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I am just vanilla console player with quite a bit of grey in half my beard as I only main Solo/True Solo and I have never actually been on Hoxxes with another being except the fauna, enemies, droids, Doretta, Molly and Bosco.

Do you know or care that many players like me exist?

I have only ever worked alone and now I no longer need Bosco to complete my work and I will eventually conquer all missions alone yet there is no reward for this. Nothing. It’s like you don’t care about anything but multiplayer missions and achievements.

That’s all there is this ^ just a tick box to not take an expensive piece of kit to the mines. Its bullsh*t management. Absolute bullsh*t. You’re telling me the use of Bosco is worthless to you? And there’s no reward for not taking him?

As you can see I have supported you GSG. I have bought all DLC and I have kept gamepass going for many years partly to support your game because you will see no money from a second hand game purchase of DRG on eBay. I am happy to do this as I have had much enjoyment from your game and it has been there for me through some dark times.

All I ask is that you consider the Solo game.

That you consider that in life I have to be my own Solo team all the time so why is it different in Hoxxes? Why am I not rewarded for this? I complete the same missions 4 dwarves do on my own for actually less reward as there is no team bonus in Solo.

Why am I only rewarded for playing with others? Something I find hard to do and rarely if ever do in real life either.

Consider the efforts and challenges Miners take on by playing Solo and True Solo without being asked or told that push your game and it’s metas in different often new directions that only benefit the community and game as a whole.

Have you seen that a lot of the content about your Game on yt is players doing Solo, True Solo and speedruns. Yet you do nothing to reward this?

That’s all I ask is for you to please consider the Soloists. Those that excel alone and push the skill ceiling forward and work without extra resources. Just want to get their job done as fast and efficiently as possible for profit. We are here and we deserve recognition and reward.

I ask that you consider rewarding those that play alone and are just as valid as any team of dwarves. Some might say more so.

Consider those of us that love your game deeply but that social interaction online is difficult (Mostly because I’m a bit weird. It’s definitely a me problem).

I know I’m alone ranting into a dark empty cave but better out than in I always say.

Maybe someone will hear because now in game as a True Solo Main I no longer ever receive a reply to my Rock and Stone…

Me: Rock and Stone!

The caves, The rig, the droids (except Bosco in mission): Silence

Personally I enjoy the silence but it’s not very Rock and Stone when you call out to no answer I can tell you.

Rock and Stone!

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about 2 months ago - /u/Robert_GSG - Direct link

Thank you for your post, Miner! As you yourself point out, the game HAS been built primarily with co-op in mind. We have not and will never cater as much to the solo crowd as we do the team crowd - for the simple reason that DRG is first and foremost a co-op game. Even so, we are well aware that we have quite a few solo players. And we do care about our solo players. I myself am primarily a solo player.

Since the game's inception, we've relied a lot on player feedback. Legitimate and constructive criticism remains an important part of how we improve and expand the game to this day. For instance, the toggle to bring Bosco or not was added after discussion with solo players that asked for the extra challenge of being completely alone in that way. And our reaction was "sure, why not". So we welcome and embrace posts like this, combative tone or not.

We've not heard a lot of complaints from solo players for a long time though. And apart from what appears to be a request for a Solo Reward at the end of a mission, I am not seeing much specific in your post. So let's hear it. What specifically do you feel is missing? Feel very free to make an actual list of features you'd like to see. I invite all other solo players to do the same. That's not a promise that we'll implement any of it, but it's a good place to start.

As always and above all, let's talk solutions instead of arguing.

Rock and Stone, Miners!

about 2 months ago - /u/Robert_GSG - Direct link

Originally posted by I_wana_fuck_Steeve

I was wondering, unless it's impossible due to coding or something, can you make it so that a co-op mission that nobody joins counts as a solo mission for the achievement.

Hmm. I'm no coder, so I can't answer that with confidence. But knowing our coders, I'd be very surprised if there wasn't a good reason for things being the way they are.

about 2 months ago - /u/Robert_GSG - Direct link

Originally posted by FroTheFrog

Thanks for your time, i was wondering if it would be possible to tweak Bosco or his AI a bit by speeding up his movement speed and/or reaction time or maybe just the maximum range of when he can start doing stuff, since he has the habit of lagging behind in crucial situations.

Some examples such as: Taking 2+ seconds to fire a rocket. Taking more than 10 seconds to revive!. Failing to save you from a leech because he is too slow + having to get to point blank to actually start firing at it! (Btw, since S5 launched leeches dont stop your shields from regenerating anymore so you can actually see how much time bosco wastes just getting to you.).

Im not asking for a instant reaction murder machine but as you probably saw while solo mining he feels like a flying turtle sometimes.

It would be possible, for sure, but I don't think it's something we want to do. Bosco is not meant to be a perfect replacement for another dwarf or team. He's meant to be a help, but not a terribly efficient one.

I'll make a note about your point about the leeches and shields though, in case our coders aren't on it already. Thank you for your service, Miner!

about 2 months ago - /u/Robert_GSG - Direct link

Originally posted by PseudoFenton

> "You've proven one dwarf could do the work of four, if we give you enough gun" -Mission Control , DRG Survivor

So, how about giving us a solo mode which lets us (somehow) carry more guns in??

This is only a half serious suggestion, obviously. Perhaps a challenge mode where you get all of your primary and secondary weapons - but no resupply pods are available (or they only heal, they dont provide ammo).

Its bonkers and better suited to a mod rather than dedicated dev time... Maybe make it a deep dive variant and so you can run it solo or as a team?? /Shrug

Hah, well, that's more down to the design specs of DRG: Survivor being what they are. Further Challenge Modes IS something we've discussed on and off for DRG, but nothing is currently in the plans. Never say never, though.

about 1 month ago - /u/Robert_GSG - Direct link

Originally posted by GoobMcGee

Is there some version of a public roadmap anywhere?

Not at present, no - as stated elsewhere, further development on DRG is on hold while we start work fully on Rogue Core. There will still be the usual seasonal events like Yuletide and so forth, but we do not have any target date for an eventual DRG Season 6 at present.