I bet somebody half my cock that those things latch onto local wildlife to give them some kind of boost.
Why not all of it? What are you going to do with half of one?
What are those?
Anger noodles
wait are you planning to make the hollow borough even more terryifying?
i struggle making it through that biome as it is without the thought of one of those things hiding out of sight behind one of the twisty brambles
Oh good, more swarmer type enemies, just what everyone wanted.
Glad you like it!
u/gsgjacob can you give us anymore information on the upcoming season
Not outside what’s already been shown.
Is it really a leak if the devs released it?
Hi, We’re Ghost SHIP Games.
Yes I am!
Is there an end date for the season? I'm lvl 40 & wanted to know if I still have a shot at completing the pass
Start of November, but everything not unlocked goes into the normal loot systems.
Not what leak means
Hi, we’re Ghost SHIP Games.
We calling previews “leaks” now?
Websters is going to have to amend their definitions again soon.
Hi, we’re Ghost SHIP Games. We’re pretty leaky.
Is this a biome? Hope not because I'm a bit disappointed by the terrain, it's just Rad zone and Crystaline, pretty boring.
I do hope this is the new replacement for robots cause man robots suck, hopefully season 3 greatly reduces the odds of seeing robot missions, feels like half my missions these days are robots and it's super annoying.
This is the Radiactive Exclusion Zone
Nope. Just nope.
I'm outta here.
Everytime I interact with a dev here I ask myself why I still play this game.
Can’t do much about it, if you see some worms in a short clip and decide that we are adding “more swarmer enemies” without considering context. Also not sure why you feel that “nope” is the conversation starter that’s supposed to get you somewhere.