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I'd personally like to see all perks have an active/passive effect. For instance, the active perks' effects as passive perks would be slightly buffed and, as passive perks, you'd get only their passive effects, while you'd get a slightly buffed version of their active ability should you set it to an active perk. Basically, all perks can be slotted into either the active or passive part, all depending on what you find more valuable in regards to their passive or active effects.

A few examples

Friendly would remain the same as passive. Active, however, would allow you to press a button while rock-and-stoning to boost nearby ally damage and make them immune to friendly fire damage briefly.

Second Wind could keep its effects for the passive. If you put it in the active perk slot though, you can press a button while sprinting to sprint significantly faster for a brief period of time.

Veteran depositor would keep its passive, albeit slightly buffed. As an active, you can instantly deposit all your resources instantly three times per mission.

What do you guys think?

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about 1 month ago - /u/GSG_Jacob - Direct link

Note: There’s been no confirmation of a perk overhaul. It’s something we’ve had on the wishlist for a while, but it’s not something that is guaranteed to happen.