You might want to double check the Huuli Hoarder thing. I remember one week's deep dive had one spawning in the starting room, with a chance it'd walk under the drop pod when you land. I restarted several times because having it get crushed by the drop pod was massively satisfying, and it appeared every time.
Same with this weeks elite deep dive. I've done it twice now, and both times a hoarder spawned in the same spot on both stage 1 & 2. I understand it's possibly a super coincidence, but going 3/3 on a Huuli Hoarder spawning/not spawning seems pretty unlikely.
I will confirm though, unless BET-C was super hidden, she did not spawn for me on stage 1 of this weeks EDD, which I gotta say, maybe consider adding BET-C spawns to the level seed? She seems like a pretty big game changer, and if the point of Deep Dives is to put everyone to the same challenge, then you'd expect her to be included.
EDIT: Just tested Stage 1 of this weeks EDD 3 times, Huuli Hoarder spawned all 3 times.