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This list is incomplete; you can help by expanding it. (I can also make other class versions if there is a demand)  

  1. Uncharged Melee: breathe in ever since the launch of Destiny 2 vanilla it was flaunted that all classes have the same melee range (unlike D1, where Warlocks had a greater melee range, but less speed). Well, Bungie did deliver in evening out the range, but somehow they forgot that Warlocks still melee MUCH slower than the other two classes, resulting in a guaranteed disadvantage in melee battles against non-warlocks. Proof

  2. Electrostatic surge: from attunement of the elements, that subclass tree you forgot exists. It's a passive ability that makes your rift charge faster when allies are near. No it does not, it still takes a full agonizing 1:23 whether or not you are standing amongst your allies.

  3. Ball lightning: piggybacking off a recent poster's argument, this thing is wack. Unlike the other ranged melee abilities (i.e. mini hammer and throwing knives) ball lightning does not gain the huge benefit of the one-two punch perk. Please, all I want to do is make a guardian feel bad for casting their super in the wrong neighborhood. Winter's guile, if you ever care to use it, doesn't work with this melee ability either. I'm pretty sure the game doesn't recognise this ability as an actual melee, because it doesn't register as quest progress for melee kills either.

  4. Claws of Ahamkara: despite giving you two melee charges, it will sometimes consume both melee charges per one use. I noticed this multiple times with the chain lightning melee of top tree stormcaller.

  5. Attunement of Conduction: transcendence, the perk that states, "when cast with full grenade and melee energy, Stormtrance lasts longer and fully restores health," does not provide a legitimate health restoration, only visual.

  6. Stormcaller super: if the super attack button is preemptively held as the super is being cast, the attack will not work and cannot be used for a few seconds, despite controller/mouse input.

  7. Astrocyte verse: this exotic is supposed to make weapons ready more quickly upon blink, but this boost has been tested and found non-existent: proof

  8. Attunement of fission melee ability: this is the most inconsistent ability I have experienced in this game. At launch, it seemed just fine. Currently, it seems like a dice roll if you will get everything it promises (knockback + explosion) for the cost of your charge. In particular, myself and others have noticed that if you use your charged melee on someone then die, the void explosion will not trigger, but the ability will be consumed.

  9. Stormcaller melee flat out not working: to add onto the pile of problems with stormcaller, lightning melee can be consumed but will not have any effect. A fellow warlock by the name u/osiris-reflection has shared with me this video as proof.

  10. No rift glitch: there have been multiple accounts, including those from my own experience, where you press the rift button and the animation takes place but no rift is placed (charge isn't consumed). Still, it makes you very vulnerable in PvP.

  11. Various voidwalker glitches found by the community: link

  12. FPS-tied handheld supernova bug: link

  13. Bouncy scatter grenades, apparently: I've only seen this issue occur with scatter grenades, but apparently it happens to all void grenades when overcharged on top tree voidwalker. Regardless, grenades aren't detonating, but just bouncing off the ground like a bunch of grapes.

  14. REALLY inconsistent melee tracking: after a commenter has brought this to my intention, every single bad memory rushed back and hit me like a shoulder charge. If your target is crouching or accelerating at a weird angle, you can say goodbye to your melee hit, but you still have to watch the extremely slow animation take place.

  15. After activating Pheonix dive, you cannot slide for a significant period of time.

  16. Dying after throwing an arc grenade as a top tree stormcaller disables arc web capabilities.

  17. INVISIBILITY ROBES: I guess it's for the best since warlock fashion is not so hot nowadays, but it would be nice to see the lower portion of our robes.

  And I'm sure I've missed a few. If there's one thing I want to come from this post, it's that Epstein didn't ki- It's Bungie's attention toward the things that have flown under the radar for so long.

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over 5 years ago - /u/Cozmo23 - Direct link

Thanks for compiling this list! I’ll send it over to the team so they can have a look. If anyone else has any additional info on when some of the infrequent ones seem to happen more, please feel free to add.