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Here's what I saw (or should I say remember seeing) playing dream season 4:

-Starting screen before you enter the space rig, but the background was a dark blue and the dwarves were replaced with that new glyphid grabber thing.

-Speaking of the space rig, it was a lot brighter inside, especially around some of the terminals. Management must have hung a lot more lights around the space rig.

-The season was also called Energy Crisis and was centered around finding these crystals that Mission Control called "NRG Crystals" and they looked like the Last Prism from Terraria. This was how we were getting scrip this season. He didn't specify how we were getting them or what they did, though.

-The performance pass had 250 levels instead of 100 and the scrip was red.

-The cosmetic tree had a Z-shaped tree and had a framework that looked like it was made of a lot of pipes and tubes tied together with wires. It was also red by default, but I forgot the name. I only remember what looked like the GK2's framework and it looked pretty cool.

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almost 2 years ago - /u/Mike_GSG - Direct link

One thing you dreamed was correct.