You guys have definitely made something special. Playing around in the home base ship is a blast of its own. All the little Easter eggs and things that were clearly done with attention to detail.
You can tell the creative and development teams had fun making this game.
The soundtrack is just 👌👌👌 A+. Reminds me of Stranger Things, Aliens, Thor Ragnarok, Terminator, basically 80s synth-cyber-rock and it works oh so well.
My only gripes:
The mouse button and key press activation. Like... half the time it just doesn’t work. I have to keep pressing the buttons to get anything to register. Some games no issues, others it’s like pulling teeth to get anything to respond. Even when I’m hosting the session.
Physics edge cases. I can get “squeezed” in between two things and i shoot out of there like a rocket. A lot of times it happens when I’m trying to scale a wall my digging the surface to get a ledge I can stand on while I climb up or across. When I jump up to the area I just carved out, sometime I end up on the other side of the room.
Enemy spawn patterns. I can’t tell you how much it sucks to finally clear a dungeon I need to get a rank advancement, being the last person alive, sprinting up the ramp to the escape pod, and some rolley-polley flys out of the wall, hits me, sends me to the other side of the room directly into the haunted detonator ghost thing who smashes me instantly one-shotting me.
Well there goes a whole half an hour kiting a haunted detonator while we have to kill 3 dreadnaughts and waves of enemies in between on hazard 4.
It was hilarious for sure. It was also kind of infuriating lol.
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