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It's painfully bright

and incredibly distracting.

Further, why does Engy have two options while the other three dwarves get one?

Could each class have the default Gilded scheme of black/gold returned for those people who are like me and can't really stand ultra bright neon?

For the first time since DRG hit Steam I've had to remove my gold from my driller to avoid hurting my eyes.

Also, I don't think I'm a fan of the solid gold areas on a lot of armors being converted to class-specific colors. It looks tacked on.

The gold schemes looked perfect before this update. If it ain't broke why try to fix it?

Suffice to say I'm not content with the changes made to the gold armor schemes.

I guess my question is - could our gold armors please get reverted back to the solid gold, without the class colors? The textures and coloring really clash on the actual armor pieces.

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over 4 years ago - /u/Robert_GSG - Direct link

We added the Class Colors to the Gold Armors specfically because of the amount of complaints we were getting because of the lack of it. So at least to some people, it was indeed broken.