Original Post — Direct link
  1. Bosco works for free due to sheer thankfulness for giving his life, and simply being proud of being a part of DRG. Steeve was simply scared of a dwarf fearless enough to go ahead and pat him, so he turned against his brothers.

  2. Steeve doesn't even bother going into the escape pod, he just wants the nightmare to end. Bosco's data can be simply uploaded onto a new robot which is kindly paid by management so he will always be (happily) back for you

  3. Steeve is a mindless killer that simply goes around slashing / biting things. Bosco is very cultured and therefore specializes in many other arts rather than simply murdering things, like carrying, digging and lighting

  4. Bosco has skins

  5. Bosco knows a proper cheerful greeting, Steeve just kinda screeches, and not in a Dwarf-ly manner.

  6. Steeve dies, Bosco never gets hit because he is just that good at the game. He prefers being an ever lasting friend rather than a dumb, disposable meatshield

  7. bosco r34

External link →
about 5 years ago - /u/GSG_Jacob - Direct link

Originally posted by AtomicAlienZ

bosco r34

