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Going to get it right out of the way, I ain't a very social player and I don't play with randoms. I got one friend I often play with when I am not playing solo.

However, my friend is far more social than me and got a bunch of friends on their side that sometimes join in-progress through him while the two of us are playing. I really don't like this.

Its not that their friends are bad, mean or trolls or whatever. I just want to be in control, if we call it that. Its a mental strain on me if random people (since I don't know them) join us while we're trying to have a good time playing duo.

So yeah, I'd like to have a way to set a password for private games.. or that it needs to be invites-from-host only. Or something. I don't like that people I don't know can join my games through my friend.

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over 4 years ago - /u/GSG_Jacob - Direct link

Why not just set a password on a public game?