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Hello Miners!
It’s the first Update of 2021, and we got some spicy stuff for you! This time we got two entirely new Planetary Regions for you to explore - the mysterious wonders of the AZURE WEALD, and the thorn-infested hell of HOLLOW BOUGH. Update 33 also includes all-new Mactera variations and several new strains of horrible Glyphid Dreadnought mutations. And then of course there’s the usual slew of other goodies - read more below for the full picture!

With Love,
The Ghost Ship Crew


The Azure Weald is a chilly place, every bit as hostile as the rest of Hoxxes IV - but still, we cannot deny it is oddly beautiful. Dazzling, bioluminescent clusters of lichen light up the darkness, illuminating this fertile and overgrown Region in flickering neon colors. Don't let that lull you into a false sense of security, however - the Azure Weald brings to mind the deep jungle, in all its splendor and horror - and much like its terrestrial counterparts, it is absolutely not out to make friends. Kill or be killed - that is the law in this place.


Hollow Bough is a biological oddity that has the Science Department scratching their heads - this entire region of the planet is dominated by colossal, organic conglomerations resembling the inside of hollow trees. However, these structures are under attack by an invasive species of voracious vine-like plants, as much a threat to us as the planet itself. We recommend traversing these environs with extreme caution. The deep, dark folds of wood and bark house much more than a first glance let on.

New Biomes means new Milestones - one set for Azure Weald and one for Hollow Bough.

It’s Dawn of the Dread down there! Multiple reports have come in from teams finding Dreadnought Cocoons that are further progressed in their metamorphosis than previously encountered. While there are no external markers on the cocoons to show that they are different, the things waiting patiently inside certainly are. So far two confirmed Dreadnought variants have been encountered - but disturbing as this is, R&D ensures us that we are fortunate to have found them now and not later when the metamorphosis might be closer to completion.

Completely covered in unbreakable armor, this variant of the Dreadnought is immune to all damage, exposing it’s vulnerable areas only briefly while enraged. To make matters worse, the Hiveguard can call reinforcements to aid it in battle, hence the name. The Glyphid Sentinels that answer this battlecall are unlike any we have ever seen. We have no idea where they are coming from but they are both fast and tough. R&D recommends engaging the Dreadnought Hiveguard with great caution and a lot of ammunition.

Question: What’s worse than one Glyphid Dreadnought? Answer: Two Glyphid Dreadnoughts. It would appear that a Cocooned Dreadnought can split in two during metamorphosis. The two monsters - the Arbalest and Lacerator - are both quite different from the original and from each other, displaying wholly unique behaviors. They would be bad enough on their own, but together they pose an immense threat - able to attack from multiple directions and varying ranges at once, while also displaying extreme mobility. Luckily, their shells are softer than that of a regular Dreadnought, allowing damage to pass through from any angle. R&D insists that this apparent weakness is only due to the untimely opening of the cocoon.

It’s been a bit of a rollercoaster, but we have finally fixed the issues with locating all the legs needed to fix the Mini M.U.L.E.s. We’ve taken this opportunity to also tweak the gameplay around it to better match our original vision. Now you can interact with a broken M.U.L.E. to download the locations of its missing legs to your terrain scanner. No more searching high and low for that last leg.

Update 32 came with a bunch of new tech that we were more than happy to add to existing missions. Exactly how the fuel made it from the fuel cells to the drop pod has always been a bit of a mystery, but not any more! Now in just a few easy steps you can connect a fuel-line between the two, similar to how you build pipelines in the On Site Refining mission.

After the release of Update 32 with its shiny new machines, the old Minehead really began to show its age. We decided it was time a model update, to make it match the raised standard. We hope you like it.


A new type of Mactera has been spotted in the depths. More cautious than its brethren, the Tri-Jaw tends to hang further back while delivering a triple barrage of projectiles. Make no mistake, it is a deadly thing, and should be exterminated with extreme prejudice.

Reports have been coming in of an armoured Mactera variant spotted flying in the swarm. These tough cookies can survive many attacks that would outright kill their more fragile cousins and they keep their vulnerable abdomens covered most of the time.

A distant cousin of the Deeptora has been spotted living in the folds and nooks of the Hollow Bough. Like their sand-dwelling cousins, the Bough Wasps are extremely territorial and will swarm any intruder that stray too close to their nest.

