Original Post — Direct link

Dear devs,

So this may seem a little strange to the dwarves out their who still mine every bit of gold they can get their grubby hands on, but I literally have over 100,000,000 credits. If you’re wondering how, it was a run in with an experimental dev in a mission that paid out one million of two resources. I’ve now sold those resources (by putting a weight on my mouse because of the slowly increasing numbers at the mineral exchange) and discovered that I can’t buy more than 10,000 minerals at a time. My plan was to sell and buy minerals over and over, losing 2/3 of the transaction each time due to the 150 buy price and 50 sell price, until I was poor again. But the ten thousand upper limit to buy minerals screwed that plan.

My request: allow numbers to be typed into the mineral exchange! So I can quickly make my ass poor again so I can enjoy the game to it’s fullest; I want to work for things I unlock! I beg

External link →
about 5 years ago - /u/GSG_Jacob - Direct link

Experimental Dev?