tldr: what is it that makes this game's community so f*cking cool compared to every other online game I've played?
25 hours online with randoms, most of it was open hosting solo or with 1 friend on. I haven't had a single bad experience with randoms.
- There's friendly fire. I have not once been deliberately fired at by anyone.
- There's very limited supply pods that only offer 1 resupply, per player, per pod. And they only resupply 50%. Due to my playstyle I can skip multiple resupplies before I actually need one, while teammates are running out of ammo and living pod to pod. Every single supply pod that has been called down in my games, has had 1 resupply remaining on it, waiting for me to claim it. No matter how long I'd silently hold off on taking my resupply, nobody else would even look at the damn thing. This is even with ZERO COMMUNICATION. People legit wait for me to ping the pod a bunch or say "yo you need that resupply more than I do" before they take it.
- You can run off and die on your own if you really want to. You're not even forced into the same area like in Helldivers. People still stick together anyway. Sometimes people do spread out, but as soon as someone is in trouble at least one teammate f*cking BEELINES for them to help out.
- Anyone can call the mission end at any time. Without fail, people ask first instead of just slamming that button like people do in any other game.
- Swarm incoming. Just say "let's group for the swarm" and people f*cking BEELINE to you, set up turrets, call a resupply, etc.
- Low player levels are just left alone in the higher difficulties. I haven't seen any abuse toward them.
- People have no obligation to stay after a match. Even if they're not coming with you on the next mission, they'll often still hang around for a couple minutes to have a virtual round of beers with you.
The people I have played this game with have noticed as well how 11/10 the randoms and overall community are, while the people who haven't got DRG refuse to believe me when I tell them about it, because randoms are always a complete sh*tshow in all other online games.
What does DRG do so right compared to other games?
For reference;
- Left 4 Dead, Alien Swarm, Helldivers, Vermintide, DRG, all play differently, but all fall within the same genre. DRG is the only one where I have never felt as if randoms have legit f*cked me over.
- Games like CS and Valorant are based on the "work together or lose" principle, yet in over half of the matches, randoms refuse to work together.
- Overwatch is like CS/Valorant, with the added bonus that you're going to flamed for not playing your hero correctly, by someone who has never even taken a serious look at how to play that hero.
- Don't get me started on MOBAs (DOTA, League of Legends, etc). On the very first game I played online, I didn't understand wtf "ME BLUE", "FK U VANILLA ME BLUE" meant, and subsequently got flamed for the remaining 30 minutes of the match and online stalked by someone who was very, very miffed that I took 'his' blue buff.
- Sea of Thieves, don't go open crew if you value your will to live or the loot you've collected. You quite often get randoms who immediately beeline up the crows nest, which means they're looking for explosive barrels to f*ck your ship up with. If they can't find any, they'll start tossing firebombs around, anchor the ship, and maybe even start tossing treasure into the sea when you're not looking.