"Seismic waves detected in the area. Something big is coming your way, team. Get ready!"
Beware the Korlok Tyrant-Golem! #DeepRockGalactic #DRG https://t.co/LLnvLP9AxF
@2018Apfelkuchen @Coffee_Stain @jembawls @BustaSnutt @HuntdownGame You know it all comes from a warm, fuzzy place of love when there's a special place on my hard drive for Satisfactory roasts. http://pbs.twimg.com/media/E2OOi1wXEAAEHJS.png
@Kappische @XboxOneReece @SatisfactoryAF @2018Apfelkuchen @Coffee_Stain @jembawls @BustaSnutt @HuntdownGame Would have nuked it, but sealing it off afterward would have required too much effort.
@xxxxxx1010101 @Thianblabla @Nul0_o We'd like to do it, but it's technically a giant hurdle that would change the way Deep Rock is developed. With crossplay all versions have to be released simultaneously, which removes a lot of flexibility and would cause a lot of delay in releases.
@xxxxxx1010101 @Thianblabla @Nul0_o Since everything would be depending on the weakest link, the smallest hurdle on one platform would effectively block every other platform. We'd also have to redo the way multiplayer works which is a whole other bunch of issues.