5 years ago - /u/GSG_Jacob - Direct link

Originally posted by TakeFourSeconds

Exciting! How long do updates usually stay on experimental?

A week or so.

almost 5 years ago - /u/Mike_GSG - Direct link

Originally posted by Sleelan

Weapons that do fire damage can now ignite gas clouds

Whatever happened to this feature the last time it was added?

This is now for hitscan weapons.

almost 5 years ago - /u/Mike_GSG - Direct link

Originally posted by KidGrit

Please add shield bars to you allies icons on the HUD! u/Mike_GSG

Is there a specific reason you want that?

almost 5 years ago - /u/Mike_GSG - Direct link

Originally posted by Sleelan

I can bet you my entire supply of 400 Magnite that this was a case for hitscan weapons, but then it wasn't.

I explicitly remember igniting Praetorian clouds with my White Phosphorous boomstick mod, a few patches ago.

Huh, that is odd... The tech that makes it possible was just recently added. Maybe something in the way the Boomstick does damage could trigger it anyway... Was this at close range? It has the blastwave mechanic which is overlap-based so maybe that was what did it...

almost 5 years ago - /u/Mike_GSG - Direct link

Originally posted by Sleelan

It was at close range, but it also worked with the Minigun rounds when using the "red heat meter adds fire damage" mod.

In fact, I'll do you one better. Here's your own patch notes from Update 25, from your official website. It reads:

[COMMUNITY REQUEST] Acid clouds now blow up from all fire damage sources

Huh... I stand corrected.

almost 5 years ago - /u/Mike_GSG - Direct link

Originally posted by KidGrit

Please add shield bars to you allies icons on the HUD! u/Mike_GSG

Valid points, will bring it up for discussion when we have time.