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over 4 years ago - /u/GSG_Jacob - Direct link

Originally posted by ScionicOG

Posted this onto the Suggestions section of the Discord with some of the potential combinations for silliness.

I can picture it now, people falling from the sky cause of Flintlocke's delight
Seasoned Moonrider on an already Low gravity run
Smart Stout letting you build faster objectives and turrets
Underhill Deluxe and trying to fight Swarmers or a Praetorian

Some more ideas:
Burning Love to warm you up in Glacial Strata
Arkenstout to cool you down/let you walk through fire on Magma Core
Blackout Lager on the Ghost negative effect (for extra spooks)
Wormhole Special to just pop you up somewhere random in the map

This seriously NEEDS to happen. Bless this concept.

It’s a popular reoccuring suggestion, but designwise the game draws a very clear line between what’s allowed on missions and what’s allowed off missions, which is why beers during a mission will never happen. Adding to that, using nitra (as suggested elsewhere) for anything other than ammo resupplies would severely skew the balance and cause a lot of issues. You really don’t want to be in a situation where some elf spent the nitra you wanted to use for resupplying.

over 4 years ago - /u/GSG_Jacob - Direct link

Originally posted by spiffy1209

u/GSG_jacob plz i would love this in the game lol

For reasons I posted elsewhere, it’s very unlikely to happen. The game director draws a line that separates the messing around and the missions.