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Post your dream perks here. Lets just post the "Strongest" unlock version, to make discussing them easier. (so assume the level 1 versions are weaker).

I'll start to get you guys going:


BATTLE CRY!: Press Salute (RockNStone button) again while mid-Salute. (3 minute cooldown).


Your dwarf utters an ear-shattering Battlecry (it has voice/echo effects), scaring bugs within 5 meters away for 3 seconds. Allies within 30 meters are Inspired, gaining doubled Pickaxe Speed, Pickaxe Damage, and Power Attack Recharge for 15 seconds.

Brewmaster: Hold V/salute button for 3 seconds (1 User Per Resupply): Your Dwarf places a Keg of Troll Stout on the ground with 4 attached mugs/uses. Drinking takes the full normal animation time, and the thrown Mug stuns any glyphid hit with it for 3 seconds. Drinking Troll Stout induces the following effects for 60 seconds:

-Moderate Drunkenness (equal to 2 Glyphid Slammers). Wears off once Troll Stout ends.

-Heals you for 100% of your HP, over 60 seconds. If this part is HERESY because NO HEALING ALLOWED then maybe it can be 30% damage reduction instead.

-Pickaxe and repair speed increased by 50% (mainly I love the idea of using this as a 'mining support' tool. You slap in down before a wave or right before you get stuck into work with the boys.)

-I know the devs want to resist healing/support at all costs, but Iron Will and Field Medic are already Less Fun and already exist as "Must Have" support perks. This one isn't really going to unbalance the game.

What are your ideas lads?

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over 4 years ago - /u/Mike_GSG - Direct link

We have initially considdered doing perks that activate when you Rock and Stone but descided against it as it would conflict with the salute as a communication tool. We think you should Rock and Stone from the heart, not to get a buff.