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Got muted for talking about politics by arguing that politics (specifically LGBT pride) shouldn’t be included in the game because a game about killing bugs and mining minerals has no need for sexual themes.

Other person that joined the discord two days ago at the time, arguing I’m a bigot, spamming the channel with insults and calling me a crybaby, not making any argument or room for discussion other than “just say you’re homophobic.” Gets off scot-free because their messages were too long ago that the mod (Tater) didn’t care to look at them at all.

Asked the same mod if the mute was permanent two days ago in DMs since it doesn’t say anywhere in the rules and I can’t ask in the server anymore, got no response.

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about 2 years ago - /u/GSG_Jacob - Direct link

Your entire comment history in this thread speaks for itself.
Thread locked.