I’ll just adress the couple of points I can and have knowledge about; Disclaimer; I don’t know the math behind this, so take it as is - feedback on some of the above points that I feel are assumptions or hot takes. - re: overpriced. It’s easy to forget that each expansion is a separate product unit made to order, and needs to be produced, packed and handled on the factory line. So, the two expansions as a baseline costs more than the base game, before you take the content into account, because each expansion needs a slot on the production line, handling, and packaging. I assume that the price could have been slightly lower by making the expansions one box, but again, I have no knowledge of the math behind this. - Stretch goals: I’m fairly sure that the stretch goals were met as planned, and that things released throughout the updates were already planned, and had nothing to do with the stretch goals already being met. I’m basing this on the first campaign where we were caught by surprise. - Achievements: Reaching half the amount of backers for expansions to an premium board game I would consider pretty good? It’s hard to have more backers than the original campaign (not impossible, due to late pledges and the reprint, just hard), so reaching about 50% of the same audience is good.
Again, I have no knowledge of the math behind it all, just adding perspective on some of the assumptions.