Hollow Bough is full of creepy stuff but none is as dangerous as the Stabber Vine. Plant or animal, the jury is still out on this one - regardless, it is very aggressive and persistent in its assault. Any dwarf foolish enough to stray too close will be repeatedly attacked by its stabbing vines. Keep your eyes peeled for the tell-tale spike on the end of it, as most of its body is difficult to distinguish from the overall mass of otherwise relatively harmless red vines that infest the area.


Some content creators have experienced copyright claims from music in the jukebox. So far we have tried to spot fix the problem by removing tunes that caused this problem, but now we have a better solution. We have produced 8 new “safe” tracks which are the only ones you will hear when you tick off STREAMER MODE: DISABLE COPYRIGHTED JUKEBOX MUSIC in the option menu. Those 8 tunes are of course also available to everyone in the “normal” Jukebox. This solution has also enabled us to bring back previously removed tunes.

Furthermore we have added a bunch of new dance moves. So it’s time to kill it on the dance floor!


In celebration of our Steam Award nomination and our amazing community that made it possible, we would like to present to you a fancy new helmet: The Bolted Marauder. Just because you deserve it!

The Mineral Trade menu was deemed ready for an update by Management. It’s now more intuitive than ever and juicy new Daily Deals have been added. Once per day, you can now benefit from an extra good deal (as in, not so bad deal!)l.

Some long overdue polish on the docking of the M.U.L.E. is finally here. No more jittery flapping about, Molly now has her own spot on the Drop Pod with a fancy electro-magnetic crane for loading and unloading.


Since almost the first test of the Escort Mission on our experimental branch players have been requesting for a way to save Doretta. It’s something many here at GSG have wanted as well and we are happy to announce that you no longer have to leave Doretta all alone in the dark. While it is not viable to return the bulk of the Drilldozer back to the Space Rig, kind dwarves can now grab Doretta’s head and carry it with them to the escape pod.

Just don’t expect any rewards or praise for doing so - Management couldn't care less!

GLYPHID DREADNOUGHT TWEAKS Along the new Dreadnoughts, we also paid a visit to the original Dreadnought and tweaked it up a bit.
  • Dreadnought is now more aggressive and can now shoot two fireballs in a row when under 50% HP
  • Increased the Dreadnought's armor HP across all hazard levels but especially for Hazard Level 4 and 5 and made the Dreadnought's armor regrow after taking less damage
  • How soon the Dreadnought's armour regrows now scales with hazard for solo games just as it does for multiplayer
  • Extended the time before the dread regrows it's shield on lower hazards
  • Increased the Dreadnoughts base health across all hazard levels but especially for haz 4 and 5
  • The Dreadnought is now more aggressive in multiplayer games
  • Increased OG Dreadnought's movement speed, especially for higher hazards
  • Made the Dreadnought's speed scale properly in solo games across the different hazard levels
  • Increased the range of the Dreadnought's Trembling Stomp AoE attack, extended the duration of the attack's warning phase and improved the visibility of the warning
  • Made the Dreadnought occasionally perform it's Trembling Stomp AoE Attack after being frozen
  • The Dreadnought now unfreezes at a higher temp but gets there just as fast, making it harder to quickly freeze him twice in a row
  • Expanded the splash range of the dreadnoughts Swarm Bladder projectile
  • The Dreadnought is now invulnerable for the few seconds while it's armor regrows
  • In multiplayer games, when only one player is left alive the Dread will occasionally stop to roar(similar to how it does in solo games) giving the last player a slightly better chance to revive or resupply, etc.
  • "Sticky Flame Slowdown" mod no longer slows the Dreadnought down to a crawl, it's still effective just not as extreme
  • Decreased carve size of the Dread's fireball
  • Fixed the Dreadnought damaging itself with some of it's attacks

Our focus has been wholly on the new Biomes and Enemies for this Update, so there has been basically no tweaking of weapons or gear done at all.

