There is a discord channel for that called "experimental discussion". I dont know how much devs actually read it though, because there is so much to read and not necessarily always on topic...
There is a discord channel for that called "experimental discussion". I dont know how much devs actually read it though, because there is so much to read and not necessarily always on topic...
We read all of it, with popcorn. That said, I still have some catching up to do.
Just wondering fellow miners, will this delay push back Update 33 to Q1 of 2021?
No idea.
The dwarven legacy bundle was the bundle where all DLC was included
If you have the dwarven legacy bundle you will be able to buy the new DLC at the reduced bundle pricing.
No worries on the delay! But when is the Halloween theme coming back?
As I understand it we can't really update the live game in any way right now without pushing U32 first.
So you are telling me you actually do Crunch in the office? ;)
We munch every Friday. On snacks.
Does that mean we could see Halloween content drop with the update? The 22nd is pretty close to the 31st all things told.
Don't know yet.
I wonder how that will affect releasing the roughneck pack on Xbox. I can wait, of course; I’m just excited for casual workdays. And the new missions, obviously.
The 22nd is more in line with my birthday, so that’s cool. Much respect to Ghost Ship for not wanting to crunch. Rock, and, STONE!
It will release with update 32 on Xbox, but that's also being pushed for obvious reasons.