I'm very curious about these and often wonder about them while playing, I'd love to know more about how the game works!
- How does the end screen kill count work? Does only lethal damage give kill credit, does everyone who dealt damage get credit (and if so, what's the threshold, is 1 shot enough?), do swarmers give kill credit? What about lootbugs?
- How does the mineral count work? Is it from actually mining a mineral, or from picking up minerals (meaning that with a full bag you no longer get credit unless you deposit), or is it only from depositing minerals? Do huuli/lootbug/cargo crate minerals give mining credit? Do beer ingredients increase the mineral count?
- What happens to a blank core if it gets inserted into the event machine but the mission fails before one of the three rewards are chosen? If the core gets spent, is it lost forever or will the player be given one of the three rewards at random? If the core gets refunded, will the next event offer the same 3 choices?