[COMMUNITY REQUEST] You can now select audio output source and input source separately in-game
[COMMUNITY REQUEST] Games with Friends can now be sorted in the Server List

  • Increased Escort Duty mission payout
  • Added XP to Oilshale
  • Added blood splatter on terrain when killing Lootbugs
  • Decreased Egghunt mission payout slightly
  • Decreased the damage of the Glyphid Acid Spitter against Doretta
  • Decreased the amount of Nitra in Deep Dives by 15%
  • Rearranged the order of the Server List so friend's games always appear at the top
  • Added a tooltip that allows you to open Steam community profiles by right-clicking servers on the Server List
  • Added the ability to change to the resolution of other monitors with higher resolution than primary one, in windowed mode on Steam
  • Added an 'Appear Offline' option to the Privacy options that hides your game from your friends on the Server List on Steam
  • Tweaked the entrance/exit tunnels of the Drilldozer to look nicer
  • Scout's T5 modifications that trigger on kill, now only trigger when killing enemies.
  • Optimized the performance of Machine Events
  • Squashed a bug that prevented from playing death animation properly
  • Squashed a bug that sometimes prevented turrets from firing by abusing the range
  • Squashed a bug that caused the laserpointer of the Zipline Launcher to become stuck when other weapons were equipped
  • Squashed a bug that allowed the Gunner to purchase the "Tank Division" beard in the store for free. (It is acquired by forging Matrix Cores)
  • Squashed a bug in the Deep Dive difficulty settings concerning the spawning of Glyphid Oppressors
  • Squashed a bug that caused uncharged Experimental Plasma Charger projectiles to fire diagonally when firing in quick succession
  • Squashed a bug that caused the pathfinder collision of the Heartstone to be offset in Escort Duty
  • Squashed a bug that enabled you to squeeze one of your chins through the Gloomstalker armors. Too powerful.
  • Squashed a bug that sometimes caused frozen Glyphid Exploders to detonate twice
  • Squashed a bug that enabled the Dreadnought to rotate during its rage animation in solo missions
  • Squashed a bug that caused boss health bars to be squished to the side after the Ommoran Heartstone fight
  • Squashed a bug that caused the beer license upgrade sound to play five times instead of one
  • Squashed a bug that caused weakpoint hits to not be reflected in the healthbar when hit by certain weapons
  • Squashed a bug that granted infinite oxygen on Low Oxygen missions if the player reentered the Drop Pod
  • Squashed a bug that enabled the barrel spawner in the Space Rig to spit out more barrels than necessary. Budget cuts.
  • Squashed a bug that caused the Ommoran Beamers to sometimes keep firing after being destroyed
  • Squashed a bug that caused the 'Claimable Perk Points' notification to not show
  • Squashed a bug that caused the Doretta's tank treads to block line of sight of Macteras when they are trying to shoot at Doretta
  • Squashed a text error in the Heightened Sense perk description
  • Squashed a sound issue with the BRT-7 when emptying the weapon with less rounds than a full burst
  • Squashed a bug with a bunch of old caves not behaving correctly causing tunnel generation to fail
  • Squashed a bug that prevented the Ommoran Heartstone from updating correctly for clients
  • Squashed a bug that enabled the Turret EM Discharge overclock for the "Stubby" Voltaic SMG to damage the L.U.R.E.
  • Squashed a UI text scaling issue for Drop Pod screen
  • Squashed a bug where the magazine of the Deepcore GK2 had a visible shadow in first person
  • Added colliders to the Medbay Drones in the Space Rig
  • Squashed a bug that caused the fuel canister UI to not be synced correctly when late joining during the fuel stage of Escort Duty missions
  • Squashed a bug that caused enemies to try to attack the Drilldozer while it is inside the garage
  • Squashed a bug where changing to fullscreen mode from windowed mode, would sometimes make the cursor stuck in the lower half bottom of the screen
  • Squashed a bug that caused Deep Dive title to not correctly display in several Asian languages
  • Minor Space Rig material and model tweaks
  • Squashed a bug that prevented zooming in/out on the Terrain Scanner to work if cycle item up/down had been rebounded to another key
  • Squashed a bug that caused players to sometimes clip through the Escape Pod and fail the mission on take-off

Experimental Build 49228
Experimental Build 49269
Experimental Build 49335
Experimental Build 49436
Experimental Build 49487
Experimental Build 49617

  • Issues with players teleporting in and out of droppod when landing
  • Cargo Crates and Lost Satchel cannot be claimed by clients after host claims them (no fix yet)
  • Ground-based melee enemies have become extra effective at hurting Doretta (no fix yet)
  • Enemies have trouble carving tunnels to the player
  • Issue with Tattoos and Skin Colors (will be fixed in Hotfix 1)
  • Full Face helmet from Dawn of the Dread DLC not showing neck (will be fixed in Hotfix 1)
  • Mactera Bomber continues live behaviour after death (will be fixed in Hotfix 1)
  • Sometimes when jumping onto a Cave Angel you can get pushed outside the world.