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When Update 25 was first announced, my understanding was that Deep Dives would award you batteries (Matrix Cores) that you would then use with Machine Events to get Blueprints for particular cosmetics and overclocks.

In the recent dev update, it sounds like this has changed. In the video, it states that completing deep dives gets you infused matrix cores that are used directly to get overclocks and cosmetics, depending on the infusion.

Later it says that Machine events coming in U26 require an empty matrix core, and completing them infuses it with something special.

Where do you get empty matrix cores?

Does using an infused one give you an empty to use at a Machine Events?

Do they eventually break, or can they be infused and emptied indefinitely?

Can you have multiple empty or infused matrix cores?

Are blueprints still a thing? Are matrix cores infused with a specific blueprints, or just a chance to unlock one of a particular type/rarity?

Is there a still clear relationship between doing Deep Dives, getting Matrix core and filling them at Machine Events?

I was wondering if anyone in the know could explain exactly how this is all works together.


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over 5 years ago - /u/GSG_Jacob - Direct link

Originally posted by HaroldKid

Cool dude, that Jacob.