This is really starting to piss me off. I'm on the final deep dive mission and can't get f*cking 9 morkite I've been everywhere and am starting to wonder if I should just quit because this isn't fun anymore
External link →This is really starting to piss me off. I'm on the final deep dive mission and can't get f*cking 9 morkite I've been everywhere and am starting to wonder if I should just quit because this isn't fun anymore
External link →You may want to quit, wait for Dark Morkite beer, and then try again.
Devs, if you're listening, please don't visit this BS on us any more. You did this for the DD two weeks ago and it wasn't fun then, either.
There’s always extra Morkite, but we have seen some cave generations lately that leaves very little excess (since other stuff spawns and deletes it) so it might be easier to miss. Due to this we’ve already upped it a bit which should deploy with Update 32.