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I hope you and your families are okay!

I heard from a Danish friend that apparently Denmark is past the high point of the pandemic curve, but as he's himself stranded in Latin American I don't have a reliable source on what the situation is in Dk.

Does work on U29 and polish for 1.0 continue, or have you had to stay at home and lay low for the past weeks?

Your commitment to the community has been exemplary, but obviously in this situation we all need to focus on taking care of our own health and our loved ones. Hope to hear from ya'll soon!

Stay safe GSG and the whole DRG community!


a home-dwarf from Finland.

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almost 5 years ago - /u/GSG_Jacob - Direct link

Hey! We decided to restructure our workflow a bit, so as much of the production as possible can be done remotely. Most of us work from home now, with only a small skeleton crew being still at the office.

So, while it's not as optimal as working form the office, we're still on track with production and Update 29 is coming soon.

almost 5 years ago - /u/Soren_GSG - Direct link

Thx for your concern!

As Jacob wrote, we are mostly in a work-from-home situation now and are adjusting our workflow a bit, but not much. Some are home with families and kids and that will lower production speed. But for Update 29 we were in a good place already, so we still expect to release U29 before the end of March.

Just to clarify, Denmark is NOT past the high point of the pandemic curve yet. We had a lot of cases very fast because many Danes were returning from winter vacations in Austria and Italy. So that skewed our statistics quite a bit, but it also resulted in some accelerated responses from the government. It's hard to say where we are on the curve, but I estimate 2-3 months before we are out of this first corona wave with the high point happening within the next 4 weeks.

As a game development company, we are super fortunate to be in an online, digital business. While many other types of businesses are facing extremely hard times, we have it relatively easy. Current reports are showing an overall increase in gaming and streaming, which is, of course, good for us. Though, the background for this is extremely sad.

So, to answer your question: yes, the coronavirus situation is impacting us. But mostly on a personal level, and not much on our business.

All in all, we are very happy to see that Deep Rock Galactic can entertain and create social bonds in a time where many are forced into isolation.

Rock and Stone!
Søren, CEO of Ghost Ship Games