Very nice! I'm looking forward to looking ridiculous with a single button press
Very nice! I'm looking forward to looking ridiculous with a single button press
With the more... colourful skins, that’s definitely possible.
Two questions about the DLC pack:
1.Will it be available on 29th of Sept. or 8th of Oct?
2.Will it cost the regular 8 euros?
If so, will it be the same for everyone or will there be some discounts for users who already have the special editions?
1: On the 8th. Page might go live before that.
2: Same price as the others and a discount for those who has all the DLC.
Is it really a leak if you are purposely doing it yourself?
Compared to previous updates, it’s way more leaky.
Randomization to weapons and perks also? I would love to see a haz 5 of a full team with randomized gear
Hmmm... I like the way you think.
Ooh random loadouts? I'm all for it!
Random cosmetic selection, not weapon loadout.
Yes i mean that i call that a loadout too, sorry.
Rock and Stone!